I’ve just been watching a live Parliamentary broadcast on Emergency Police Powers. They questioned police forces around the country and I didn’t think that any of them were overusing their powers.
The main problem areas seem to be groups (two or more) of people sunbathing and drinking in parks, gangs of youths hanging around and several house parties. Non of these seem to fit in with once per day exercise however you interpret it unless it’s exercising you arm drinking beer.
Interestingly, the Derbyshire drones originated from a request from many locals for the police to do something regarding the crowds. It may have been controversial but it certainly had the desired effect whitness the last weekend.
However vague the government instructions it doesn’t take much common sense to work out what need to be done to stop this virus. Although, perhaps we are waiting for the common sense to arrive along with the PPE.
So you've been listening to their excuses and blindly accepted them!
I haven't criticised any of the actions against irresponsibility, indeed I've supported such actions against the genuinely irresponsible.
My criticisms have been of the OTT actions by the police and others such as local authorities, and I was vindicated in what I'd posted the day before yesterday by the government backing down when they instructed local authorities to re-open parks, thus reversing what they'd said previously.
This government have made a complete mess of their handing of this crisis, regularly reversing what they were saying and doing, at the cost of many lives. That is why we are ranking among the worst in Europe for the deaths and trends.
As far as I can I'm not going to have my life or others threatened by their incompetence and therefore include my own better decisions on keeping myself and all others safe and healthy.
You can be a zombie and fall for their propaganda and excuses for the mistakes they've made, but I won't and neither will I take any lessons from your blind acceptance that they are getting it right.
I could give a list of how they have got it wrong, but I'd probably be wasting my time against a closed mind.