Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You will have a long wait if you think I am prepared to rehash the same, tired, arguments for your benefit.

Read the preceding 3,459 pages if you are that interested.

Nor am I remotely interested in your snotty insults.
You didn’t contribute much to those pages did you?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
You didn’t contribute much to those pages did you?
You've contributed 17,000 posts all saying the same old shite.

Were has it got you?

Brexit and a majority Tory government.

I wonder which of us has come out ahead.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Look at these slightly more objectively...
1) We don't live in a democracy

Your Parliament is supreme,and is voted in by universal suffrage,so in general terms it is democratic. However it is not Representative. In that the ratio of seats is not proportional to the popular vote.
2) The vote in 2016 was 'a fraud'
Two points, it was basically a dead heat. of 38,000,000 votes cast, had 600,000 voted differently, the decision would have been different.
There were fraudulent practices involved..the use of DUP unaudited funds for an advertisement spread in London, was totally outside the spirit of the legislation
3) We voted to leave in 2016 because:
- The Russians made us do it
- Facebook made us do it
- Dominic Cummings made us do it
Unless one has convincing reasons that less than 600,000 people were affected by these methods then a strong maybe.
4) Boris Johnson always lies
He must occasionally tell the truth, ..Even lying about a lie is an inadvertent truth.
5) The Mirror, Independent and Guardian are reliable sources of information
Not aware of the Mirror, but the Guardian seems ok to me, and the Express is extremely informative on matters archeological and astronomical
6) The media control everything (or was it Cummings again - I can't remember)
Of course they do,or at least try..It is their bread and butter. The traditional mass media are having a harder time adjusting to the social media, personal approach and customised messaging ,which are not open to scrutiny, press councils etc.
7) People want to 'rejoin' already
That is undoubtedly true, I have spoken with English cousins. However I also sense a feeling of resignation to the inevitable...which bring one back to point 1. The majority of people in the UK EP elections did vote for non Brexit leaning candidates

8) Etc


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Matters not.

What does matter is more than three years of pointless parliamentary 'scrutiny' is over.

We have started the endgame, which is all Tory voting public expect.

That it may take a year or two to leave the hideously overblown organisation is another good reason for doing so.
Well I shall be happy with Brexit if all the promises come true


Oct 25, 2006
Everybody has arrived at the decision they made through some logical process in their own minds or feelings
In my own case feelings haven't come into it, nor even very much of a logical process. As I've made clear in many posts I'm only concerned with facts, and indeed my post that started this thread 3460 posts ago was only about facts, hence the thread title.

I've posted the undeniable facts before, but here for the first time I'll repeat them together:

1) With the enforced loss of our Empire and it's captive market following WW2, our industries and much of our commerce collapsed into rapid decline. This left us in a parlous state by the early 1970s. Our two corrective actions then were joining the Common Market and bringing in the IMF to run the economy through the rest of the '70s.

2) Those corrective actions gradually turned us around, the IMF balancing the books and EU actions and subsidies enabling new manufacturing here for the tariff free EU market. A notable example was Nissan at Sunderland in 1984, starting a process that brought in other car manufacturers from Japan, France and Germany and now China.

3) Throughout our 47 years of EU membership those opposed to the EU within politics and business have maintained that our EU membership prevents us trading worldwide outside of EU trade deals. This is demonstrably untrue, since many EU nations trade freely and very successful thoughout the whole world. Notable examples are Germany, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, France and Italy. Even our own JCB proves it can be done well. The only reason we cannot do like them and complain instead is simply because we are almost entirely not good enough, either at doing it or because we don't have enough of what others want.

4) Getting advantageous trade deals with the EU, or anyone else for that matter is very difficult, as this thread's opening post shows. Having had nearly half a century without negotiating such deals leaves us ill equipped to do so, as our struggles with the experienced EU negotiators in the Brexit negotiations shows only too well.

5) Trade deals with the EU for outsiders do not include Services. Since we are very heavily dependent on our sales of services to the EU, leaving the EU has a severe loss of trading over time built in.

It is solely those facts that made me a Remainer. If I'd ignored the facts and gone on feelings alone instead, I would probably have been a Leaver.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
You can say that again - just when I think we have these remainers licked he comes back with a string of 8-10 posts repeating pretty much verboten exactly what he's said a million times before and I shake my head in disbelief and resign myself to losing this war.
Kettles and pots , using words like verbatim should be verboten


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You've contributed 17,000 posts all saying the same old shite.

Were has it got you?

Brexit and a majority Tory government.

I wonder which of us has come out ahead.
Not you, you now have the worst liar of a Prime minister ever with a sidekick about to wreak havoc in the ranks of the Civil Service, and because your incompetent Prime minister has painted himself into a corner over an extension period, we are about to face a cliff end no deal Brexit.
And you have to be taking the mickey by asking which of us has come out ahead?
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Oct 25, 2006
I do wish some people who are so keen to talk down our country would take advantage of free movement while it still exists.
it's pity your feelings make you post this way, missing the obvious.

I've just posted on this link the ways in which we've failed and continue to fail.

Just bleating make Britain Great again, getting back sovereignty and telling those revealing the failures not to talk down won't correct anything.

When we fail, the first step in correcting that failure is admitting to it, not denying it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Rob you're right to put 'facts' in inverted commas.

According to OG the 'facts' are as follows:

1) We don't live in a democracy
2) The vote in 2016 was 'a fraud'
3) We voted to leave in 2016 because:
- The Russians made us do it
- Facebook made us do it
- Dominic Cummings made us do it
4) Boris Johnson always lies
5) The Mirror, Independent and Guardian are reliable sources of information
6) The media control everything (or was it Cummings again - I can't remember)
7) People want to 'rejoin' already
8) Etc....

He does have - thank god - some redeeming qualities though. He can paint - has a good eye for a photograph - and self-lessly looks after his ailing wife.


When it comes to 'facts' - it's probably best looking elsewhere.
  1. We live in a representative democracy not a true one
  2. Correct the vote was a fraud and would have been annulled if it hadn't been advisory only
  3. The leave vote was gained from the following -A generation long campaign blaning the EU for UK Government errors and bad policies- a highly successful propaganda campaign of lies and false promises
  4. Boris Johnson doesn't even know when he's lying!
  5. You can't prove that people don't want to rejoin already can you? and when things go wrong they certainly will
  6. The top 19 Brexit lies are here
No doubt there will be an attempt to honour some of these promises, as for instance money for farmers and the NHS, but without replacing most or all the trade deals,
Where is the money coming from?
They will simply be dropped as impractical.

Sorry, but like the majority of people, I expect promises to be honoured in full.
Nothing less is acceptable, just to protect offshore tax dodgers assets.
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Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
You've contributed 17,000 posts all saying the same old shite.

I wonder which of us has come out ahead.
A serious question. In what way are you now ahead? I know that we will leave the EU, which is a victory for those who wanted to carry out the act of leaving, but what will the act of leaving deliver for you, which then puts you ahead?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Neither did you. You havent made 17000 posts. You, ve made 2 posts 8500 times each. And thats been generous, its probably more like one post 17,000 times.
And we, ve had to read them all FFS.
Aren’t you lucky


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
And you have to be taking the mickey by asking which of us has come out ahead?
Not taking the mickey, just looking at the 'facts'.

You have made 17,000 posts on this thread, all saying the same.

I've made a few dozen, all saying the same.

I wanted Brexit and a Tory government.

You, presumably, wanted neither.

We have both.

So who has what they want?

It's harder to imagine a more catastrophic defeat from your point of view.

Good luck to you If you find wasting more than three years of your life posting on here only to come out losing hilarious.

I think it sits somewhere on that line between and comedy and tragedy.

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
Not taking the mickey, just looking at the 'facts'.

You have made 17,000 posts on this thread, all saying the same.

I've made a few dozen, all saying the same.

I wanted Brexit and a Tory government.

You, presumably, wanted neither.

We have both.

So who has what they want?

It's harder to imagine a more catastrophic defeat from your point of view.

Good luck to you If you find wasting more than three years of your life posting on here only to come out losing hilarious
There can only be a loser if there is a winner, and you can only win if you achieve the prize, the goal or the aspiration.

So what have you won? I keep asking but it’s almost like you don’t know, which I can’t believe. You must know what you voted for? What outcome you wanted? Surely? Look, I’ll lower the bar a bit more, give me your top two. Two laws which you want to make or change and two trade deals you would like to see struck, but EU membership is preventing. That must be dead easy to answer.


Oct 25, 2006
It's harder to imagine a more catastrophic defeat from your point of view.
More than a little premature, Brexit could well prove catastrophic fo all of us.

That's if we do leave of course, if we strike a deal anything like the two versions seen so far, it's leaving in name only and ending up in something like EFTA, membership with no say.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
We have a poster who only joined yesterday to rehash a question in a long running and at times tetchy thread.

This is known as trolling.

I cannot be bothered to indulge a troll.

Other members may feel differently and can make up their own minds.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Not taking the mickey, just looking at the 'facts'.

You have made 17,000 posts on this thread, all saying the same.

I've made a few dozen, all saying the same.

I wanted Brexit and a Tory government.

You, presumably, wanted neither.

We have both.

So who has what they want?

It's harder to imagine a more catastrophic defeat from your point of view.

Good luck to you If you find wasting more than three years of your life posting on here only to come out losing hilarious.

I think it sits somewhere on that line between and comedy and tragedy.
What a shame you didn't understand my posts, Since it was obvious that at some point Brexit would go ahead, my most favoured outcome was for a no deal Brexit, as this would prove a sharp lesson to the public, however any kind of Brexit will prove a lesson in the long run, just take longer.
No, I'm not the loser, you are, when this mad idea goes bottom up, my conscience will be clear, with no regrets, for it will have turned out as I anticipated.
History is always to more integration between nations, and without our presence you have in fact gifted the fate of Europe to the strongest nation.
Congratulations, for increasing the power of Germany at our expense.
Not you,nor me, just the German people are the winners
And they are the ones we will have to beg to be let back in!
Now who is the winner?
Only the rich with their offshore banking tax swindles
Also if you had actually read my posts, I said it was in Labours best interest NOT to be in power while Brexit is sorted out.
Let the villains of the piece carry the blame.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
We have a poster who only joined yesterday to rehash a question in a long running and at times tetchy thread.

This is known as trolling.

I cannot be bothered to indulge a troll.

Other members may feel differently and can make up their own minds.
Only to some out of retirement to "indulge in a little gloating"?
I like that , it's very funny! :cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
More than a little premature, Brexit could well prove catastrophic fo all of us.

That's if we do leave of course, if we strike a deal anything like the two versions seen so far, it's leaving in name only and ending up in something like EFTA, membership with no say.
Of course there is the rather sad fact that we were founder members of the EFTA, and when it couldn't compete with the Common Market, abandoned it to join what became the EU!

I wonder if the EFTA members harbour any resentment about that?
