Finding flaws in logical arguments, and asking da kvestions are Herr Starmer's strengths, not building and presenting an electable vision... in this day and age, that takes salesmanship and well as leadership. Lawyers and accountants are usually poor leaders. However organised their desks become, they never "Get" it. Public dissatisfaction of the Tories has been proportional to Covid cases, a short term bounce for Labour - they need to step up their game with seeminly sensible policies and image/mirage to fool Zlatan into believing they're a credible government in waiting, as Turgid BJ phallaciously did. I've got a horrible feeling that Herr Starmer is yet another caretaker Labour leader, with no chance of leading Labour to victory. Let's face it: Scottish independence has destroyed Labour's chances for good. It's depressing.
Mind you, Starmer seems like the sort of duplicitous pragmatic sh*t, who might choose to form a coalition with the SNP.
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