It killed my elderly neighbour last week."There is some talk of a "summer Covid wave" at the moment. We all seem to know someone who has had it lately, or a friend who has been off sick."
Covid: Is there a summer wave and what are FLiRT variants?
Lots of people seem to have Covid at the moment but what is behind it and is it serious?
I wonder how many ex-soldiers from Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine are going to get that bionic leg?"Bionic leg moves like a natural limb — without conscious thought
Computer interface links signals from the brain to an artificial limb, giving the wearer better balance, flexibility and speed."
I've got an ulcer on my denis because I've been a bit too close to a load of girls that get around a lot. I've been too worried to show it to the doctor in case they say that it has to be amputated. I'm so pleased you told me about this. I think I'll give the microwave a go and see what happens first. Do you have any idea about the power setting? Would I be better with low power for longer or should I just run maximum power until the ulcer drops off? I think that's going to do it a bit quicker than 9 months."Barry Mayled, 74, has type two diabetes and watched foot ulcers steadily worsen during the Covid pandemic until surgeons said they had no choice but to amputate.
But Mr Mayled said a medical student observing his care mentioned microwave treatment as an option and, following nine months of treatment, he is now "totally clear"."
Scottish technology saves diabetic man from double leg amputation
Barry Mayled avoided double leg amputation thanks to a microwave technology developed in