For decades we have known that China is the usual origin for new strains of 'flu. The theory is that pigs, chickens & people all living in close proximity allow new strains to hop between species. It's the same for these other new respiratory viruses. There is no need for dark conspiracies about viruses escaping from labs.
Very glib.
Are you not at all interested in the fact that the virus emerged in a city which has two virology research labs which we KNOW from grant applications which you can download, were experimenting with gain of function research (it means manipulating viruses so that they can infect human cells) with bat corona viruses?
Are you not interested in the fact that in spite of extremely detailed searches, no wildlife or domestic animal species has been found to have the very close relative of Sars-Covi-2, and that the Wuhan Institute of Virology DID have, and were experimenting with RaTG13 - a bat corona virus from the Hunan caves that has a 96.1 similarity to Sars-Covi-2?
WIV had a large database of viral genomes covering viruses they were working on. Researchers world wide were able to interogate this database right up until around January 2020 when it suddenly went offline.
When SARS spilled over and Mers, near identical viruses were rapidly found in animal reservoirs - thus showing that a natural spill over had occurred through minor natural mutations of the virus code. NOT SO in Sars-Covi-2. No intermediate host has been identified positively. Only unsupported theories exist about civet cats and other animals, but virus samples showing they were infected with Sars-Covi-2 before the pandemic do not exist.
Sars-Covi-2 emerged oven ready to infect human lung tissue in an almost perfect form. This is most unusual and is why when these spill over viruses that you mention DO NOT usually spread easily between people. They only infect people who have massive contact with infectious material on farms butcheries and such places, often killing the recipient, but they do not spread from that person to other people. Sars-Covi-2 was incredibly infectious and flew from person to person so that in weeks it was all over the planet. Viruses that transfer from animals need many generations in human hosts to evolve t spread efficiently. Sars-Covi-2 emerged the perfect virus to infect human hosts.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology
WAS experimenting on adapting bat viruses to human tissue through the technique of serial passage. They applied for a grant to do this in 2018 using the funding body Eco Health Alliance of America. NO grant was given, but the lab already had vast resources of finance from the Chinese government, and they had a wide range of bat viruses and were experimenting with them already when they made the grant application.
You can read the grant proposal here. Eco Health Alliance had as their research partner - The Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Abstract for above research paper:
An Analysis of the Project DEFUSE proposal submitted by EcoHealth Alliance [EHA] to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA] on 3/27/2018; DARPA rejected the proposal, ultimately choosing 5 other groups for its PREEMPT initiative. The proposal describes, in great detail, experiments which could have directly resulted in the SARS-CoV-2 virus that emerged in Wuhan in the fall of 2019; elements of particular concern include the introduction of human proteolytic cleavage sites into SARS-like coronaviruses, the expressed interest in identifying viral strains which could exploit the DC-SIGN pathway, introduction of "key RBD residues" to test ACE2 affinity in humanized mice, and targeted "boosting" [suppression] of bat interferon responses. Given that the initial wild-type SARS-Cov-2 genome contained a Furin Cleavage Site, high hACE2 affinity, DC-SIGN receptors and several ORF components which degrade interferon responses, the existence of the DEFUSE proposal documents raises important questions about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic.