I've joined British Heart Foundation London to Brighton Bike Ride 2013 last June 16th, it's my 3rd year to ride, I normally use my road bike but this year I have decided to use my Burisch Synergy GT250 2013 version, I know that it was a 2013 version because I have bought it 2 months ago

and it has tektro brake lever and a rear disc brake.
Lara e-mailed me and gave instruction how to de-restrict, just disconnect the single white wire with black plug.

and you will get 15mph full auto, and 20mph pedelec.
funny thing is people can't even recognize that it is an electric bike, it was so silent that you can barely hear it roar even when full throttled. only those lorry guys that took my bike in the lorry that wondered why it is so heavy-- haha they are so clueless.
many have asked though what is the "huge thing" that was on my bottle carrier, but it always works when I told them it was a "thermos".
actually it looked like a thermos
anyway, the ride is 58 miles, more like 60 miles including pitstops and long-cuts (I need to impress)
but I need to literally switch off the key otherwise it will always kick the pedelec in. I don't want that as I have max my bike out at around 28 miles full auto in flat/slight climb terrain before, so I knew it will not last the whole ride.
I pedal in flats and downhills, I did pedelecs in uphills and when I need to boost my speed, I can do 20mph on pedelecs and 16mph on full auto in flat grounds. I'm a 60kilo rider.
Ditchling beacon is no match for me as I have climb it up in flying colours. from thereon it is mostly downhill but still plenty of flats. I even clocked at 37mph max speed going down which is very impressive. I have riden in full auto until I've reached Brighton but fall short about 500 meters from the finish line it run out of juice completely, so I need to pedal in full, what a drag.
I will still ride L2B2014 next year definitely! in burisch electric bike? YES!