Well, that is some detailed review Peter!
I bought the book about two years ago and read it avidly. It is absolutely correct that Chan and Ridley conclude that there is no definite proof either way in the sense of either an animal reservoir of the actual Sars-Cov-2 virus and indeed, no animals or people have been found with anything near to the actual virus we are talking about in the sense that it is a step or ten away from being Sars-Cov-2. Even the RaTG13 is said by those who know to be decades of mutation away fromm the actual virus, and so is the Banal52 one, so where did it do all that mutation without leaving a trail. You would expect animals to be found. They certainly have been in other zoonotic transfers and they were found rapidly.
If the matter was one of criminal wildlife traders who disposed of the evidence, where are the infected traders with antecedent versions of the mutating virus? There are none.
The other thing of course and I think I recall reading this point in the book - Chinese officials have removed evidence and disposed of it. You can't get samples from the testing data from the Wuhan market. You just have to take their conclusions, but even they don't claim to have found the origin infections. All we know is that the outbreak happened near the market which is near the virus laboratory that was doing gain of function research on bat corona viruses and that the virus exploded into the world, unlike every other zoonotic transfer, almost perfectly ready to transmit person to person.
As an example of how unlikely that is, we regularly see transfers of ability in viruses to go from one kind of host to another, but when they start out, they are pretty bad at it. We see H5N1 now causing concern in pigs, cattle and birds. Some workers doing culling of infected animals have contracted it and become pretty unwell, but it does not spread from one to another of the people around them. The information is that most of these cull workers got blood in their eyes from the culling process. Apparently the personal protection rules have not been very good. They did not wear goggles. Some in Vietnam got the new H5N1 by drinking raw animal blood (FFSke). No dout after a time in infected people, the virus would be likely to mutate to spread more easily and who knows what after that? The point is, Sars-Cov-2 exploded into action when there was no history of it being in people before. No one has been found.
So, having read the book, having considered the review, AND the fact that we know the Chinese authorities have hidden data and obstructed further investigation, I am not inclined to change my mind.
This virus emerged from the WIV in the late part of 2019. It had been changed in the lab. They WERE changing exactly that sort of virus in that lab - they had asked for funding to do it.
By the way - my arguments are not really any sort of anti-Chinese rant. It isn't about that. I think this is a very important topic because gain of function research is EXTREMELY dangerous. It is happening elsewhere too and people make mistakes. Lots of times viruses have got out of labs. It is too risky and should be banned. It is almost insane I think to take viruses we have no prior immunity to, which do not infect human beings and then tinker with them to help them infect our own tissues. It is insane and should stop right now.