Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What fun! leave voters support a man who is creating even more parasites on the public purse
Is this what leave voters voted for?
in the Express
Boris Johnson unveils plans to flood Lords with dozens of Leave heroes to secure Brexit

Substitute Tax Dodging Vermin and spongers for heroes
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea

The Conservatives and the Brexit party are making the vast unsubstantiated promise that a combination of grit, optimism and tech will solve every problem associated with Brexit. Some of us spend our time wondering why these arguments hold fast against any evidence to their contrary; why they’re so immune to reality and reason.
Perhaps JC is the reason? He wants to lead a national unity government but appears totally unenthusiastic about any progressive alliance.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Very grown up.
As against being childishly led over a cliff edge by an idiot?
So that Tax Dodgers fiddles are protected
Do you call that grown up?
I call it insanity, but then you voted for it didn't you?
How childish was that?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
The notion that leavers keep trotting out as Fingers does that the EU has changed, is of course utter nonsense, as this speech from way back by Ted Heath confirms that the EEC and EU were always intended to be political rather than merely economic

That’s all very convenient but looking at that footage and the words used it’s clearly an Oxford debating society meet up.

That wouldn’t have been accessible to 99.99% of the population of the time. People didn’t know that was the plan. There wasn’t 24 hour news channels, social media etc.

If people really did know what they were voting for why is that those who did vote the first time overwhelmingly say they didn't know and voted out?

Does that not seem strange to you?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
That’s all very convenient but looking at that footage and the words used it’s clearly an Oxford debating society meet up.

That wouldn’t have been accessible to 99.99% of the population of the time. People didn’t know that was the plan. There wasn’t 24 hour news channels, social media etc.

If people really did know what they were voting for why is that those who did vote the first time overwhelmingly say they know and voted out?

Does that not seem strange to you?


Oct 25, 2006
That’s all very convenient but looking at that footage and the words used it’s clearly an Oxford debating society meet up.
But Heath said the same back in 1972:

Here's extracts from what Ted Heath said publically and which were widely reported when he wanted to sign up to EEC membership:

"I have had the vision of a Britain in a united Europe; a Britain which would be united economically to Europe"

"I want Britain as a member of a Europe which is united politically"

"I have always made it absolutely plain to the British people that consent to this course would be given by Parliament. Parliament is the Parliament of all the people."

"tonight when this House (House of Commons) endorses this Motion, many millions of people right across the world will rejoice that we have taken our rightful place in a truly United Europe."

In brief, economically and politically united with a truly United Europe. That is EU membership, spelled out in 1972.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That’s all very convenient but looking at that footage and the words used it’s clearly an Oxford debating society meet up.

That wouldn’t have been accessible to 99.99% of the population of the time. People didn’t know that was the plan. There wasn’t 24 hour news channels, social media etc.

If people really did know what they were voting for why is that those who did vote the first time overwhelmingly say they know and voted out?

Does that not seem strange to you?
Who are you kidding? it was blazoned all over the news over a period of years!
You really are desperate to appear a victim, when in fact your are guilty of delusion.
The fact of what the EU is are no secret and never have been.
You simply never bothered to check as you really didn't want to know.
Ignorance was bliss.

And lets cover what the people who voted out actually thought they voted for shall we?
Do I have to print the list of leave promises yet again?
Are you now saying that the vast sums spent (illegally too) had a zero effect on the leave vote?
It was all promises, promises, wasn't it?
Did the remain vote promise you anything at all, other than no change?
If the leave overwhelmingly say they know what they voted for there was no reason for the leave campaign to exist and waste all that money, was there?
And why has the leave campaign run a campaign to con them into thinking something not on offer was what they wanted all along?
They have gone from sunny uplands and increased wages to tighten your belts, in fifty years all will be well?
Does that not seem strange to you either?
How can they be gulled twice in succession?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
So many questions I'm dizzy.

Yet you failed to answer my two questions.

Why did the people who voted last time say they were not aware that joining meant becoming a state of the EU and why, given a second nibble of the cherry they overwhelmingly vote out?

It's seems straightforward to me but maybe you are too blinkered and frothing at the mouth to see it.

They felt conned.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
So many questions I'm dizzy.

Yet you failed to answer my two questions.

Why did the people who voted last time say they were not aware that joining meant becoming a state of the EU and why, given a second nibble of the cherry they overwhelmingly vote out?

It's seems straightforward to me but maybe you are too blinkered and frothing at the mouth to see it.

They felt conned.
OG is in many ways a troll. And a good one. I have nothing against trolls. They spout absolute rubbish in the hope that somebody will respond. Their biggest desire is to keep people interacting with them - they crave this.

Let's face it - this - basically - is OGs thread. He basically owns it. Why? Because of his dedication to the cause. The cause being to keep the conversation going. It's his. He will probably still be writing posts the day he dies. He is never going to give up or give in.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
As against being childishly led over a cliff edge by an idiot?
So that Tax Dodgers fiddles are protected
Do you call that grown up?
I call it insanity, but then you voted for it didn't you?
How childish was that?
Funny how you support a protectionist cartel that prevents new businesses from competing - pushing up prices for ordinary consumers - all in the name of 'peace' and 'unity' or some other such platitudes.

And at the same time you think dismantling this protectionist cartel would primarily benefit the 'tax dodgers'.

No please spare me your reasons.

Fingers - we can not beat this guy. He's too mad. But once in a while one feels compelled to challenge the absolute trash he writes.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
That the EU realises we are actually going to leave and there is nothing parliament can do about it certainly is a good thing. It means they are more likely to give us what we want. It strengthens our negotiating position.
be careful with that 'we'.
it may not be 52/48 next time the question is asked again.
It's clear to me that what people want does not coincide with that of those who funded the Leave campaign (no deal). Poll suggests 26% of voters support no deal.
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