I've been in hiding all week, too terrified to venture out in case the French release migrant hoards across the channel. Of course this would involve the French ripping up one of those agreements which the "In Campaigners" tell us would send shock waves through the international community. I look forward to the French's credit rating falling through the floor as a result.
What kind of people use other human beings as weapons to bully and cajole? Who uses human beings as weapons for the purpose of perverting the course of democracy in another country? The French, that's who. What treacherous people they are. Do we really want to be part of any political union with a country which behaves in this way? How can we trust them now? What if their plan works and we do vote to remain in the EU? The French have proven that they are sufficiently devious to double cross us cancel the boarder agreement once their objective is achieved.
In this time of uncertainty, we now have a very clear certainty. The French are certainly a wicked, devious and unethical nation. They have proven this in recent days.
The Germans. A nation which within living memory invented industrial scale murder. A nation which has managed to hoodwink many other countries with a massive lie and off-load their cars onto them. Now, like the French, the Germans are attempting to pervert the course of democracy in this country by writing threatening letters to their UK employees. Do we really want a political union with these people?
One thing is clear. Both the French and the German politicians are scared. They are frightened because the populations of both countries have had enough. They are sick of the EU and all that it brings. They know that if we make the right decision and leave the EU the people of their countries will want a democratic process regarding their future membership too. They don't like democracy and will stop at nothing to crush it. As we are seeing.
Look at the illegal immigrants massing in Greece and France. Their sense of entitlement is staggering. The ease with which they are willing to use violence in order to illegally enter a country is very worrying. Would you want these people living in your neighbourhood? I don't mean just one or two, but many such people. In the schools with your children, ahead of you in the 3 week wait to see your GP when you are ill. Illegal migrants occupying our very limited housing stock or in houses built over our green countryside. Is that what we want?
If we leave the EU, we can take our own measures to control immigration. Don't believe the people who will tell you that breaching international agreements will irreparably damage our reputation with grave consequences. Look what the French have done in recent days. Has it harmed them? No. And it won't harm us either if we take control of our borders.
We as a country have things to sell and other countries have things they want to sell to us. Whilst ever that situation exists a way to trade will be found. We don't need the EU political union for that.
The Scott's. So what if they want independence? Let them go bankrupt inside 12 months if that's what they want. They need to be told very clearly that if they leave the UK there is no Bank of England (there is a clue in the title) to act as a safety net for Jimmy Crankie's I'll thought out spending plans. I'm sure it would be very nice fot the Scotts to go mad on mummy and daddy's credit card ( B of E). Well it shouldn't be allowed to happen. I doubt if the EU would even want them if they had to stand on their own two feet financially.
My mind is now made up. OUT. There are no additional downsides to leaving. We are good enough as a nation to prosper without EU political interference. Germany and France have twigged this and now they are frightened and they are getting desperate.