How many people are using there e-bike off-road?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 30, 2012
South Coast
Seems an expensive over complication to me. Maybe some benefit for the pro downhill racers who have van load of wheels at the bottom of the hill.

Your average mtber, 20 miles from nowhere with a puncture kit, no use at all.

Personally, if I were to go with this idea i'd ditch the inner air tube in favour of a ring of light weight closed cell foam. Then do away with the complex valve.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
The manager of my local bike shop was talking about the Schwalbe dual chamber tyre system yesterday.

It's not caught on, according to him, despite Schwalbe pushing it hard on the shop.

Too dear, too complex, solves a problem that doesn't exist for most riders, and is solved for the others by tubeless.

As a keen mountain biker, he also made a contribution to the full-sus/hardtail debate.

His view is full-sus makes many trails too easy and therefore too fast.

He'd rather tackle them more slowly on a hardtail, more of a challenge and the slower speed means less risk of injury from a fall.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 30, 2012
South Coast
I opted for full suspension on my non E mtb a couple of years back.
Definately makes the trail faster with the same skill level over a hard tail.
This may of may not be an advantage.

More potential for crashes I guess. And I'm not aiming that at Soundwave.

What it has also done for me is allow much longer rides with far less stress on my joint and body generally.
Being 50 + with a knackered foot it takes away most of the pain I would otherwise suffer with a hard tail.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
I can see where the comment was coming from. My reasoning for buying a full suspension bike, was simply based upon comfort whilst riding on the South Downs, and nothing more.
The additional speed aspect hadn't even entered my mind at that stage, but it does allow for faster riding, even if the ability to manage that extra speed, isn't always there! :) He says looking in the mirror.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
I can see where the comment was coming from. My reasoning for buying a full suspension bike, was simply based upon comfort whilst ring on the South Downs, and nothing more.
The additional speed aspect hadn't even entered my mind at that stage, but it does allow for faster riding, even if the ability to manage that extra speed, isn't always there! :) He says looking in the mirror.
Comfort is another factor, and an important one if you already have creaking joints as a lot of us do at 'our' age.

I've ridden Croxden's Delite which is full-sus, but tuned for the road.

No doubt the extra comfort is there, and another benefit is the bike is a lot less likely to be thrown off line by potholes and road imperfections.

I was more confident doing a road descent at up to 30mph on the Delite than any other bike I've ridden.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
Yes, brilliant isn't it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
not had a flat but i have pulled the tyre off the rim 2 times going round corners off road with low psi.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Another 50 odd miles today and some how ended up on the lower slopes of Wolstenbury Hill this side of Pyecombe, off road going is pretty awful added to by yesterday's rain. No pics today as we all have seen muddy bike and almost impossible/impassable trails pics before. First puncture today couldn't find culprit and funnily enough It was while riding a road section, good job I carry a spare tube or two as I can't be faffing around repairing when out job for tomorrow.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
I must be going soft!!! :(

I'm currently being hassled to take part in the ride below next weekend, and for the first time since riding e-bikes, I'm thinking of passing it by. I never thought that I'd say that, but the last two years of doing it, haven't exactly been pleasant, and last year, there wasn't even that many of us that even finished it. Most people quit and just went home.

Time will tell!! Anyone fancy a bet.

Not my clip, but as you can see it wasn't pleasant. The comments made me smile though.

I'd forgotten about this photo, taken just after a spill that ripped the peak from the helmet.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
52.5 miles today and just when you think the going has got as bad as you have seen it and the next ride can't get any worse then think again. Geographically I rode the same areas but linked 3 different areas up using some different FP's and Bridleways not used before, some of the route I knew what to expect and how the going would be but on some new one's oh boy. The ride was marred by the PAS failing on the GSM and also the throttle also giving up at times.
I finally visited the Vachery at Chelwood without realising it until I got to the stone bridge, entered via the bridleway and the ford from the S/W. The BW was a total mess and 4 to 5 inch's deep in mud in places and took a bit of doing unpowered as by now the GSM's pas and throttle had failed. I headed off to the A22 to Witch Cross and was planning to head off to Pooh Bridge and Hartfield but gave up on that idea with the assistance not working and headed for home via Sharpthorne, I had a bit of restbite when I reached Sharpthorne as mysteriously the throttle re-engaged.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
I just checked my ride on Strava and it seems I have a KOM by 4 secs so that will get the hackles up with the pedal mtbr's. A 0.1 mile 87ft climb at 8% in the wet slippery muddy conditions can't wait till it dry's out I will thrash it easily :). And thinking about it I had to dismount twice once because of no traction and a 2nd time for a couple of walkers I needed to pass.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
Thanks for the report Nealh. :)

The run down to the Vachery does get really wrecked by horses, but down by the bridge, there are quite a few good routes to either side, that horses aren't allowed to use. It says nothing about bikes though. ;)

When you reached the A22, you could have nipped straight across into Pippingford (being careful not to be seen) then ridden along side the A22 off road, all the way to the side of traffic lights at Wych Cross. From there, you can track a stream on Ashdown Forest, that brings you out at the bottom of Kidds Hill, It's then another off road session to Pooh bridge. It's surprising just how many miles that you can cover with only crossing roads.
The section beyond Pooh bridge is currently an absolute write off as well, and by that I mean that the mud is nearly shin deep, with no way to skirt around it.

The vachery is a lovely place to visit in the spring when the Rhododendrons are out, so bear it in mind for then.

You have helped make my mind up about taking part in the Wiggle ride on the South Downs this weekend. I won't be doing it. Shame, but if the last two years have been bad, this year it is going to be even worse.

I just checked my ride on Strava and it seems I have a KOM by 4 secs so that will get the hackles up with the pedal mtbr's. A 0.1 mile 87ft climb at 8% in the wet slippery muddy conditions can't wait till it dry's out I will thrash it easily :).
Could you post up, or send me the link. :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
I did cross over to rest at Pippingford entrance by the concrete blocks blocking traffic entry so will bare that in mind next time with a proper working mtb. A need now to find time and convert the FS Cube to run on Lipo.
We will have to meet up there one spring evening and crack open a beer or 3. I took a route e via St Leonards Forest, Slaugham, Bolney, Burglar Bill, Lindfieldish, Danehill etc once it drys out it should be quite a decent quicker ride. I think you are right about the Wiggle ride certainly the mildest wettest winter on record.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
There is a good real pub at Horsted Keynes. Perhaps we could meet there. :)

Ref Pippingford, you could have also gone straight down through it, and come out at the bottom of Kidds hill. It's a brilliant place for winter riding, and the route straight through is tarmac and roadstone, so no mud.
Sadly I daren't risk venturing back in there, as it was once made very much clear to me, that I wasn't meant to be in the place. :(
It's a real bastid, as the riding was so good there.

I tend to either take the route as I described, or just venture onto the forest to the right hand side of it.

edit.. just sent you a Strava follow request. :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Request accepted should be able to view my rides and courses.
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