Well boys and girls............ I just bought one!

So far........ I like it lots!
Main points are as follows:
1) Its light - on my scales its 20.5kg including battery
2) Its fast! Not sure how fast as I dont have a speedo on it but it feels way over 15mph......
3) Quality is good and bad. Brakes look cheap - the levers I mean - I may well swap them - otherwise the paint is a beautiful white and everything works very well.
4) Geering is too low - I already just put a 44T chain ring on the front - it comes with a 42T - that may not be enough and I may have to go up to 46 or 48? We shall see.
5) Battery is charging right now - it came with only a bit of juice but still got me about 8 miles - I am expecting 25-30 once its charged fully - will report about this.
So......... compared with my Oxygen (I have an e-mate which I really like btw) you can see how come its half the price (btw I did check with people here who promised me you are allowed to have more than one electric bike - Flecc and others confirmed this in fact it would appear that some here have even more than two! So this is my number 2 and there may be more) - back to the comparison...
The Oxygen reeks of quality - and its solid - this Burisch you must remember is indeed half the price - so you cant be too critical of things like lower quality parts - but it does show in places - but boy does it go!
Oh another thing - the Oxygen's sensor/controller really does take note of how hard you're peddaling and help you appropriate to that - the Busisch seems to give you full speed ahead no matter how little you peddle! Like even peddaling very gently it suddenly comes in all full power and shoosh you're flying! Plus the power seems to come in a little later too (on the B) - I think the Oxygen system is more refined - but I'm not complaining - I had a Yamaha R1 before this (which I am no longer allowed to ride please dont ask) - so anything with lots of oomph is good for me.
The guy who sells them - Ryan - nice guy - South African straight up kind of guy - met him at his house in Borhamwood (you can go to the warehouse in Luton but that was further for me) and he built it up for me - looks like he's running a decent business and I felt I could trust him right off - anything goes wrong he says no problem we will sort it out.
Not sure what else to say - the battery is on charge - I have not tried it yet with the 44T chain ring but will report when I do - I have a feeling I will have to go even higher but we shall see.