The bike all included should weight around 25kg (4kg motor +10kg battery+11kg bike + some bits)
Handling is quite good because mass is all located on the bike frame. It handles better than my brompton. Ride are quite pleasant. Previously the battery was on my backpack and it gave me some pain in the back, now it's on the frame and it's way better.
And brakes are not bad either, although when it reaches high speed it gets a bit dangerous. I don't have a speedometer with me (the one I bought is broken) but wheels tend to slip when I brake over 25mph. So 90% of the time I'm running around 25mph.
I've been thinking a long time to find out where to put the battery, my experience on the front and back of my previous bikes were not successful. Only when the battery is located on the frame I can get good handling. It's of course visually not that appealing but that's the least of my concern as I don't want it to be stolen. (I'll park it outside)
ps: Tonight I'm thinking to bring this bike to london so hopefully it should be all working and functional by then (I don't have the tool to repair in london), so if you see something that needs to be corrected please tell me