Put the TSDZ2 on a Raleigh Mixte about six weeks ago. This week I started testing the firmware options. I first got familiar with the visual STM tool to write the eco-cycle 48V "stock" firmware and the bike still worked.
Today, I used embrusa's configurator tool with his current 48V file. It took me a few tries before I figured out the options for an active throttle. During this. I decided to go back to the stock firmware above, to ensure my throttle worked, and when I did, the TSDZ2 did not work at all. No speedometer, battery said dead, and no assist from throttle or pedal assist. A little worried now, but I had loaded those files earlier, so probably pilot error.
I went back to the embrusa loads, and this time got the throttle to work, but no speedometer. On the OEM firmware, I had been using a magnet spacing of 1.5 cm on the speed sensor. Anything less was giving me a jumpy speedometer. I set it to about 4mm space, and the speedometer came alive again. The new firmware must adjust the sensitivity on that sensor? Or the sensor cooled down when I took the bike outside from 18C in garage to 5C.
That was enough. It's cold here, 5C, and I was done. Got a working speedometer and throttle, and seems like I just have to test ride the assist levels. Still have a puzzle of why I cannot get back to factory default, to be solved later.
Here's my question. How to change power modes from the display? I take it I have to enable changes in zero assist mode. Then in either level 2 or 3, I can select a given power mode. Is there a video tutorial for the VLCD5? Do I even want to change modes. Probably not, but want to see it work.
Today, I used embrusa's configurator tool with his current 48V file. It took me a few tries before I figured out the options for an active throttle. During this. I decided to go back to the stock firmware above, to ensure my throttle worked, and when I did, the TSDZ2 did not work at all. No speedometer, battery said dead, and no assist from throttle or pedal assist. A little worried now, but I had loaded those files earlier, so probably pilot error.
I went back to the embrusa loads, and this time got the throttle to work, but no speedometer. On the OEM firmware, I had been using a magnet spacing of 1.5 cm on the speed sensor. Anything less was giving me a jumpy speedometer. I set it to about 4mm space, and the speedometer came alive again. The new firmware must adjust the sensitivity on that sensor? Or the sensor cooled down when I took the bike outside from 18C in garage to 5C.
That was enough. It's cold here, 5C, and I was done. Got a working speedometer and throttle, and seems like I just have to test ride the assist levels. Still have a puzzle of why I cannot get back to factory default, to be solved later.
Here's my question. How to change power modes from the display? I take it I have to enable changes in zero assist mode. Then in either level 2 or 3, I can select a given power mode. Is there a video tutorial for the VLCD5? Do I even want to change modes. Probably not, but want to see it work.
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