Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Boris' mistake was initially saying there would be no border. You don't have to think about it long to know full well once UK leaves EU there must be a border, probably at the behest of EU more so than UK.
Singling Boris out is inaccurate, the situation is such that there must be a border. DUP were naive to think any different. So yes, there are problems, has Boris caused them. No, the fact we have left EU has.
And, the point wasn't whether there are problems it was the apparent logic of many in Ireland thinking they can resort to violence when situation caused by democracy presents situations they dislike. Throwing petrol bombs can not be placed as Boris' cause. Violence, throwing petrol bombs and such is simply some people's attempts to have more influence than democracy gives them. That is neither this government's or Boris' fault. It's reality.

The situation in Ireland and specifically NI has been used as a leverage in an attempt by remainers to say. "look, you have caused this violence" to leavers.. Its blackmail. Blocking a democratic choice because a few radical extremists are likely to resort to violence is not on.
The violence we have seen recently in NI is unacceptable and not justified at all.
Comedy award of the week for that post.
If there was any justice in this world Johnson and the rest of Vote leave would be banned for life from any of the British Isles and sent to Russian where they belong


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I was talking about items discussed on here. The Centenary has not been mentioned and it seems to me many in Ireland look for reasons to throw petrol bombs at each other.
Whatever has happened doesn't excuse the behaviour we see there.
Its like blaming Glazers for idiots inside Old Trafford throwing bottles at Police. Yes, there are perhaps reasons to protest in both issues but not put lives at risk.
And, it's not Boris' fault that some lunatic throws petrol bombs. That is utter garbage and excuses the appalling behaviour
If it isn't Johnson's fault why were they not doing it a month or so ago?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Which NHS would that be? Is it your Welsh NHS, our English one or the Scottish one? ;)
I should, you are right to point this out, have expressed it as the app called "NHS COVID-19" and released by NHS Test & Trace to those in England and Wales who wish or need to use it!

There is no Welsh NHS app as such - neither a separate Covid one nor a parallel to the English NHS app.
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Oct 25, 2006
I should, you are right to point this out, have expressed it as the app called "NHS COVID-19" and released by NHS Test & Trace to those in England and Wales who wish or need to use it!

There is no Welsh NHS app as such - neither a separate Covid one nor a parallel to the English NHS app.
Thanks, I honestly didn't know, not being an app user, especially after the wholly negative experiences with the surgery contact app from AT Medical.
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Oct 25, 2006
Blame Glazers when they break windows.
For some odd reason the tradesmans name has an "i" in it:

Glazier, a person whose trade is fitting glass into windows and doors.

Weird, we don't have Riding, Ridier; Bricklaying , Bricklayier; so why Glazing, Glazier?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2006
Yes - I know! But it has been an alternative spelling at times (even if out of ignorance) - and is a word applied to someone who glazes pottery.
To repeat from my above edit:

Weird, we don't have Riding, Ridier; Bricklaying , Bricklayier; so why Glazing, Glazier?

It is an oddity.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
No it hasn't !

if anything the medical profession are worthy of praise, it's a bit mad to praise a Government that has caused so may unnecessary casualties with anything other than not getting in the way of the professionals.

Praise should be EARNED not claimed as if by right, for merely helping solve a dire problem for which they bear a dire responsibility
I know the concensus on here is that Government are to blame for all the bad aspects yet can't take responsibility for any of the good, but then again if folk on here had chance they, d bring back capital punishment and first lucky winner would be Boris...
But fortunately the vast majority of country see it rather more sanely... Govt and Boris have made mistakes, as all governments have, but they have got some aspects right. All the garbage laying personal blame on Johnson doesn't seem to be losing him keys to no10 any time soon.
Vaccination has been handled fantastically. 35 million first jabs and approaching 15 million now fully vaccinated with a likely booster available soon. We, ve now got lowest infection rates in Europe and we are probably nearest back to anything like normality in Europe.. If that's not any measure of success I don't know what is.
Said it before but if you knock everything you get ignored on the stuff you shouldn't be.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Comedy award of the week for that post.
If there was any justice in this world Johnson and the rest of Vote leave would be banned for life from any of the British Isles and sent to Russian where they belong
Wouldn't be many left. Perhaps all the moaners should leave instead. Far fewer of them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I know the concensus on here is that Government are to blame for all the bad aspects yet can't take responsibility for any of the good, but then again if folk on here had chance they, d bring back capital punishment and first lucky winner would be Boris...
But fortunately the vast majority of country see it rather more sanely... Govt and Boris have made mistakes, as all governments have, but they have got some aspects right. All the garbage laying personal blame on Johnson doesn't seem to be losing him keys to no10 any time soon.
Vaccination has been handled fantastically. 35 million first jabs and approaching 15 million now fully vaccinated with a likely booster available soon. We, ve now got lowest infection rates in Europe and we are probably nearest back to anything like normality in Europe.. If that's not any measure of success I don't know what is.
Said it before but if you knock everything you get ignored on the stuff you shouldn't be.
Sorry but these criminals should be in jail, not power, and nothing excuses that.
It's like Saying Hitler built a wonderful Autobahn system and Mussolini got the trains running on time
Nothing mitigates what these parasites have done.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
To repeat from my above edit:

Weird, we don't have Riding, Ridier; Bricklaying , Bricklayier; so why Glazing, Glazier?

It is an oddity.
One of quite a number!


Arguable, bowyer, lauier (which became lawyer), and various others.


Oct 25, 2006
The first two are old French of course.

Just found a reference to the "i" in glazier being due to influence from words ending in yer in Middle English, as in the bowyer and lawyer you mentioned.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
Maybe our rates have dropped further - but a few days ago, 25/04/2021, we were just below the middle according to this:

View attachment 42319
I'm almost certain that is the cumulative figures since Covid began, not the current number of active cases, or the number of new cases per day. At least, that corresponds to the ourworldindata cumulative figures on a few countries I have checked (below).

UK and Portugal are relatively high there because of the huge peaks last winter (in the UK mainly attributable to government policy).

If you look at new daily figures UK is indeed very low. (choose 7 day rolling average in the chart below);
I think UK is the lowest in Europe but may have missed one or two?

I don't know of a source that gives the current number of active cases.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I'm almost certain that is the cumulative figures since Covid began, not the current number of active cases, or the number of new cases per day. At least, that corresponds to the ourworldindata cumulative figures on a few countries I have checked (below).

UK and Portugal are relatively high there because of the huge peaks last winter (in the UK mainly attributable to government policy).

If you look at new daily figures UK is indeed very low. (choose 7 day rolling average in the chart below);
I think UK is the lowest in Europe but may have missed one or two?
On Worldometer UK is 42nd on infection rates (world wide, new infections per million)
Germany is still below UK on their figures but UK has showed largest drop down that particular league table. (as it has with death rates per million)
I, d guess its a countries' drop in position demonstrates successful current policy. Uk has dropped from one of highest death rates worldwide (at one stage I believe it was 3rd) to a current position of 14th..(I suspect if current trends continue it will drop further)

I don't know of a source that gives the current number of active cases.

Apologies, my reply to this ended up in with quote.
Worldometer gives current active cases.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
Apologies, my reply to this ended up in with quote.
Worldometer gives current active cases.
Thank you. Also active cases per million if you ask it nicely. UK is one of lowest in Europe on that count too, with some little islands like Channel Iles and Isle of Mann
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Tory quarrels determined UK’s post-Brexit future, says Barnier
Revealed: EU chief negotiator’s diaries, The Great Illusion, give blow-by-blow account of moves behind UK’s departure

The article is quite potent.
In the Guardian... Spotting a pattern here yet?
By potent do you mean impotent.
Its hardly earth shattering is it.
Barnier is upset with UK /Tory MPs. No sh!te Sherlock.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
it's still a pretty accurate summary.
Personalities aside, brexit is essentially an internal debate to the UK conservatives.
When you look into why church-goers voted for brexit and young people who didn't make the effort to go to vote, you can see that the pro-EU conservatives didn't stand a chance.
I noted one good remark from Barnier though: “I do wonder what, until now, has prevented the UK from becoming ‘Global Britain’, other than its own lack of competitiveness.”
