Thanks for the report Nealh.
The run down to the Vachery does get really wrecked by horses, but down by the bridge, there are quite a few good routes to either side, that horses aren't allowed to use. It says nothing about bikes though.
When you reached the A22, you could have nipped straight across into Pippingford (being careful not to be seen) then ridden along side the A22 off road, all the way to the side of traffic lights at Wych Cross. From there, you can track a stream on Ashdown Forest, that brings you out at the bottom of Kidds Hill, It's then another off road session to Pooh bridge. It's surprising just how many miles that you can cover with only crossing roads.
The section beyond Pooh bridge is currently an absolute write off as well, and by that I mean that the mud is nearly shin deep, with no way to skirt around it.
The vachery is a lovely place to visit in the spring when the Rhododendrons are out, so bear it in mind for then.
You have helped make my mind up about taking part in the Wiggle ride on the South Downs this weekend. I won't be doing it. Shame, but if the last two years have been bad, this year it is going to be even worse.
I just checked my ride on Strava and it seems I have a KOM by 4 secs so that will get the hackles up with the pedal mtbr's. A 0.1 mile 87ft climb at 8% in the wet slippery muddy conditions can't wait till it dry's out I will thrash it easily

Could you post up, or send me the link.