Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
it does not change much, our international reputation is already shot by Johnson single handedly. Everyone knows he is not a serious politician, the only one in the world branded a liar even by MPs in his party.
So the Tories will replace him at an opportune moment and win the next general election with a shiny new leader.

Given that the last four Tory GE winners are John Major, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson, it's not a very high bar.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Are you so desparate to vote for any conservative government that you would still vote for this guy?
Depends on the opposition party, so without doubt yes.
How many times Woosh. When Labour offer a viable alternative with a real leader I would vote for them.
You say repeatedly I hate Starmer/Labour. Not so, I see them as utterly useless, split, divided with wrong priorities, and a riduclous stand on both Brexit and defence.
I agree Boris is awful probably a liar and certainly bordering on incompetent but still way better than Starmer. (and Corbyn,Nandy Rayner or Abott)


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
So the Tories will replace him at an opportune moment and win the next general election with a shiny new leader.

Given that the last four Tory GE winners are John Major, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson, it's not a very high bar.
I don't think the conservatives are going to win the next election.
Brexit has already delivered, and it's not much to show beside the long queues of lorries around Dover. My company like many others stopped selling into the EU. Any rapprochement to the EU to improve trade is unlikely to be made by a conservative government, removing a potentially important support from business community.
Starmer has only to promise the City that he's going to negotiate for a passport for their businesses and the smart money will start rolling in.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I agree Boris is awful probably a liar and certainly bordering on incompetent but still way better than Starmer. (and Corbyn,Nandy Rayner or Abott)
Wakey wakey, look at who is leading Labour into the next election, and it's not Corbyn, he doesn't even have a whip!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Wakey wakey, look at who is leading Labour into the next election, and it's not Corbyn, he doesn't even have a whip!
Think it's time you woke (what an apt word) up with Starmer. He will never win a GE.
And as you say Corbyn has lost the whip and failed in attempts to get it back, this very situation simply adds fuel to an undivided party. If he gets whip back kiss election good bye. If he doesn't, chances are he'll split party even further and probably split Labour vote even further.
You fail to accept the simple premise you are counting chickens years before they have hatched. Labour are no more unified don't have better policies, won't have a better manifesto and are still tainted with Blair, Corbyn, McCluskey, Abott, Momentum, Unite, anti semite arguments and now wokey wokey Starmer. They have no chance.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Think it's time you woke (what an apt word) up with Starmer. He will never win a GE.
And as you say Corbyn has lost the whip and failed in attempts to get it back, this very situation simply adds fuel to an undivided party. If he gets whip back kiss election good bye. If he doesn't, chances are he'll split party even further and probably split Labour vote even further.
You fail to accept the simple premise you are counting chickens years before they have hatched. Labour are no more unified don't have better policies, won't have a better manifesto and are still tainted with Blair, Corbyn, McCluskey, Abott, Momentum, Unite, anti semite arguments and now wokey wokey Starmer. They have no chance.
we'll see who is right. You are the one who still see Labour as divided, McCluskey still as powerful as under Corbyn's management, Abbott as the future chancellor or Foreign Secretary etc.. so who is asleep? Starmer has more or less purged Labour NEC of Corbynistas. Look at Labour's front bench. Where are Barry Gardiner? John McDonnell? RLB?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Depends on the opposition party, so without doubt yes.
How many times Woosh. When Labour offer a viable alternative with a real leader I would vote for them.
You say repeatedly I hate Starmer/Labour. Not so, I see them as utterly useless, split, divided with wrong priorities, and a riduclous stand on both Brexit and defence.
I agree Boris is awful probably a liar and certainly bordering on incompetent but still way better than Starmer. (and Corbyn,Nandy Rayner or Abott)
Have a youtube ar starmers speech in hoc today. I may not like him, but he truly emphatically pulverised the piglet (before stepping publicly on what's left). It is one of the best speeches I've seen in hoc in years. He may well have what it takes to get (new) Labour in.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
we'll see who is right. You are the one who see Labour as divided, McCluskey still as powerful as under Corbyn's management, Abbott as the future chancellor or Foreign Secretary etc.. so who is asleep? Starmer has more or less purged Labour NEC of Corbuyistas. Look at Labour's front bench. Where are Barry Gardiner? John McDonnell? RLB?
As you say, we will see.
Tory party are already maneuvering to dump blame of parties etc onto Johnson. (Theresa May's line of questioning today)
By next election they will have purged party of all seen as transgressors during Covid lockdown..
Perhaps if Labour purged itself of Starmer they might stand a chance.
YouGov today.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
You lack logic.
Still afraid of socialism, still at heart conservative, despite all the evidence.
Not really OG. I don't think current Labour are real socialists at all. No need to bring my logic into it. Simple reality is Labour Party are still fractured between Blairites, Corbynistas and Starmer and his wokism somewhere in middle. Just don't think they are capable of organising party let alone the country.
If Labour were unified and with an effective decisive leader I, d vote for them... But not in this incarnation.
I don't think many people have actually studied what Starmer stood for when head of CPS... Just examine the groups, people and individuals he refused to prosecute in name of race relations. He's weak, woke and ineffectual. I actually preferred Corbyn even with all his faults. If Starmer and Corbyn are best Labour MPs available they really do have no chance.
There are reasons country as a whole (according to polls) don't see Starmer as PM material. Its too easy to blame media but truth is Labour are short of competent people.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Perhaps she didn't want to go to Ukraine with Johnson?

Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, has announced a little while ago that she has Covid. She attended tonight’s Commons session, without wearing a mask, and the packed meeting with the PM and Tory MPs.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I don't think current Labour are real socialists at all.
do explain, what is real socialism?
Starmer is centre left, like Blair. You are rightly worried because he is gaining credibility weeks after weeks, months after months. Think about it, BJ will have 1-2 more months with the police enquiry and Sue Gray's full report, then there is the Jennifer Arcuri's police enquiry. He could be the first PM facing jail for corruption.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
do explain, what is real socialism?
Starmer is centre left, like Blair. You are rightly worried because he is gaining credibility weeks after weeks, months after months. Think about it, BJ will have 1-2 more months with the police enquiry and Sue Gray's full report, then there is the Jennifer Arcuri's police enquiry. He could be the first PM facing jail for corruption.
I get the impression that MPs are rather ignoring Jennifer Arcuri - but it could blow up at any moment.

And, if this afternoon's failure to take a call from Putin is true, that undermines any faith that he can discharge his duties, even if simply because he is saving his own neck.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
do explain, what is real socialism?
Starmer is centre left, like Blair. You are rightly worried because he is gaining credibility weeks after weeks, months after months. Think about it, BJ will have 1-2 more months with the police enquiry and Sue Gray's full report, then there is the Jennifer Arcuri's police enquiry. He could be the first PM facing jail for corruption.
I don't doubt any of that. It is high time Boris went, but you fail to see or accept the irony in the situation.
How bad has Boris and Tories got to get before they are seen and actually are worse than alternative.
You don't see point I, ve been making for months. Yes, current Tories are a terrible shower, they always have been and always were but they were chosen over your hero Starmer. The simple fact is Tories are only in power and are likely to stay in power at next election, because of utter inadequacy of Labour.
Yes, without doubt the worst Government in my memory and one that has lied, broken its own rules, proved to be incompetent and as yet not delivered on any promises is still in power and could quite easily remain so. Now, why is that Woosh. I, ll tell you why, because ironically the worst government in living memory coincides with the worst opposition in living memory.
If Labour do inherit power it won't be on their merit, it will be on failings of Johnson and Tories.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

the dwp can not dictate what jobs you apply for neither can they dictate how job search proof is provided, not that they can even check it because of the gdpr.

without legislation and law in place to support this change it will default to a ase doubt, activity seeking employment.

so as long as you can provide proof of jobs applied for at a tribunal refusing to apply for a zero hrs job means nothing under law and would in fact be a unlawful sanction and would face the sack for gross misconduct if a claimant takes it all the way to a tribunal.

so just more lies and bullying from the dwp to push round pegs in square holes and threats of sanction doubts if you dont do as your told mantra.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I get the impression that MPs are rather ignoring Jennifer Arcuri
and for good reason, it's for the GLA and the police. If he is found guilty of misconduct,
I don't doubt any of that. It is high time Boris went, but you fail to see or accept the irony in the situation.
How bad has Boris and Tories got to get before they are seen and actually are worse than alternative.
You don't see point I, ve been making for months. Yes, current Tories are a terrible shower, they always have been and always were but they were chosen over your hero Starmer. The simple fact is Tories are only in power and are likely to stay in power at next election, because of utter inadequacy of Labour.
Yes, without doubt the worst Government in my memory and one that has lied, broken its own rules, proved to be incompetent and as yet not delivered on any promises is still in power and could quite easily remain so. Now, why is that Woosh. I, ll tell you why, because ironically the worst government in living memory coincides with the worst opposition in living memory.
If Labour do inherit power it won't be on their merit, it will be on failings of Johnson and Tories.
You still have not said what kind of real socialism you would vote for.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
BJ every day will keep the doctor away?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
A serious mistake in his conduct in public - acknowledged by some:

Julian Smith MP


The smear made against Keir Starmer relating to Jimmy Saville yesterday is wrong & cannot be defended. It should be withdrawn. False and baseless personal slurs are dangerous, corrode trust & can't just be accepted as part of the cut & thrust of parliamentary debate.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I don't doubt any of that. It is high time Boris went, but you fail to see or accept the irony in the situation.
How bad has Boris and Tories got to get before they are seen and actually are worse than alternative.
You don't see point I, ve been making for months. Yes, current Tories are a terrible shower, they always have been and always were but they were chosen over your hero Starmer. The simple fact is Tories are only in power and are likely to stay in power at next election, because of utter inadequacy of Labour.
Yes, without doubt the worst Government in my memory and one that has lied, broken its own rules, proved to be incompetent and as yet not delivered on any promises is still in power and could quite easily remain so. Now, why is that Woosh. I, ll tell you why, because ironically the worst government in living memory coincides with the worst opposition in living memory.
If Labour do inherit power it won't be on their merit, it will be on failings of Johnson and Tories.
I am not going to comment on UK politics, except to note that your entire thesis is that Labour must be incompetent, because they ate not in Government, whereas their competence cannot be tested unless they are in Government. So the entire cycle is based in a fallacy. Now why they are not in Government is about PR .. and publicity
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