Sorry you feel that way.
It seems to me that when you didn't get the response you expected you went straight on the attack with some rather personal comments.
Surely we can have differences of opinion that are discussed in a friendly manner...[emoji56]
Not on this forum..( smilie)
Surely SW has posted enough "evidence" to get him arrested and locked up without his phone ( or dongle) for a while. Or even commited or something..
OP I tried ThronPro with impulse motor. Was very good, didn't really think any better than Yam Haibike but great all the same.
Went on ride last week with a bloke on same bike as yours, he loved it too. There was nothing in us climbing.
There have been a few reports of issues with both the brose and impulse motors but that's life. My Mondeo should have had knackered injectors 80k miles ago if you believe forums.
Stick with forum. We need more to remind Blow wave he ain't quite sound.
Enjoy the bike.