Leaving the EU


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I voted in the referendum in the late 70's
The population voted for the common market!
Not The Union States of Europe
Not the Lisbon Treaty

We traded stronger before joining the common market and we can be strong again once more, the population are and will be strong again.
America is running scared! They invested Billions of money after 1945 into Germany to re build the infrastructure.
Threats and intimidation by both governments is turning people towards Brexit.

I'm British not European and will vote out to save our sovereignty
Amazing how the memory glosses over the facts, as this country was called "The sick man of Europe" until we joined the EU and was in a sorry state.
Before we joined the EU most of us worked in factories that pretty much guaranteed that pensions wouldn't be a problem as we would be dead long before then, in my case the factory used Asbestos in building boilers and there was no such thing as health and safety or care for the Environment.
What pray is this "Sovereignty" when it's at home?
Do you really think a Conservative Government gives a tinkers cuss for your well being or that of anyone outside the monied upper levels of society?
They wind you up with this nonsense about patriotism while actually robbing you of both money and your rights, and making sure that the cheap labour immigrants will arrive exactly the same as they do now.
And for the record the population didn't vote for either the common market or a united states of Europe, it didn't get that option as we were already in.
it voted to Remain in, and if common sense prevails will do so again this time, and for very good reasons, not the jingoistic nonsense we hear from the Brexit campaign.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
When I was working, I was told by a manager that he had visited a new factory where they will only employ east europeans. He said they will work for minimum wage without wanting pay rises, if a machine breaks down they will go home and come back when its fixed even if its midnight, they are not bothered with the working time directive so will happily work 15 hours day or night without overtime premium or shift premium, and ended with you lot wouldn't do any of that!!
It would appear that you worked at a company that employed the Terminally Deranged as Managers, which is pretty much what we can come to expect if we leave the EU, isn't it?
The man has as much intelligence as a pheasant has road sense, you cannot run a country of slaves who don't earn enough money to pay taxes to run the place can you?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
It would appear that you worked at a company that employed the Terminally Deranged as Managers, which is pretty much what we can come to expect if we leave the EU, isn't it?
The man has as much intelligence as a pheasant has road sense, you cannot run a country of slaves who don't earn enough money to pay taxes to run the place can you?
My argument was that we live on a merry go round. We earn money and spend it to buy other products while other workers earn money and buy our products, perhaps a bit over simplified but it's my view of life.
Employing immigrant labour in large numbers who send their money home to support their families break the circle so to speak.. Good in the short term.....
We had a driver from Romania I think it was, worked all the hours available and every year he had saved enough to buy a new house back home.. after 10 years he was going to retire and live like a king.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
My argument was that we live on a merry go round. We earn money and spend it to buy other products while other workers earn money and buy our products, perhaps a bit over simplified but it's my view of life.
Employing immigrant labour in large numbers who send their money home to support their families break the circle so to speak.. Good in the short term.....
We had a driver from Romania I think it was, worked all the hours available and every year he had saved enough to buy a new house back home.. after 10 years he was going to retire and live like a king.
Good in the short term for them, damaging to the society here, as it encourages employers not to employ local people, and how does money leaving this country that these parasitic workers send home benefit our society?
How does it help anyone here other than the rip off merchant running the business?
This is a dangerous case of exploitation that should be legally suppressed.
You need to look a little more carefully at what is going on, these workers are undermining our society and that includes you of course.
Cheap labour only benefits the rich, no one else.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Another case I know off.
A young woman came from Poland to work and was a really good worker... After a while her mother wanted to retire but couldn't afford it so she came over here to live with her daughter and was able to claim age related benefits whilst renting her house out at home..
It would seem this is easy to do as the uk cant easily check up on migrant workers financial status in their home country..


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Another case I know off.
A young woman came from Poland to work and was a really good worker... After a while her mother wanted to retire but couldn't afford it so she came over here to live with her daughter and was able to claim age related benefits whilst renting her house out at home..
It would seem this is easy to do as the uk cant easily check up on migrant workers financial status in their home country..
I suspect that really means they can't be bothered to try, after all in this day and age it should be dead easy to do.
Everyone is traceable finance wise if you look.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
And then of course is the paying of child benefit to children living abroad because the parents work here, .. One of the things Dave promised to stop..
And before he does there will be "free beer tomorrow!"
Well it's just as likely....


Esteemed Pedelecer
I read somewhere that once a worker returns home any unemployment benefit paid to him by his own country can be claimed back from us because he has paid NI here..
This may be just another embroidery of the truth.. but it seemed believable..


Apr 16, 2016
Maryport, Cumbria
Mines a pint [emoji56]
All this crap that work is freely available all over Europe including Spain & France, most that emigrate to these countries are of pensions age and those seeking work must own a residency, bank account of the country.
But all we hear is you can walk into any job anywhere in Europe.
As for your point about the conservative government side winding us, what's new eh.
This vote is not about the Conservative, Labour or other parties. It's about freedom from oppression by Brussels and there idiotic rules & regulations.
It's about individual vote on our country staying within a Stalin style Europe or regaining our independence and becoming proud of our own country!
Health & Safety will stay, although it's to political correctness in my eyes, nobody these days have any common sense.
We were once a nation that was respected worldwide, now we are just zone within Europe with no credibility.
Vote with your choice, but Mark my words this country will loose it's identity within 10 years, our younger generations will be born into Europe not Great Britain.
I'm voting for the next generation to live in freedom and independence.
By the way Phil, mines a Guinness!


Esteemed Pedelecer
All this crap that work is freely available all over Europe including Spain & France, most that emigrate to these countries are of pensions age and those seeking work must own a residency, bank account of the country.
But all we hear is you can walk into any job anywhere in Europe.
As for your point about the conservative government side winding us, what's new eh.
This vote is not about the Conservative, Labour or other parties. It's about freedom from oppression by Brussels and there idiotic rules & regulations.
It's about individual vote on our country staying within a Stalin style Europe or regaining our independence and becoming proud of our own country!
Health & Safety will stay, although it's to political correctness in my eyes, nobody these days have any common sense.
We were once a nation that was respected worldwide, now we are just zone within Europe with no credibility.
Vote with your choice, but Mark my words this country will loose it's identity within 10 years, our younger generations will be born into Europe not Great Britain.
I'm voting for the next generation to live in freedom and independence.
By the way Phil, mines a Guinness!
Call me Dave..... lol
When I was last in majorca I was chatting with the hotel manager who told me how lucky we were. In majorca they get little financial help with children so if you can't afford them the family has to help out. He showed me a newspaper article about two girls who went to Scotland for a holiday and stayed , and they detail for others how to get somewhere free to live and then claim benefits. .. two things they consider to be very special and cant understand why they are freely available.

I am still to make my mind up. .. no I am lying. ... it's a non from me.

There are many such tales from the outers whereas the stayers only seem to offer graphs, sums and statistics (all wasted on me)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


Oct 25, 2006
Mark my words this country will loose it's identity within 10 years, our younger generations will be born into Europe not Great Britain.
A bit behind the times in the sticks it seems. Here in your capital city of London, well under half of the population are white British born, so we are all minorities.

And as for being born in Europe, we've always been, including you and me, since Britain has always been a part of Europe.


Apr 16, 2016
Maryport, Cumbria
Call me Dave..... lol
When I was last in majorca I was chatting with the hotel manager who told me how lucky we were. In majorca they get little financial help with children so if you can't afford them the family has to help out. He showed me a newspaper article about two girls who went to Scotland for a holiday and stayed , and they detail for others how to get somewhere free to live and then claim benefits. .. two things they consider to be very special and cant understand why they are freely available.

I am still to make my mind up. .. no I am lying. ... it's a non from me.

There are many such tales from the outers whereas the stayers only seem to offer graphs, sums and statistics (all wasted on me)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
I've lived and worked allover the world, owned houses in Spain & Portugal.
Came home before the first recession that hit us all.
My friends are actor's that star in Benidorm TV program, you need a Spanish National Insurance number before you can work in Spain.
We never hear this by our Government, all we hear is freedom of movement and walk into any job in Europe.
Truthfully it's only the UK that allows any European member to freely be employed before being a resident.
I'm voting out to regain our leadership, solidarity and freedom from the Foreign attack on our country, call me old fashioned but not racist or homophobic.
We won two world wars to gain freedom for our population, one thing some European countries could not do!.
But now we're being sold like meat down the river by our corrupt government and being beaten on political paper and foreign regulations by those who couldn't **** in a pot in warfare.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
I've lived and worked allover the world, owned houses in Spain & Portugal.
Came home before the first recession that hit us all.
My friends are actor's that star in Benidorm TV program, you need a Spanish National Insurance number before you can work in Spain.
We never hear this by our Government, all we hear is freedom of movement and walk into any job in Europe.
Truthfully it's only the UK that allows any European member to freely be employed before being a resident.
I'm voting out to regain our leadership, solidarity and freedom from the Foreign attack on our country, call me old fashioned but not racist or homophobic.
We won two world wars to gain freedom for our population, one thing some European countries could not do!.
But now we're being sold like meat down the river by our corrupt government and being beaten on political paper and foreign regulations by those who couldn't **** in a pot in warfare.
Oh sorry
The call me dave was one of Camerons snappy election slogans....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 11, 2012
If we vote in, can we then save a lot of money by only having MEP,s and selling off parliament buildings and its baggage?
Scrap Big Ben and put a more updated time piece in place.
That would help us to reduce our deficit and we could sell off the relics to the Americans.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
I've lived and worked allover the world, owned houses in Spain & Portugal.
Came home before the first recession that hit us all.
My friends are actor's that star in Benidorm TV program, you need a Spanish National Insurance number before you can work in Spain.
We never hear this by our Government, all we hear is freedom of movement and walk into any job in Europe..
if you own a house in Spain then you have already got your NIE. AFAIK the Spanish authorities will issue NIE to anyone who applies for it, I don't think they control who can and who cannot work in Spain through the issuance of NIEs to EU citizens. French Social Security number is more difficult to get though.
The biggest advantage for UK firms with the current regime is that they can buy/lease properties, have bank accounts, be registered for VAT, literally open branch offices in weeks without much difficulties, send their staff to work in the EU while paying their salary and NI in the UK. Try doing that in the USA. Of course these advantages are only useful to some companies while the majority of small businesses don't need them and still contributing to their costs.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
All this crap that work is freely available all over Europe including Spain & France, most that emigrate to these countries are of pensions age and those seeking work must own a residency, bank account of the country.
But all we hear is you can walk into any job anywhere in Europe.
As for your point about the conservative government side winding us, what's new eh.
This vote is not about the Conservative, Labour or other parties. It's about freedom from oppression by Brussels and there idiotic rules & regulations.
It's about individual vote on our country staying within a Stalin style Europe or regaining our independence and becoming proud of our own country!
Health & Safety will stay, although it's to political correctness in my eyes, nobody these days have any common sense.
We were once a nation that was respected worldwide, now we are just zone within Europe with no credibility.
Vote with your choice, but Mark my words this country will loose it's identity within 10 years, our younger generations will be born into Europe not Great Britain.
I'm voting for the next generation to live in freedom and independence.
By the way Phil, mines a Guinness!
Then how do you explain that according to the latest figures there are 1.2 million of UK citizens living and working in the EU.
Just what "oppression" are you referring to, how about giving an example?
The only changes to the law have been benificial to the public, which is exactly the opposite of anything our own government has introduced in the last twenty years.
Your so called independence will result in an economic catastrophe for anyone but the rich of this country under the sharks that run it now.
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Oct 25, 2006
The biggest advantage for UK firms with the current regime is that they can buy/lease properties, have bank accounts, be registered for VAT, literally open branch offices in weeks without much difficulties, send their staff to work in the EU while paying their salary and NI in the UK.
Many years ago and long before the EU, I had a job which entailed a long period of working in France on a development while being employed and fully paid in the UK. My UK employer also gave me a very generous expenses allowance.

However, the French associate company insisted I had to be fully paid in France as well to accord to a variety of rules which included trade union ones.

So I was in effect receiving almost three good salaries. :D I did try to put this right, honest, but nothing could undo this it seemed. The large nest egg awaiting me in my bank account when I finally returned to the UK was very welcome to someone in their twenties and rather set me up for the future!
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