For a quick job without clamps.... Superglue the cables into position then cover with whatever sealant
Tried that one last night with serious glue, Old_Dave - superglue won't set the silicone insulator tape I put on. There'll be a way. Going to take some time out Tuesday to get a plan for the rest of the build mapped out, buttoned down and evaluated realistically - what's involved and what else is needed. In time, materials that I don't already have sitting waiting to be fixed up, and equally importantly skills and tools. Especially for a built-in build. Got a stack of work to shift in the meantime to keep me out of mischief.
Also need to check the Hall Sensors were not fried when the cable severed. There are signals from the wires off the PCB but their functionality hasn't been tested with one of those testers you linked recently so we don't know for sure the motor doesn't need replacement Halls till that is done. Doesn't seem sensible to close the motor up until the Hall function is verified as OK else it'll all have to be opened back up again for those to be repaired.
Blimey .... ......

Got to say both shemozzle999 and d8veh have been saints over this today. I pretty much hit rock bottom this morning. My target completion date came and went on Thursday and I've still got lots to learn to get this finished.
It was likely far too ambitious for a 1st build attempt for someone with no experience of either bikes or electrics/electronics and with a time constraint.
It'll get finished though I'm confident of that now - I may have to step back and accept my limitations in the circumstances in order to get the outcome I'm hoping for and allow myself to prevail on others in a way I've never done before.... and I'm absolutely fine with that. Am just unbelievably lucky to have people who are so selfless and giving offering their help in ways far beyond what I would ever have expected ... or I have come to expect in today's society. It is more than refreshing, it's positively heart-warming.
Guess you can't wave a magic wand and acquire the skills and wisdom of years of experience in 3 weeks in your spare time on your own by remote learning. As I've limited time and funds to make my mistakes with and experiment with I have to keep in mind the purpose of the build - to get a nice suitable bike built for a specific purpose with such niceties as all the funds, facilities and circumstances allow.... within an allocated build window ... and learn as much as I reasonably can in that time.
Already learned WAY more than I ever planned on so on this bike I'm already in the credit on that front. Now just need to get the thing finished and working reliably - and learn to "let go" if necessary for a positive outcome.
There are going to be some trade-offs, to keep me sane and achieve the end goal. Not least of which is keeping at it all myself until it's finished for full emotional "ownership" of the final outcome. But in the end it's a bike and it's needed urgently... at this stage that's far more important than standing on pride or principles.
It's going to be a lovely one I'm certain - and having learned what I've learned I'd be much more confident if I take on another one (which I'd be tempted to do at a later date if funds permit, once my basic mobility needs are catered for). That's in terms of understanding the opportunities and limitations as far as donor bikes are concerned and also what matters to me and what, in the end, doesn't.
My aim hasn't been to prove anything to myself or others so I'm very relaxed about getting a hands-on helping hand rather than a remote one - just astonished at how generous and gracious other people are being. Having been surrounded by people managing deficits (usually time !) for many years now, it takes quite some getting used to.
I'm keeping the faith. One way or another it's going to get sorted.

That'll be a huge relief both to me and to those around me.
Sorry Alex it's so easy to forget that we are not all retired.
No probs - working for yourself and from home means sometimes you can easily appear to be retired so it's completely understandable !