Face masks...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 9, 2015
double standards really ???

Discriminating against the cyclist - really ??

was he asked not wear the facemask at the school ?

A niqab is no difference to a facemask ? - depends in what context and what the motive is .

Yes I will quit this thread because it has gone from a good discussion relating to an incident outside a school where the police were called to whether or not the request for its removal in a public pace is discriminatory in relation to the wearing of a Niqab.
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Oct 25, 2006
Flecc - This is where the possibly of race / religious discrimination may now come into this post .
Exactly, and why I raised this earlier to illustrate that the male cyclist was clearly being discriminated against in a way others would not have been, e.g. a covered muslim woman, a female cyclist with face mask. I'm betting the head teacher would not have protested at either of those.

This whole sexist anti-male crap implying all males are potentially bad has gone way too far and should be met with maximum resistance on every occasion.

Fat Rat

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2018
double standards really ???
Yes from you ,One law for one person and a totally different one for another.

Discriminating against the cyclist - really ??
No one mentioned Discrimination against a cyclist that was your crazy comment earlier , This was about a face mask used to cycle with .

was he asked not wear the facemask at the school ?
Why shouldn't he ? or are we back to double standards again ?

A niqab is no difference to a facemask ? - depends in what context and what the motive is .
What context or motive are you talking , because this discussion is about a person picking up a child from school to which there should be no difference but there plainly is .

Yes I will quit this thread because it has gone from a good discussion relating to an incident outside a school where the police were called to whether or not the request for its removal in a public pace is discriminatory in relation to the wearing of a Niqab.
Hey don't forget the Burkah
and this incident is directly in relation to this
as mentioned earlier in the thread double standards when covering your face is fine for one person but not for another
double standards and PC gone mad

As for you quiting the thread its probably best as you cant handle a healthy debate or home truths for that matter .

Fat Rat

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2018
Exactly, and why I raised this earlier to illustrate that the male cyclist was clearly being discriminated against in a way others would not have been, e.g. a covered muslim woman, a female cyclist with face mask. I'm betting the head teacher would not have protested at either of those.

This whole sexist anti-male crap implying all males are potentially bad has gone way too far and should be met with maximum resistance on every occasion.
Well Said


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 7, 2013
Crowborough, East Sussex
I would definitely have arrested him. Complaint from member of staff / actions outside a school / distressing members of public.
You could also question his motives for filming outside of school gates.

I can't say that I'd be too happy about a guy hanging around school gates wearing a mask and filming.

I haven't read the whole thread, but as I haven't seen what style of mask that he was wearing, for all we know, he could of been wearing a Jimmy Saville mask.

He does sound a complete argumentative twat to me.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 9, 2015
quote ;-As for you quiting the thread its probably best as you cant handle a healthy debate or home truths for that matter.

No I'm quitting because the subject of the post was the male at the school wearing a facemask. This has lead onto claims of double standards in relation to muslims who wear Niqabs and claims of anti -male / sexist behaviour towards the cyclist .

Unfortunately the legal system in place within the UK protects the rights of members of our society and what they wear . If by wearing a piece of clothing they cause distress than that issue will/should be investigated to determine if an offence has been committed or if people are at risk from that person .

We should all be aware that claims made on open access forums regarding comments against certain sections of our society may be deemed to be derogatory and / or offensive and public comment should be avoided.

This Thread could go on for ages on the merits / de merits of the actions of the cyclist , the teacher and the Police Officer and I am of the opinion that ALL avenues of discussion have been completed.

We are all entitled to opinions but keep it civil and legal.

Fat Rat

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2018
We should all be aware that claims made on open access forums regarding comments against certain sections of our society may be deemed to be derogatory and / or offensive and public comment should be avoided.

We are all entitled to opinions but keep it civil and legal.
Freedom of speech on a public forum ,
if you don't like what your reading stop reading it
And where has it been Uncivil and Illegal in replies to you or anyone else for that matter .
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Fat Rat

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2018
You could also question his motives for filming outside of school gates.

I can't say that I'd be too happy about a guy hanging around school gates wearing a mask and filming.

I haven't read the whole thread, but as I haven't seen what style of mask that he was wearing, for all we know, he could of been wearing a Jimmy Saville mask.

He does sound a complete argumentative twat to me.

I don't think he was so much filming a school as such
He probably hadn't turned his camera off after his cycle to pick up his child
I quite often leave mine running and switch off when I get home as to lessen the risk of forgetting to turn it back on for the next trip


Oct 25, 2006
You could also question his motives for filming outside of school gates.
There's no implication that he was filming before being confronted. He appeared to be filming what was happening to him for his own protection should things turn really nasty.

If he'd been left alone as he should have been, there would have been no confrontation and probably no filming. The whole situation was created by intolerance and an unnecessary implication that he was doing something illegal.

I repeat, the notion that hundreds of 11 to 16 year old secondary school kids pouring out of school would be frightened by one man in a cycle face mask is ludicrous and should be treated with the contempt it deserves.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 9, 2015
Agreed on that

However the rest of it was a little bit ranty and when I showed the the ex chief super I'm currently have a pint with he laughed and then said things I can't repeat

But they were not remotely supportive of your position

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
may I enquire regarding the ex chief super and when did he / she retire from the Police ?


Oct 25, 2006
Thank you Stumpy, nicely illustrating the mass hysteria these days. As others have said, time for a sense of perspective.

Not long ago and while I've been in my present address, even most primary school kids walked to school alone, not scared. I was never at any time taken to a school, even on the first day at five years and one day old I set off to walk over a mile, having been told the route.

Today's hysteria really needs to be held in check, and you are a prime example of why.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 9, 2015
like the Bob Dylan song -- ''Oh the times they are a change-ing'

Unfortunately safeguarding and reassurance is no1 priority nowadays. Gone are the days of kids being kids and sitting on Santas knee etc

Lives have been lost or destroyed because the challenge wasnt made. Cops have been locked up years after leaving the service because they didn't act on information which would have safeguarded a young person - There have been many high profile cases such as Rotherham Grooming , Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville for example. But there are many which receive little or no press coverage but believe me they are out there on a daily basis.
Its not Hysteria Its just time has moved on , whether we like it or not.

Sometimes I grimace at the incidents which have been reported..in the old days kids scrumping apples from an old dear was dealt with by a verbal bollocking - nowadays the ''victim'' is dealt with as a vulnerable person and the child , sorry, young persons details are forwarded to the safeguarding team in case there is an underlying reason they are stealing apples????

''Kids'' playing in parks are accused of ant social behaviour .....and men waiting outside schools are ''acting suspiciously'' because of the fear we have as parents from the press and social media coverage of such events.

The links I put on my past post were achieved by merely putting ''man acting suspiciously outside school'' Google went into meltdown.

Some say social media is to blame for ''the mass hysteria '' and at times I agree. But I also see the positive side. it makes us more aware. it make the lids aware of their own safety and that is a good thing, isn't it ?

Fat Rat

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 7, 2018

Ive been here for three years

I'm off now but thanks for good discussion . Back to cycling now.:)
Yeah Troll
Definition below as follows

Trolling is defined as creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community. Basically, a social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of other users.

I would say this fits you on this thread perfectly
And what has your time as a registered member got to do with it

You definitely going this time LOL
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Oct 25, 2006
Some say social media is to blame for ''the mass hysteria '' and at times I agree. But I also see the positive side. it makes us more aware. it make the lids aware of their own safety and that is a good thing, isn't it ?
Of course all protection will have a positive side, but there needs to be limits. Literally locking them into the prisons that many of today's schools have become and removing so many of kids freedoms has gone too far. What I see going on today is often mass hysteria, everyone winding each other up in a circle of increasing restrictions and intolerance.

Take this example. On foot at the local shopping centre a little over half a mile away late on a weekday afternoon I saw three kids circa 9/10 year old who I knew lived near me and attended the local primary school some 250 metres from their homes. On returning from the centre I took a longer alternative urban bridle path route which is well away from traffic so more pleasant.

At the far end it rejoins the street route by woodlands and as I approached that the same three kids were on the street approach and one said dare fashion, lets go up there. Another said no and then I heard a third say "Next year I'm allowed to go to school alone".

My immediate thought was how ridiculous is that. They cannot walk 250 metres to school in a quiet urban cul de sac by themselves but after school and returned home, they can then with parental permission go nearly a 1000 metres to a shopping centre on a main road with large numbers of cars visiting there. This applies to all the kids, they are often around the shopping centre afternoons and weekends with the parents well aware.

It's clear from that the parents are only taking those children the short distance to school because other parents are doing that and/or because it's the done thing and/or the school expects it. I've even seen parents who live in the houses opposite the school do the two way trip with their kids, despite the road being quiet, 20 mph restricted with harsh speed bumps and a lollipop attendant on the zebra crossing next to the school exit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Why must posters refer to the Troll insult when they disagree with what's been said.???
I don't fully agree with Stumpy but he certainly wasn't trolling and he made his case well, with valid points insulting no one.
Troll ?? Perhaps more likely for the poster saying so.???

The cyclist had broken no laws, agreed... Obviously. If being a pain in the arse were a crime... He d be locked up.
