Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Actually very few of the Bell Clan are ever knighted, the whole clan was ejected from it's native Scotland by King James 1 as "benighted"
Sir Plus in fact...

as to Sir John Ive this bit from wikipedia fits with my memory of him
"However, his frustration with the position reached a turning point after he designed a toilet, bidet and sink for client Ideal Standard, and the company's boss rejected Ive's work, stating that the products were too costly and looked too modern..
we always had problems with Stylists like him, who didn't understand water distribution flow patterns and pottery production itself.

We got the most out of these so called Industrial designers if we restricted them to applying a style to an already created model.
That way not only could you say it was designed by an "Internationally acclaimed designer" but it actually did what it was intended to!

Generally our Market Research guys preferred to hire an external stylist to annoy the inhouse guys who really knew what they were doing and had to make a Silk Purse out of a sow's ear so that they could walk away with a fat fee and their reputation enhanced.

It was all very much akin to the time Victoria Beckham unveiled the Range Rover Evoque and announced "when I designed this car"
Very true. I’m in no doubt that styling is a one of the most important aspects of a product, but it has to work efficiently, and as you say, the style or look of a product can disrupt that. The really clever stuff which you can’t see, the design work that makes the product function, is usually overlooked and dismissed as something done by grubby men who wear overalls.

As you point out, even Victoria Beckham can design a car, so how hard can engineering, physics, mathematics and production techniques be if a below average pouting has-been singist can do it?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
But why isn’t he being asked every hour of every day how he is going to renegotiate this Brexit deal prior to 31/10? It’s impossible, but he continues to get away with saying it.

The bus.
The voting in local elections.
The photograph.
The two sackings for dishonesty.

It took me about a nanosecond to think of these lies and deceptions. There will be many more if I think about it some more. He has got to be wholeheartedly unsuitable for the role of Prime Minister.

If I see one more image of Hunt with his choreographed, workman like, freshly ironed shirt sleeves rolled up, the TV is going out of the window. What an effing toss-pot.

I’m sorry, but I can’t offer any alternative. All I can do is criticise the current crop and hope upon hope that it doesn’t lead to Corbyn and his Jew hating communist gangsters raping the workers and the doers of this country.

Dreadful situation.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
But why isn’t he being asked every hour of every day how he is going to renegotiate this Brexit deal prior to 31/10? It’s impossible, but he continues to get away with saying it.

The bus.
The voting in local elections.
The photograph.
The two sackings for dishonesty.

It took me about a nanosecond to think of these lies and deceptions. There will be many more if I think about it some more. He has got to be wholeheartedly unsuitable for the role of Prime Minister.

If I see one more image of Hunt with his choreographed, workman like, freshly ironed shirt sleeves rolled up, the TV is going out of the window. What an effing toss-pot.

I’m sorry, but I can’t offer any alternative. All I can do is criticise the current crop and hope upon hope that it doesn’t lead to Corbyn and his Jew hating communist gangsters raping the workers and the doers of this country.

Dreadful situation.
It really is awful when I start wondering about an SNP/PC/Lib Dem/Green alliance as being possibly the least worst option. (Sorry to leave NI out - but don't want to mistakenly make a suggestion that would offend or be a non-starter.)
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It took me about a nanosecond to think of these lies and deceptions. There will be many more if I think about it some more. He has got to be wholeheartedly unsuitable for the role of Prime Minister.
but he promised to cut income and inheritance taxes and stamp duty!
Just think how much he is worth to the richest 1 million Brits. His lies are no concern to them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
The house of commons, sherlock, will not allow the hard brexit bj is waving like a flaccid member at the baying mob. The government can not decide anything. Its performing a very poor pantomime because that's the only option. It's a mexican standoff.
just wondering how the HOC will stop it without changing the law and revoking it??


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
but he promised to cut income and inheritance taxes and stamp duty!
Just think how much he is worth to the richest 1 million Brits. His lies are no concern to them.
Yes, all MPs and I would guess, most of the Conservative members who will now choose between Johnson and Hunt earn sufficient to benefit from his proposed cut to high rate income tax.

It’s grotesque, we need to be throwing the money in the direction of the working poor and stamping heavily on companies which steal the tax breaks from their employees in order to increase profitability.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Yes, all MPs and I would guess, most of the Conservative members who will now choose between Johnson and Hunt earn sufficient to benefit from his proposed cut to high rate income tax.

It’s grotesque, we need to be throwing the money in the direction of the working poor and stamping heavily on companies which steal the tax breaks from their employees in order to increase profitability.
raising the 40% rate threshold is the least interesting to the richest people in this country, just think of how much you'd save on stamp duty:
above 125k: 2%
above £250k: 5%
above £925: 10%

Plenty of flats selling for over £925k in London.
If the ceiling is raised for example by £200k, you are saving on a £1.125k flat £4k + £6k + £10k = £20k.
The effect of raising the present £325k inheritance tax threshold benefits enormously the tory membership.
Compare that sort of money against his proposal of increasing the 40% threshold from £50k to £80k, they get some tax cut but clobbered by national insurance contribution, lucky if they get £2k. BJ will throw some crumbs to increase tax free allowance worth maybe £100-£200 to the 80% of PAYE so that he can claim he looks after all taxpayers.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
raising the 40% rate threshold is the least interesting to the richest people in this country, just think of how much you'd save on stamp duty:
above 125k: 2%
above £250k: 5%
above £925: 10%

Plenty of flats selling for over £925k in London.
If the ceiling is raised by £200k, you are saving on a £1.125k flat £4k + £6k + £10k = £20k.
Compare that sort of money against his proposal of increasing the 40% threshold from £50k to £80k, they get some tax cut but clobbered by national insurance contribution. BJ will throw some crumbs to increase tax free allowance worth maybe £100-£200 to the 80% of PAYE so that he can claim he looks after all taxpayers.
All that will happen is property prices will increase by the amount saved in stamp duty, thereby transferring tax payers money straight into the pockets of the wealthy.

The money lost to the treasury by reducing stamp duty had to be found from somewhere. Guess who’s going to be paying?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
the indie reported this LBC phone-in with JRM.
A man named Anthony in Woking rang up to talk to the Tory MP about a YouGov poll that suggested that 28 per cent of the UK are happy to leave the EU without a deal.

Anthony: only 17.4 million people voted for Brexit in 2016, which is hardly representative of the entire UK population.
Rees-Mogg: 17.4 million people is still a lot of people.
Anthony: there are actually 66 million people in the UK right now

Rees-Mogg: It's a majority of people who voted. And all elections run on who turns out to vote.
Anthony: It's not an election though, was it? It was an advisory referendum.
Rees-Mogg: Well, a referendum is an election, obviously.
Anthony: It's not. It's an opinion poll. If you look up the definition of referendum, it is an opinion poll.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
At the risk of repeating myself.... again... The trouble is and has been for a while there simply isnt a viable alternative. Corbyn is too busy caressing his ideals, wearing silly hats and generally doing feck all.
Had he set out a real, credible and workable alternative and stopped the stupudity we would have had a new government by now. At moment we have polar oppisites, one offering ever more right wing policies (as BJ demonstrated in previous post) or Corbyn's version of Marxist utopia. In realty country wants neither but both are unwilling to actually offer what country needs and wants. Personally think thats more case with Corbyn.
He, s simply waiting in hope Tories will implode so he can foister on entire country the beliefs of a few.
Either way, we are in a mess. Its BJ and no deal (or some botched shambles acceptable by EU and Parliament, which IMO is impossible) or a Corbyn led coalition. Disaster if its that.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Don’t knock toilet designers. I have just read an article about Sir Jonathan Ive. He is credited with designing the iMac, iPhone, iPod, iPad, MacBook Air, the Apple Watch and a few other well known Apple gadgets. I don’t think he invented the guts of these products, but he is certainly responsible for the form, look and human interface that they possess. He is a key player in creating the most profitable products in industrial history. Sir Jonathan is also very accomplished and well regarded in the lavatory industry, having spent part of his career designing them.

Arise Sir Gerald?
A nice homily to Mr Ives., . Who is a very well regarded industrial designer. . His design aesthetic is based on the German Braun product range of the late 1960s ,which in turn took its inspiration from the 1930s Bauhaus movement..also from Germany.


Oct 25, 2006
I strongly get the impression that anything the UK's Supreme Court said or did would be looked on as meddling, getting involved in things they shouldn't. However well founded in law.
Indeed. The Reith Lectures this year on BBC Radio 4 were given by Jeremy Sumption, the recently retired ex Supreme Court judge. He started in the first of the five lectures by being critical of the way the law has been increasingly involved in politics and that theme returned thoughout the five lectures.

If anyone can spare over four hours to listen to those on the BBC i-player they are well worthwhile.

Anyone who wants to listen to them but who hasn't access to the i-player, let me know and I'll put the MP3s online for them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
At the risk of repeating myself.... again... The trouble is and has been for a while there simply isnt a viable alternative. Corbyn is too busy caressing his ideals, wearing silly hats and generally doing feck all.
Had he set out a real, credible and workable alternative and stopped the stupudity we would have had a new government by now. At moment we have polar oppisites, one offering ever more right wing policies (as BJ demonstrated in previous post) or Corbyn's version of Marxist utopia. In realty country wants neither but both are unwilling to actually offer what country needs and wants. Personally think thats more case with Corbyn.
He, s simply waiting in hope Tories will implode so he can foister on entire country the beliefs of a few.
Either way, we are in a mess. Its BJ and no deal (or some botched shambles acceptable by EU and Parliament, which IMO is impossible) or a Corbyn led coalition. Disaster if its that.
This is why Farage and The Brexit Party Ltd are doing so well. No one represents the ordinary working people who are prepared to set their alarm clocks to 05:30 am, and get up to go to work. They think Farage is the answer. I think they are wrong, but I can see why they are attracted to BXP.
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Oct 25, 2006
It strikes me that the headline is at variance with the content... ie PSA are saying in no deal scenario no chance in hell of getting the Astras built in the UK. With a deal..and presumably an acceptable deal, there is a chance, not a certainty. But this comes as no surprise ro anyone familiar with any aspect of mass production.
Agreed, I've long forecast in here that the Ellesmere Port plant will probably go. Part of the industry's overcapacity is PSA's with three plants able to produce Opel/Vauxhall Astras, the main Opel factory in Germany, a spare low operating cost one in Hungary, and Ellesmere Port which has been shrinking it's workforce for years and is now a fraction of the original.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
No. You are seeing it with a foreigners eyes. A foreigners eyes that is scared of us leaving the EU.

I see it as bluster. I see it as Airbus 2.1.

See how that happened......

It’s merely a political headline. One devoured by your ilk. Although your ilk is hard to pin down. There are many Anglophiles. There are few Anglophiles with Stockholm syndrome though.

You are a very confused specimen. It’s a chore reading your posts as you really are boring and two dimensional.

But I do manage to get by. You make me feel clever and rounded. Clever, rounded and knowledgeable. And with a certain pride in my own country.

Thank you for that.
And these foreigners eyes have perhaps a clarity,that is missing in the arrogance of youth. Shades of Motes and beams ?.
It is a political headline,in that it promises more that it will deliver. Yes, it is very similar to the Airbus situation,
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