Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
post: 605087 said:
.... Avoid taking more than 100% RDA of any vitamin, better still, don't take any vitamin tablets at all unless you know exactly what you are deficient in and can't get that vitamin or mineral or combination from your diet.
Many multivitamin/multimineral tablets are far too packed with serious overdoses of pretty much everything. A mineral like iron for instance, can't be flushed out and will build up, causing problems.
This post from a week or so ago has been playing on my mind.
Some of the content is very sensible advice, however just to put an alternative opinion on a couple of points (and this is based on listening to advice from numerous medical practitioners who specialize in nutrition therapy) :

Many of the RDA numbers are woefully low, and often are close to the minimum needed to avoid deficiency problems, rather than the figure needed for optimum health. And if you are deficient in something, then a general multivitamin is often pretty useless in making up that deficiency as the quantity of each individual component is generally really, really low.

Our soils have become so depleted in commercial farming, that its almost certain that certain vital minerals are going to be low, even if you do eat a 'healthy' diet. Studies have shown that the majority of people are deficient in certain substances e.g. magnesium, and again, the amounts in some multivitamin tablets simply won't be able to make up the deficiency.

Everybody in our modern world is also subjected to exposure to toxins, whether from our food, or from our environment. Our body can use up certain vitamins and minerals at a vastly accelerated rate in trying to deal and expel these toxins. Once again, the amount found in a general purpose multi tablet may very well be insufficient, especially if you DO have a over-accumulation of certain toxins to deal with.

And then there are the substances which are strongly correlated with immune health. Which of course in these troubled times, is something that should be every individual and government's top priority (although for some strange reason it doesn't seem to be....).
So I'm looking now on Amazon at a best selling 'Centrum' brand multi vitamin. Lets take Vitamin D. it seems each tablet is 10ug (400 IU) and they say its 200% of the the EU NRV (but that's the minimum to avoid deficiency). Most of the medical practitioners I've been listening to who seem to actually know something about the usefulness of VitD, advise WAY more than that. I'd have to check the figures, but its something like 1000IU as a minimum (they tend to advise 2000-4000 and up!), and that's assuming you weren't deficient in the first place. I seem to recall that your body actually uses up around 4000IU per day - which isn't a problem if you're exposing your skin to sun, or have stores built up from the summer. But in winter, you can see that the 400IU in the multivitamin is woefully inadequate, especially for people in the UK in the winter.
I bet I could do a similar comparison for the majority of the other vit/min compounds as well - Just looking at the VitC - 80mg!! that's a complete joke. It might as well not even BE there !!

Of course, the problem is knowing whether you're deficient or not, and I do partially agree with comment of "<don't take it> unless you know exactly what you are deficient in".
That's a sensible point of view .... as long as you DO know what you're deficient in. But do you? I certainly don't (although I'd like to!).
So let me ask everyone a question - how many of you have your vitamin/mineral etc levels checked? And if so - how did you go about it? I hear a lot of American people talking about their 'bloodwork' analysis. I've never had one of these done. Is it something you can ask your local NHS GP for? or do you have to pay for it privately?
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Deleted member 33385

Of course, the problem is knowing whether you're deficient or not, and I do partially agree with the comment of "<don't take it> unless you know exactly what you are deficient in".
That's a sensible point of view .... as long as you DO know what you're deficient in. But do you? I certainly don't (although I'd like to!).
So let me ask everyone a question - how many of you have your vitamin/mineral etc levels checked? And if so - how did you go about it? I hear a lot of American people talking about their 'bloodwork' analysis. I've never had one of these done. Is it something you can ask your local NHS GP for? or do you have to pay for it privately?

GPs will do a blood test if there is a medical problem (or high likelihood of one), although you can have it done privately. I only started taking B12 100% RDA after my blood test showed it was low. A few weeks later, a second blood test showed sufficient B12. Younger GPs tend to be heavier on blood tests and lifestyle changes, lighter on drug prescriptions.
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Deleted member 33385

Our soils have become so depleted in commercial farming, that its almost certain that certain vital minerals are going to be low, even if you do eat a 'healthy' diet.

Brazil nuts are a good source of Selenium:

Lets take Vitamin D. it seems each tablet is 10ug (400 IU) and they say its 200% of the the EU NRV (but that's the minimum to avoid deficiency). Most of the medical practitioners I've been listening to who seem to actually know something about the usefulness of VitD, advise WAY more than that. I'd have to check the figures, but its something like 1000IU as a minimum (they tend to advise 2000-4000 and up!), and that's assuming you weren't deficient in the first place. I seem to recall that your body actually uses up around 4000IU per day - which isn't a problem if you're exposing your skin to sun, or have stores built up from the summer. But in winter, you can see that the 400IU in the multivitamin is woefully inadequate, especially for people in the UK in the winter.

Don't forget that you also get Vitamin D from your diet. Best to get medical advice before taking high doses of Vitamin D:

Too much iron can lead to Hemochromatosis:



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
... as well as all the other commonplace ailments, we have Covid-19 to deal with. The data indicates that its more likely than not you’re going to catch it at some point, and the only thing that’s going to protect you is your own immune system and general state of health. The statistics also show that its people with co-morbidities/existing medical conditions are the ones by far most likely to die.
So it seems logical that everybody should be doing as best they can to improve their general state of health and get their immune system in peak condition.
Well, we're not far of a year and a half on from the original posting of this thread!
I think the quote above has proved to be fairly accurate. So - had anything changed?

Anybody done the sensible thing and changed their lifestyle? if so, what did you change, and what have you noticed that's different? Are you now a glowing ball of radiant health? or are you just farting more because of all the broccoli :D

And thinking of it - did anything come of Boris' promises that the government would put measures in place to try and improve the diet & health of the typical Brit? I can't say I've heard much if anything (but then I don't follow the MSM much).

We're nearly into September, which means Autumn and winter are just around the corner !
Somehow, I can't see Covid disappearing :( and a friend told me earlier that the BBC news is reporting that even double jabbed people are getting 'waning protection'. That doesn't sound good. Especially as every time you get a jab that itself knocks your immune system!
Sounds like even more reason why we should be pushing natural and inherent health! Why isn't this being prioritized?? (are the majority of people relying on the jabs?) I'm curious as to your thoughts.

(I would write more and give you my own opinion ... but I'm going to have to rush to the toilet ... its all this roughage you see ... its my fifth visit since breakfast ...)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Anybody done the sensible thing and changed their lifestyle? if so, what did you change, and what have you noticed that's different? Are you now a glowing ball of radiant health? or are you just farting more because of all the broccoli
Yes, I changed my life. I stopped listening to the radio and I haven't watched TV for 18 months. As far as I'm concerned the world is cured of Covid without all the propaganda. There's now more people getting killed by the vaccine than the virus. Here is the true data on that from the official European vaccine reporting system,

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine

Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.

never put that on the news did they and there was a link to it on the wik rna vaccine page that has now vanished now isn't that funny lol.

public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test

and i have no idea why msm keep referring to it as a disease
a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.
"bacterial meningitis is quite a rare disease"

when it is clearly a virus as it is not if you can go shopping and catch cancer lmfao ppl are that fkn stupid it is unreal.

and yet corona viruses were first discovered in the 1920s with the first electron microscope and no cure has ever been found to work in 100 years for any strain and has been mutating for millions of years.same as our biological defence systems.

so im sticking with me weed and cider :p
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
There's now more people getting killed by the vaccine than the virus. Here is the true data on that from the official European vaccine reporting system,
Hmmm. Concerning figures.
I have a question:
I know that in the States, they use the VAERS system to report vaccine injuries, however these reported figures are known to be significantly lower than the ACTUAL real life numbers. The CDC itself admits that only around 10% of cases are reported, while an often quoted Harvard medical study found that it was more likely to be around only 1% !! So for most published USA figures, you can multiply them by at least 10 and probably 100 to get a more accurate figure.
Does anyone know of any equivalent studies/numbers for the UK and/or Europe that let us estimate the accuracy of OUR published statistics?


Mar 21, 2021
I’m an Insulin Dependent Diabetic and have been for over 35 years. My records show me as having Type 2 andType 1. I requested a definitive test recently as my Brother is the same and our Mum was a diabetic too. Turns out that I’m Type 2, possibly LADA.

With regard to Covid-19, I contracted that in April 2020 with a brief spell in Hospital and it totally buggered me up until the November. Fatigue being one of the main problems, but I’m pleased to report that I’m back to normal now.

Prior to that, at the start of lockdown I decided to start cycling to get a bit fitter, but just as it started, it stopped because of the COVID-19. However, since February this year I have been on a low carb diet and trying to ride the bike more. The upshot of this is that I have lost over four and a half stone and can quite comfortably ride 20 miles now and not feel knackered. I’m also walking into town now instead of taking the van, so all moving in the right direction.

Benefits from this are, I eat more healthily and actually enjoy physical exercise. My neck has lost two inches, my waist and chest have lost ten inches, the missus likes the other benefits also, but that’s a whole other story. Not too bad for a man in his early sixties. 0279E52B-308A-464A-9E68-D47FF6C58F3C.jpeg

The downside to this, is that it’s cost me a fortune in clothing. Bought a lot of new clothes in the early part of last year for a couple of cruises and a coach tour to Morocco. As these never happened, never even wore the clothes, but they all ended up in the local Church charity shop. Still, someone else will benefit from it, which is a good thing.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
Hmmm. Concerning figures.
Well sort off.

But the EudraVigilence database is not a list of cases where there Covid vacine is proven to have caused an adverse effect or death as the front page of the Website makes clear;

"The information on this website relates to suspected side effects , i.e. medical events that have been observed following the use of a medicine, but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine. "


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Well sort off.

But the EudraVigilence database is not a list of cases where there Covid vacine is proven to have caused an adverse effect or death as the front page of the Website makes clear;

"The information on this website relates to suspected side effects , i.e. medical events that have been observed following the use of a medicine, but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine. "
The reports are filed by doctors who treat the people with the ailments, not just random people on the internet. I can imagine that a lot of busy doctors would forget or not get round to filing reports. I would bet anyone that more doctors "forget" to file the reports than misdiagnose the symptoms as a reaction when it isn't.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Covid: Vaccine complications dwarfed by virus risks
I don't read anything from the BBC, but just looking at that title I can see two things. Vaccine complications, which are actual cases of people getting injured and dying from the vaccine, and corona virus "risks". Risks are theoretical , not actual. There's a risk that an asteroid could hit the planet tomorrow and wipe us all out, so we don't need to worry about vaccines, viruses or what the BBC says.

BTW, the Coroner announced yesterday that Lisa Shaw, the BBC presenter, died from complications from the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. If you search you can find all the details from your chosen source.

I don't advise to take the vaccine or not to. That's anybody's own choice. You need to examine the facts and weigh up the advantages and risks. I think it's important that you see real, accurate and reliable data to make those decisions. You won't get that from the mainstream media.

Here is the official UK reporting system on Covid vaccine reactions - running at about 5 reports per 1000 vaccinations and 1500 deaths overall, which is in the same ball-park as the European reporting system.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
Both the UK Yellow card scheme and the European equivlaent system do not provide any causual links, so whilst they may reports deaths of those that have been vacinated they do not provide information on the number of deaths that were known to be caused by the vacines, from the UK report;

"This report summarises information received via the Yellow Card scheme and will be published regularly to include other safety investigations carried out by the MHRA under the COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Strategy.

What is a Yellow Card?

The Yellow Card scheme is a mechanism by which anybody can voluntarily report any suspected adverse reactions or side effects to the vaccine. It is very important to note that a Yellow Card report does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused that reaction or event. We ask for any suspicions to be reported, even if the reporter isn’t sure if it was caused by the vaccine. Reports to the scheme are known as suspected adverse reactions (ADRs). "
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 8, 2020

Snippet from just above Section 4:
> The MHRA has received 508 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 1,056 reports for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 17 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 28 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified. The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Usage of the vaccines has increased over the course of the campaigns and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination however, this does not indicate a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported. Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccines played a role in these deaths.

And from the the top of Section 4:
> At the time of this report, over 131,511 people across the UK have died within 28 days of a positive test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

So, suspected ADRs = 508+1056+17 = 1,581

Therefore the ratio of adverse deaths versus Covid deaths is 1,581 / 131,511 = 1.2%
i.e. you're almost 100 times more likely to die from the virus than from an adverse reaction to it.
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Deleted member 16246

Both the UK Yellow card scheme and the European equivlaent system do not provide any causual links, so whilst they may reports deaths of those that have been vacinated they do not provide information on the number of deaths that were known to be caused by the vacines, from the UK report;

"This report summarises information received via the Yellow Card scheme and will be published regularly to include other safety investigations carried out by the MHRA under the COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Strategy.

What is a Yellow Card?

The Yellow Card scheme is a mechanism by which anybody can voluntarily report any suspected adverse reactions or side effects to the vaccine. It is very important to note that a Yellow Card report does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused that reaction or event. We ask for any suspicions to be reported, even if the reporter isn’t sure if it was caused by the vaccine. Reports to the scheme are known as suspected adverse reactions (ADRs). "
Given that the NHS website states that 90,295,121 corona virus vaccinations have been given in the UK, and given that averaged out over 365 days a year in normal times 1400 people die every day a lot of people who have been vaccinated would certainly die soon after. This would happen if you gave 90 million lollipops out to the population. As statisticians often say, correlation is not causation. The fact that two things seem to coincide does not mean that one caused the other. An example of this is that there is a high correlation between ice cream sales and deaths by drowning. Clearly, ice cream eating does not have anything to do with drowning, but a high correlation exists. The cause of both trends rising is most likely hot weather.

Deleted member 16246


Snippet from just above Section 4:
> The MHRA has received 508 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 1,056 reports for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 17 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 28 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified. The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Usage of the vaccines has increased over the course of the campaigns and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination however, this does not indicate a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported. Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccines played a role in these deaths.

And from the the top of Section 4:
> At the time of this report, over 131,511 people across the UK have died within 28 days of a positive test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

So, suspected ADRs = 508+1056+17 = 1,581

Therefore the ratio of adverse deaths versus Covid deaths is 1,581 / 131,511 = 1.2%
i.e. you're almost 100 times more likely to die from the virus than from an adverse reaction to it.
Dangerous blood clotting is one of the features of the virus Sars-Covid-2. It is one of the ways it kills people and damages them. As one ITU consultant said on the TV, if you REALLY want a high risk of blood clots - just catch the virus.

Of course many people catch the virus and recover after a week or so with nothing to show but that they had a nasty cold type infection. However - as we know, many don't. Our official tally of deaths from the virus stands at 132,000. Most were elderly, but plenty weren't. Some people like to fuss about whether they died with it or from it. One way to settle that is to look at excess deaths for 2020. We know that 80,000 more people died in the UK during 2020 than in the previous five years and that the UK had the highest excess death rate of Europe and the United States.

I wouldn't be worrying at all about supposed side effects of vaccination. It is hundreds of times safer than catching the virus if you are one of the people likely to do particularly badly ie Over 60, a bit chubby, suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and a variety of other co morbidities.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
so im sticking with me weed and cider :p
Funnily enough, I was reading a book the other evening that was discussing hemp and all of the positive uses it has!
Including the medicinal properties!!
And how propaganda over the decades has been used to falsely give the impression that its dangerous, evil etc.

I confess that my aversion to smoking anything (cigarettes killed both my parents!) means that I've never even tried one puff! (what a boring old fart eh?), however knowing what I now know, I suspect Soundwave might be the one on the right track all along :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Funnily enough, I was reading a book the other evening that was discussing hemp and all of the positive uses it has!
Including the medicinal properties!!
And how propaganda over the decades has been used to falsely give the impression that its dangerous, evil etc.

I confess that my aversion to smoking anything (cigarettes killed both my parents!) means that I've never even tried one puff! (what a boring old fart eh?), however knowing what I now know, I suspect Soundwave might be the one on the right track all along :D
i dont smoke it tho not for many years and use one of these.