When I rode Si's bike a few years ago I couldn't help but pedal to 33mph on a 6 mile jaunt, I wasn't very sensible that day
. The BS10 can be seriously quickly even more so then the Swizzbee when it is well.
Hi it’s great you’ve registered it but my 300 cc scooter is only £69 to insure fully comp a year and that does 90 mph.I have a sped a kalkhoff bs10 actually and have been riding to work for 4 years now and have clocked over 16000 miles on it,
Would I register it not a chance,why would I want to wear a motorcycle helmet on a pushbike?,i never had any trouble had the police past me ,even been at traffic lights with them ,there not interested,I even been knocked off it and got compensation from the drivers insurance,they don’t have a clue or never will be interested.Great on you but i’d feel a right plonker with a helmet and number plate on a bike.
Got a feeling I read he sold it, I could be wrong, I'm easily confused!It's been almost a year. Interested in your MOT situation!