Cycling. Health. Covid. Diet.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Snippet from just above Section 4:
> The MHRA has received 508 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination,
Therefore the ratio of adverse deaths versus Covid deaths is 1,581 / 131,511 = 1.2%
i.e. you're almost 100 times more likely to die from the virus than from an adverse reaction to it.
While I don't have a problem with your general method of calculation, there are a few serious problems with your final figure:
1. It has been shown that reported adverse reaction figures are often woefully less than the actual figures (as I previously mentioned, in the States, the CDC themselves admit its only around 10%, and the Harvard study puts it at 1% or less!)

2. Those MHRA figures are for reactions shortly after the vaccination. We have no idea of the medium to long term consequences. And for all we know, these could be massive for a whole bunch of reasons, especially as this isn't really a 'vaccine' as per the previously accepted medical definition, it is, as many people have tried to point out, a genetic therapy treatment that's never been trialed on humans before in this way!

3. You can't apply a blanket "you're almost 100 times more likely to die of the virus to an adverse reaction" to everyone. Some people are FAR more susceptible to the virus than others, so if you're elderly or have medical conditions, then you may be THOUSANDS of times more likely to die of the virus, in which case, there might be a strong argument for risking it with the vaccine.
But on the other end of the scale, young, healthy people appear to have an infinitesimally small chance of dying from Covid, yet the risk factors from the 'vaccine' are still there, so you might even end up being a 100 times more likely of dying from the vaccine than from the disease in this case! (which is why vaccinating youngsters is such a questionable policy, and that's putting it mildly!!)

I suspect that many people reading this forum are somewhere between the two extremes. So the risk/benefit ratio is somewhat more uncertain. But you can tip the balance in your favour by taking action on the 'health' part of the equation, which was one of the main reasons I wanted to start this thread nearly a year and a half ago. That aspect is pretty universal, no matter what new disease/virus comes around the corner and its something that we all have the power to do something about!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
We know that 80,000 more people died in the UK during 2020 than in the previous five years and that the UK had the highest excess death rate of Europe and the United States.
That's completely irrelevant. For the last 6 months, the death rate has been only 80% of what it was averaged in the years 2015 to 2019. so rather than excess deaths, there have been around 200 fewer deaths per day than there were in those years or 36,000 fewer deaths during the last 6 months. Anything you hear now is just scaremongering and hysteria.
Check it out for yourself:


Jun 6, 2020
So all this vaccination has dropped the death rate by 20% from average? Or maybe it's just the social distancing, or reduced travel, or maybe it's just unrelated.

As someone said upthread, pretty soon everyone dying of anything is going to be within x months of getting vaccinated. Causation not required. Oh, except any dying of covid, who are most unlikely to have been vaccinated at all. Evolution in action, assuming they made the choice themself, and were not some of the unlucky few who can't be vaccilnated.
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Deleted member 16246

That's completely irrelevant. For the last 6 months, the death rate has been only 80% of what it was averaged in the years 2015 to 2019. so rather than excess deaths, there have been around 200 fewer deaths per day than there were in those years or 36,000 fewer deaths during the last 6 months. Anything you hear now is just scaremongering and hysteria.
Check it out for yourself:
My comment related to the question (though why it is a question defeats me, because the answer is obvious) of whether the risks of vaccination were too high to take. That was the background of my remarks. It is unequivocally true (as you point out) that the death rates from the virus have collapsed from very high levels, to very low levels in the period after the most at risk groups achieved high rates of vaccine compliance. There have been in comparison with the 90 million UK vaccine doses, a small number of serious reactions and deaths. This is an absolutely tiny proportion of the vaccine doses given. The risk benefit calculation is vastly in favour of the vaccination - especially of you are over about forty, or if you are fat, or if you have a variety of ailments or physical conditions which predispose you to a bad covid experience.

If you want to die of blood clots - just catch covid-19. You are several hundred times more likely to do so by not getting vaccinated, than by having the jab.

Although some people who had both jabs are catching the virus, barely any of them are having serious illness. A very small number do, but they are always people with compromised immune systems. All vaccines depend on the recipient having a functional immune response. Very old people, and some others may not have such a response and the vaccine won't help them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
had those from the start not got anything virus wise dont wear masks and not changed my life what so ever and still dont know anyone that has had it or died from it.

at the end of the day they are using a treatment that was developed to cure cancer and it failed after 5 billion of funding and was abandoned in 2017.

it was never licensed for use in human trials because to little and did nothing and to much was toxic to human beings.

so why not have a 100ml booster jab cant have to much of a good thing can you but will be your last day on earth 100% and be fully cured of covid 19 as now dead!



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
I’m an Insulin Dependent Diabetic
since February this year I have been on a low carb diet and trying to ride the bike more. The upshot of this is that I have lost over four and a half stone and can quite comfortably ride 20 miles now and not feel knackered. I’m also walking into town now instead of taking the van, so all moving in the right direction.

Benefits from this are, I eat more healthily and actually enjoy physical exercise. My neck has lost two inches, my waist and chest have lost ten inches, the missus likes the other benefits also, but that’s a whole other story. Not too bad for a man in his early sixties.
Not bad at all! Good stuff indeed!!
Q - has your insulin dependence/dose changed at all?

A general comment - It certainly seems to be the case that its easier to lose weight and get back into shape when your younger, but stories like yours show that its still achievable even when we get into retirement age (and lets face it - many people seem to just give up or not try as they think its just too late).
I often hear podcasts etc with progressive medical/health practitioners discussing how modern day dogma tells us that as you get older, you need to take it easy and cut out the physical activity, where in reality, you should be doing the opposite! As you age, its more and more important that one tries to maintain fitness and especially physical strength. (muscle mass and bone density being parameters closely associated with overall mortality!)

I myself have recently stepped up the resistance training aspect of my fitness regime as I've come to realise that my own weight loss, while being very positive in terms of the fat reduction, has also resulted in a fair bit of muscle loss.
When I was younger, I was aware of 'heavy duty' and 'high intensity' bodybuilding techniques popularised by people like Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates, but now its seems that research is backing up that approach, and its especially useful for elderly people as well.
If anyone is interested, someone who has brought a lot of excellent information together on this is Dr Doug McGuff. Lots of free info from him out there on the net in terms of youtube videos etc, and he has a detailed book called 'body by science' which explains the theory behind why this approach works, as well as giving workout routines etc. One great thing about this approach is that you basically get maximum gains in minimum time, so its not good for those people who use "I don't have time for all that training" as an excuse :)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 11, 2019
Eat meat to maintain muscle mass,which is what us bikers need.

I feel cheated if I don't get meat once a day.

Also one of the factors ,rarely published,with regard to the ever increasing dementia/alzheimers cases ,is the correlation with eating less meat, because the
animal fats in the meat coat brain neurones with a protective layer.
More meat =less dementia.

Fact-more women last year died of dementia than covid.
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Deleted member 16246

Eat meat to maintain muscle mass,which is what us bikers need.

I feel cheated if I don't get meat once a day.

Also one of the factors ,rarely published,with regard to the ever increasing dementia/alzheimers cases ,is the correlation with eating less meat, because the
animal fats in the meat coat brain neurones with a protective layer.
More meat =less dementia.

Fact-more women last year died of dementia than covid.
YAY! I Like your style.

I have a low tolerance for faddy diets. Having 'entertained' one of my daughter's in law to lunch yesterday, I am especially sensitive about intolerances to food. :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 8, 2020
had those from the start not got anything virus wise dont wear masks and not changed my life what so ever and still dont know anyone that has had it or died from it.
I know of several people who've had it, including one after double vaccination. He was OK, just a little rough for a couple of days. A great result.
I've also had an immediate member of the family die of it - they caught it in hospital in January at the peak. I promise you really don't want to get it, it's a rough way to die, and a bit sh*t for the rellies who can't do anything to help. Hence my interest in the stats of vaccinations and yellow cards, and why I'm happy to argue the case for getting jabbed.

Everyone has a choice, but just make sure you have a good read around the subject, not just FB and Whatsapp oxygen-seeking threads. As they used to say of another misunderstood disease: 'Don't die of ignorance'.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
In order to protect mRNA molecules from the body’s natural defenses, drug developers must wrap them in a protective casing. For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.

public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)

and it is not a disease it is a corona virus!! and if this drug was that good for this type of virus why was it never used years ago and was abandoned until now at a cost of 5 billion in research since 1992.

viruses mutate and have done so for thousand's of years and why i doubt no cure will be ever made for any off them 100% as was only discovered in the 1920s with the first electron microscope.

so far the only 2 diseases that have a cure is small pox and polio and this rna drug was meant to treat things like cancer yet never even made it to human testing in all that time.

deaths in my age range with no health problems is under 500

and as for giving it to much younger ppl it is insane to vax them from the numbers as they can still catch it and pass it on anyway and the government was hiring the staff to go in to schools and do it months ago.

and dont forget if this jab does screw you up all you get is 120k this is not compensation according to the government and will affect any benefits you get and so far not 1 case has been paid out as you will need to prove your case at a tribunal so if it kills you the family wont get a penny!

and when i die i want a free cremation so i need to be put in the brown wheelie bin on a Tuesday so can go to the incinerator up the road :p

and last time i went to hospital in 2019 i had to leave cos could not eat that slop so would have starved to death anyway fkn 1 mile walk for a roll up and you can not even open up the windows to jump out off ffs.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
DWP Response
The DWP has the information you have requested.
The Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme (VDPS) provides a one-off tax free payment,
currently £120,000, to those people who are severely disabled as a result of vaccination
against a specified disease, within the meaning of the Act.
It is not compensation. It is a payment to help ease the financial burden for those individuals
where, on very rare occasions, vaccination has caused severe disablement. The Scheme
does not prejudice the right of the disabled person to pursue a claim for damages through the
courts. It should be considered in context with the range of support, financial and otherwise,
that is available to disabled people in the UK, for example, free healthcare, social care
support and disability benefits.

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Mar 21, 2021
Not bad at all! Good stuff indeed!!
Q - has your insulin dependence/dose changed at all?
Very much so. I’m on a Basel / Bolus regime.

Prior to this I was taking 60 units of long acting Insulin at night and up to 60 units of fast acting Insulin when I ate.

Now, I’m taking 10 units of long acting in the morning and sometimes 5 units of fast acting Insulin when I eat. Sometimes none, depending on my Blood Glucose results.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Prior to this I was taking 60 units of long acting Insulin at night and up to 60 units of fast acting Insulin when I ate.

Now, I’m taking 10 units of long acting in the morning and sometimes 5 units of fast acting Insulin when I eat. Sometimes none, depending on my Blood Glucose results.
That's awesome. Do you think you'll be able to come off totally? Sounds like there might be hope for that.

Can't remember if I posted the info/link somewhere else in this thread, but for anyone diabetic, they should look up info from Dr Cyrus Khambatta. There is an excellent Rich Roll podcast out there on youtube etc where he talks about loads of fascinating, diabetes related stuff.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Also one of the factors ,rarely published,with regard to the ever increasing dementia/alzheimers cases ,is the correlation with eating less meat, because the
animal fats in the meat coat brain neurones with a protective layer.
More meat =less dementia.
I recall that there are a number of (Vegan) medical practitioners that as well as recommending B12 as an essential supplement if you don't eat meat, some are saying that to be safe, its probably also worth taking DHA (which is an Omega3 fatty acid) as there has indeed been some concern that there is data that some people on restrictive vegan diets do seem get dementia, which is the opposite of what is expected.

Note I said "the opposite of what is expected", because the majority of studies that I've come across show that its heavy meat eaters are the ones most likely to have trouble with all the common modern day diseases - including dementia/alzheimers!

So I think its more accurate to say
More meat = more dementia
No meat and no essential fatty acids also = more dementia

Deleted member 16246

The, more meat = more dementia idea shown above is I would say an over simplification.

My grandma,born in 1896, and my mother, born in 1921, knew about diet. They were strong advocates of eating a balanced diet, and partly because money was tight, they made sure their kids ate what they provided, which was simple, varied and nutritious. None of them, and none of use were fat. None of them were vegans, but they ate moderately, ate lots of vegetables and most days they ate meat or fish, especially oily fish - not loads, but a few ounces. They were rarely ill, and lived into their old age. They were also very active.

The post above mentions veganism, and contrasts the outcomes of people described as 'heavy meat eaters'. The issue is often one of massive over eating, rather than meat eating. Here in the UK, rates of obesity have rocketed in recent decades, because people are eating large amounts of high calorie, often high sugar foods. The result of this is serious decline in health, but I think, it is less about 'meat' and more about huge calorie consumption. You can not get fat if your food intake, matches your energy output.

A lot of take away food is sold in what in the 1960s would have been seen as massive portions. Fish and chip shop portions are I reckon at least twice as large as they were in the 1960s. We also have increased the size of our dinner plates and bowls. I still have some of the crockery from my mother's home. The dinner plates are much smaller than the modern ones I have.

As for supplements; the only thing I take like that is vitamin D which I take 10 to 20 uG daily from October to April. It is pretty much impossible to get enough Vitamin D in the UK during that part of the year - especially in the north. Vitamin D deficiency has well known serious issues like rickets, but is also implicated in poor immune function.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
The, more meat = more dementia idea shown above is I would say an over simplification.
Well of course it is. But it was deliberately so as a counter the equally simplistic
"More meat =less dementia. " statement.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
If you want to die of blood clots - just catch covid-19.
Yes, I've seen data on this, and it does indeed seem that blood clotting is one of the deadlier issues with Covid.

However there have been a number of studies now that indicate that its the spike protein portion of the virus that's the cause of the clotting!
Fair enough, that would just be an interesting statement, were it not for the fact that we should then ask the obvious question - how do the 'vaccines' work?
Because if I'm understanding things correctly, don't they effectively reprogram your body's own cells to become spike protein factories ?!?

And nobody seems to know how long your body is then going to be producing these blood clotting spike proteins !!! Is it a day? a week? a month?? the rest of your life ???

And without having this information , its yet another reason you cannot make statements such as "If you want to die of blood clots - just catch covid-19. You are several hundred times more likely to do so by not getting vaccinated, than by having the jab"


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 21, 2017
Everyone has a choice, but just make sure you have a good read around the subject, not just FB and Whatsapp oxygen-seeking threads.
Very sensible advice indeed.

But where do you go to get reliable, unbiased information?
I'm genuinely interested, because I've struggled with this for some time. So if anyone has some suggestions, it would certainly help me, and possibly many others reading this thread.

Deleted member 16246

Yes, I've seen data on this, and it does indeed seem that blood clotting is one of the deadlier issues with Covid.

Because if I'm understanding things correctly, don't they effectively reprogram your body's own cells to become spike protein factories ?!?
Some of the vaccines, the MRNA ones like the pfizer one, use messenger RNA to program the cells entered by the tiny messenger RNA particle to get your cells (those entered by the individual particle) to manufacture a very small part of the spike protein. This is a one time action. It is not a continual process as you suggest. Neither is it the whole of the spike protein, just enough of it for your body's defence mechanism to recognise the actual spike part of the real virus when it enters your body and then destroy it.

The dose of messenger RNA particles is limited to the number required to produce a reaction in your own systems. It does not replicate like the actual virus does. If you get the actual virus, there is no limit to the number or replications that happen, other than your own body's ability to kill the thing and stop you being overcome with a very high viral load. The risks are VASTLY greater.

Other vaccines, such as the Oxford Astazeneca one, don't work like the MRNA ones anyway. They contain genetically engineered fragments of the virus's spike protein and work like the more traditional flu vaccines. Because the doses are strictly limited, you get just enough to generate a good reaction.

It is worth saying again because it is absolutely a fact, that you are far far safer having the vaccine than not having it. It's a fact. Ninety million doses of the vaccines have been given in the UK alone and a very small number of people have reacted badly and died. Last I saw of quality information related to about 33 deaths which may have been caused by reaction to the AZ vaccine. This is a minuscule proportion of the number given. For VTT (the unusual clotting syndrome, cases overall, have been 10.9 p er million doses given. Not all of those cases of VTT were fatal of course. The risk of death per million cases of Sars-Covid -2 is hundreds of times greater than any vaccine related deaths.

Another important area of confusion is the counting of Yellow Card vaccine reports. These are simply reports of POSSIBLE issues of concern after a vaccination. When dealing with very large number - most of the population now, people have health episodes within twenty-eight days of a jab. This is entirely to be expected, because people drop down dead every day in any time period and now we have vaccinated a very high proportion of our adult population. Each day in normal times (averaged over a year) about 1500 people die in England. No surprise that people get ill within twenty-eight days of having a jab. They'd get ill or die anyway. They are flagged up so they can be looked at further.

Look here for more information:

Sars-Covid-2 deaths usually come from the body's over reaction to the virus. The immune system in some people so over reacts that they get massive inflammation in the lungs and circulatory system. This causes clotting and over production of fluids in the lungs. This kind of drowning in your own secretions was a feature of the H1N1 Spanish Flu of 1918. In that pandemic, the most badly affected were the young strong people, whose strong immune reaction killed them.
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Aug 10, 2016
Yes, I've seen data on this, and it does indeed seem that blood clotting is one of the deadlier issues with Covid.

However there have been a number of studies now that indicate that its the spike protein portion of the virus that's the cause of the clotting!
Fair enough, that would just be an interesting statement, were it not for the fact that we should then ask the obvious question - how do the 'vaccines' work?
Because if I'm understanding things correctly, don't they effectively reprogram your body's own cells to become spike protein factories ?!?

And nobody seems to know how long your body is then going to be producing these blood clotting spike proteins !!! Is it a day? a week? a month?? the rest of your life ???

And without having this information , its yet another reason you cannot make statements such as "If you want to die of blood clots - just catch covid-19. You are several hundred times more likely to do so by not getting vaccinated, than by having the jab"