The Promise of Gas Vesicles
Gas vesicles are protein shells that reflect soundwaves. They were first discovered in lake-dwelling microbes in Germany but now enable scientists to “hear” individual cells within the body.

You dont need ketamine or any other drug. Just go for a walk or a bike ride in a nice green place. Above all avoid SSRIs. A significant number of male and female patients who take them are plagued by sexual dysfunction after them. Some find this a persistent problem, long after they stopped taking them."Slow-release ketamine tablets help prevent depression relapses, UK trial finds
71% of patients found to experience a relapse compared with 43% who received the pills twice a week"
Since the covid medical mitigation procedure, there have been many cases of turbo cancer, especially the unusual cancers like penis cancer. I'm lucky because I didn't receive the medical procedure, so when I caught it, instead of turbo penis cancer, I just got the turbo penis."Penis cancer on the rise: Brazil sees 6,500 amputations in a decade"
Penile cancer: 6,500 amputations in Brazil in a decade
"It's something you never imagine will happen to you," says João, 63, who under went a partial amputation.www.bbc.co.uk
Since the covid medical mitigation procedure, there have been many cases of turbo cancer, especially the unusual cancers like penis cancer. I'm lucky because I didn't receive the medical procedure, so when I caught it, instead of turbo penis cancer, I just got the turbo penis.
Probably the dog food. I had some friends that were vegans. They had two lovely unrelated dogs. They decided to make their dogs vegan too. Both dogs died of mouth cancer at roughly the same time at a relatively young age. Unfortunately, I was not able to interrogate them on exactly what food they were giving the poor dogs.Joking aside - there is no rise in cases of cancer not easily explained by the fact that we have more old people than ever before, and that cancer is mostly an illness of advanced age.
Sad to say, my old Border Terrier (14 years old) has just been diagnosed with cancer in his jaw. A fortnight later he is coughing hoarsley and the vet says he has lung cancer now. It only took a week.... Is that turbo cancer? He has not had a covid jab, or any jab for the last 13 years as far as I know.