I thought it was the amateur drama of the big man posturing tsar like for his easily impressed "electorate". Now now, Mr bond, spill the beans - what we're you doing in Russia in '84? Strictly fwiw I was in maputo then. The weather was a great deal better than on soggy Isle. As was the coffee, and coffee, and culture, and women, and cigarillos, and meticals (like now), so weak one could buy anything. I have no idea why I left.Is Putin expecting one of his security council to be wearing an IED? The Russians can make impressive looking buildings: I recall passing through Moscow Airport in 1984, with it's astonishing ceiling covered in varying lengths and widths of very large and wide gold cylinders on end, way up there in the distance. Food in the triple glazed (two inches between each pane of glass) hotel, was at the same level of inedibility as Aeroflot airline food but smaller in portion. Everyone was thin, I didn't see any big boned people. Armed soldiers loitered everywhere. Yellow water had stained water basins in an otherwise plush and spotless hotel. Cold, like really really cold - minus 15 C was announced over the Tannoy while we were being shuttled from the airport by bus. Most didn't understand anything we said to them. All English words were read off a sheet in Russian, joined together when read out as a rush of English.