A couple of notes for those looking to use OSF for the first time:
EDIT: an update on older versions of SDCC below
> I've just got a Win11 laptop and wanted to be able to program my TSDZ2 which until now I've been doing using my Win10 laptop.
> I revisted the Github page (by Embrusa -
link) to remind myself on what I needed to do. So some files like the previously downloaded OSF from the github repository I simply transferred from the Win10 to the Win11 laptop.
> Other items such as Java Runtime, ST Visual Development (by ST Microelectronics, and the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC) would be fresh downloads.
> Issue No1 - the Visual Programmer STM32 has now been replaced the STM32CubeProgrammer and initially it was the latter I installed - don't do that as Cube doesn't support the STM8 (the processor in the motor controller) SWIM protocol. Fortunately the original Visual Programmer STM32 is still available on their website.
> Issue No 2 - On running the configurator (that's the very useful series of dialogue boxes you're given to set up the various motor parameters) I noticed in the black dialogue box that subsequently runs as the necessary files are 'compiled', that the 'c' file named ebike-app.c was reporting errors e.g. "
warning 283: function declarator with no prototype" (as per pic below) - all gobbledegook to me but I was guessing that something was amiss on the 'C' compiler side of life?
> I've no clue as to 'C' programming etc and after doing the obvious 'file checking' things, I wondered if the SDCC (the 'C' compiler) was a different version to what was originally used. Unfortunately I wasn't able to determine the version of SDCC on my Win10 machine but what ever version it is, it was installed in Oct 2021, so likely an earlier version than the current one. So to be on the safe side I copied all the SDCC files on the Win10 machine to the Win11 machine and BINGO, everything worked as expected.
EDIT: an update on older versions of SDCC below
> So opening a CMD (command) window and navigating to the SDCC directory and issuing the command sdcc.exe --version reveals that the version on the Win10 machine is V4.1.0 whereas the one I'd loaded onto the Win11 machine is V4.4.0
> V4.1.0 can be found at sourceforge.net HERE.
I'm sure there will be readers of this post who understand exactly what was initially amiss and so please add to this thread so that others can benefit.
Happy (TSDZ2) pedlling, B4t