The authorities are being stupid, they should re-read the fable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and let its meaning sink in.Some relatives of my partner recently held a Coronavirus party ! friends piled round and it carried on through the night. It's as though there are two separate forms of human being in existence, believers and non-believers, perhaps it should be against the law to be a virus denier.
The more they insistently repeat their irritating "Stay home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives" message and the more they bully the public, the more the public will get annoyed and ignore them. The latest nonsense is showing helicopter videos of people sunbathing in a park and criticising them, even though all but the couples were spaced out and well apart by far more than two metres. Clearly they didn't learn from the public's angry reaction to the Derbyshire police bullying.
If they are not careful with this idiotic bullying they will completely lose control and have large scale rebellion on their hands. They need to remember that there are 66 million people in the UK and only 147 thousand police officers, so policing has to be done by consent.
They will only get that consent by realising that every person's circumstances are different so the rules need flexibility for each to tailor them with separation to suit their own lives.