Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
The mistake the remain side made was that they were just as clueless as the leave side, had what is now public knowledge been available back then Brexit would have sunk like a stone.

It has been more damaging that many of the wars we have had and totally guilty of giving encouragement and publicity , even justification, to the worst elements in our society who now imagine themselves to be "Patriots"
And the worst among them have been the right wing media that has taken every opportunity to fan the flames, insult the EU, and even our own judges.
There isn’t anything I can argue with there. This whole episode of British politics is a complete shambles.
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Oct 25, 2006
Joking aside, the difference is that the Hungarians wanted an impermeable border to prevent migrants entering the country. Ireland is different, the countries either side of this EU proposed hard border don’t want it, have no desire to establish it and will refuse to cooperate in way administering it. This stance, over a hard border, won’t change regardless of whether we stay in or out of the single market or customs union.
Although jokingly, I was illustrating that only outsiders could do it, the Irish never would. Dividing that country in 1922 was madness.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
There isn’t anything I can argue with there. This whole episode of British politics is a complete shambles.
Absolutely! if there is any lesson to be learned it is that we really cannot continue as we are, a country that is run like a Betting Shop, by a Cabal that serves only itself to the detriment of the Voting public, and uses a so called "Free Press" that is anything but to bamboozle the people to keep them in power.
Worst of all this "Cabal " is utterly incompetent, prone to internal fights like starving rats in a sack,and the sum total of it's efforts can only be given the following description
"Terminal Decline"


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
if NI is to remain in the U single market after brexit, it can't be in the EU single market at the same time.
Beside this technical paradox, TM needs both the DUP and the ERG to get her plan through parliament.
However, the DUP and the ERG will never agree with one another because fundamentally, the DUP want to remain in the EU single market to avoid the border and the ERG absolutely oppose the EU single market.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
if NI is to remain in the U single market after brexit, it can't be in the EU single market at the same time.
Beside this technical paradox, TM needs both the DUP and the ERG to get her plan through parliament.
However, the DUP and the ERG will never agree with one another because fundamentally, the DUP want to remain in the EU single market to avoid the border and the ERG absolutely oppose the EU single market.
By Jove! I think I've got it.

Watch NI, W and S leave the UK. Rename England (slightly) as the English Union. They can be in the EU and out of the EU at the same time!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
If ever there was a reason to want Re Nationalisation of the Railways , it has to be Hull Trains.
Currently they are all out of Service, a remarkable performance

This is the current timetable

And the reason? all of the trains have (I kid you not) Broken down, some in far away places.
If you should spot one of these missing trains please notify the authorities so that relatives of the passengers can arrange to pick them up.
Otherwise they may never see them again.

The odd thing is other railway companies run the same train types seemingly without problems.
A local Rain Union spokesman said it's a bit much when the bloody trains go on strike.:cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
By Jove! I think I've got it.

Watch NI, W and S leave the UK. Rename England (slightly) as the English Union. They can be in the EU and out of the EU at the same time!
Plagiarist! I suggested that first with my cunning plan for duplicating all the EU trade deals!;)
To wit
No Captain said Baldrick this is where my cunning plan gets really clever!
We leave the ECJ and EU acquis signs on the papers, and unless they ask, we don't tell 'em that now means English Court of Justice and English Union acquis.
Clever 'innit? :cool:

#36636 oldgroaner, Saturday at 3:47 PM

Just funning,I do think your suggestion has merit!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dividing that country in 1922 was madness.
I couldn't agree more!

The deed was done before the Labour Party became a political force to be reckoned with and although these decisions are arrived at collectively, the guilt for the travesty must surely lie between the Liberal, David Lloyd George and the tory, Andrew Bonar Law, during whose watch as PM, partition occurred.

The formal result of the war waged against the Irish people by the British monarchy and aristocracy was that Ireland was partitioned and the Free State declared themselves independent and seceded from British control. In short, and not for the first time, Britain lost that war. Sadly, Britain/UK/England doesn't have a great track record of winning wars and this historian has recorded some you may not have heard of. His take on Britain's history of warfare somewhat resembles the England football team's world cup campaigns.:)


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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I understand that a man & woman have married today. The groom is a “brand ambassador for tequila” and a “socialite”. The bride is a princess drawing benefits from the public purse.

Tequila Brand Ambassador!!! WTF! How do you become a booze ambassador:) Are they recruited from the local pi$$ heads down the pub? Even I couldn’t make this crap up, and I have a weird imagination.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
if NI is to remain in the U single market after brexit, it can't be in the EU single market at the same time.
Beside this technical paradox, TM needs both the DUP and the ERG to get her plan through parliament.
However, the DUP and the ERG will never agree with one another because fundamentally, the DUP want to remain in the EU single market to avoid the border and the ERG absolutely oppose the EU single market.
Does Theresa May need the ERG to get the parliament vote....they are less than 80 votes,maybe only 40.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Does Theresa May need the ERG to get the parliament vote....they are less than 80 votes,maybe only 40.
if the DUP can derail TM's brexit, the ERG can do the same.
with colleagues like them...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Regarding the Irish Border “problem” I can’t see there ever being a hard border between Northern & Southern Ireland. Whichever deal is reached, WTO, Customs Union or Single Market, no one will ever impose a hard border. No one, except the EU are demanding it.

Say for example, no deal is reach and the U.K. exit the EU on WTO terms. Who is going to enforce an Irish border? No one, so why are we bickering over it with the EU?

The whole situation is a complete shambles.
I fully agree and concur with your last sentence, however all the preceding ones are what in this country we might call "ramais" .. loosely translated as balderdash. .
If we succeed in getting to a stage where there is no hard border,it will be because people like M. Barnier have saved the British from themselves.
I am coming to the view that the best way forward is for Ms Foster to put her foot down, precipitate a general election both in NI and Westminster. Her choice if words Blood Red Line was not accidental.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Comedy In the Telegraph
Brexit transition period could be extended by another year, costing UK billions in extra payments to EU

Tory Eurosceptics reacted with fury, saying the move would add up to £17 billion to the Brexit bill and could also cost the Conservatives the next election because none of the benefits of leaving the EU would have been felt by the time of the poll in 2022.

That's interesting: I wonder how many people still believe there will be any benefits? (apart from people with offshore Tax havens?)

Time the strength of these "Eurosceptics" was put to the test
This from the Guardian is what they are really concerned about when they speak of "Benefits"
The UK will officially leave the EU next March, but while negotiations on the final deal are ongoing, there will be a transition period until the end of December 2020. During this time, Britain has promised to abide by all existing and new European laws.

The fifth anti-money laundering directive contains the following measures:

  • Public registers of company owners in every member state.
  • Access to the names of the beneficiaries of trusts for law enforcement agencies and those with a “legitimate interest”, including investigative journalists and NGOs.
  • A cross-border database of company and trust owners, overseen by the European commission.
  • Automatic access to the names of bank account holders for national financial intelligence units.
“This is great news,” said Alex Cobham, the chief executive of the campaign group Tax Justice Network. “At least in this area the UK will not pursue a post-Brexit race to the bottom on financial secrecy. This decision will help establish the fifth directive and its position on public registers as the international standard.”
There is as usual a way round this if the Eurosceptics can win their way
The directive applies only to member states, rather than their satellites. UK affiliated offshore financial centres will be left to decide whether to adopt some or all of the measures. The overseas territories, which include the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda, and the crown dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man still allow companies and trusts registered on their shores to operate in comparative secrecy.

In the case of a no-deal Brexit, it is unclear whether the government would still implement new EU laws, such as the fifth anti-money laundering directive.
However, the UK is likely to stick closely to EU policy on anti-money laundering if it wants continued access to European markets.

No wonder Jackass and co want a no deal Brexit! this could seriously cost them, to find a new untaxable home for their money!
You can be sure that the midnight oil is being burned by an army of lobbyists and dodgy accountants on that right now that makes the DEXEU effort look tame.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I fully agree and concur with your last sentence, however all the preceding ones are what in this country we might call "ramais" .. loosely translated as balderdash.
Fair enough, if that’s your opinion. However, if the U.K. exit the EU without any trade deal in place and default to WTO rules, who is going to establish the hard Irish border? My opinion is that it won’t ever happen under any circumstances, so it pointless the EU arguing about it and making it an issue.
