Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Corbyn has always been a third rate backbencher who has never done anything positive. Now we are supposed to see him as some sort of messiah who is going to run (sorry ruin) the country. Give us all a break. I wouldn't trust him to run a bath
Neither do I come to that, but to be fair I take comfort from the fact that if you were a good judge of character , you wouldn't support the clowns you do.;)


Oct 25, 2006
I was positively TOLD to go there by the emergency dental service but still felt very wrong.

Would not have been happy to be dismissed as a misuser.
As you were directed to go there by a medical service, obviously you wouldn't be charged by triage or thought of as a misuser.

It's very easy to identify the misusers, just watch some of the A & E programs which film those in the waiting areas. You'll see them with their friends, chatting, laughing, playing electronic games, ordering takeaways to eat while they wait, stuffing their faces from vending machines etc. These are not the actions of people who have suffered an emergency or are in considerable pain.

You'll see any number who have a condition which they could easily have dealt with themselves, but perversely want the NHS to do everything, no matter how minor. The proof of that is that many are treated only by a nurse, never seeing a doctor. In my view anyone who doesn't need to be checked by a doctor shouldn't have gone to an A & E department in the first place.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Corbyn has always been a third rate backbencher who has never done anything positive. Now we are supposed to see him as some sort of messiah who is going to run (sorry ruin) the country. Give us all a break. I wouldn't trust him to run a bath
It’s not so much Corbyn that I don’t trust. Even though I disagree with many things he says, I think he’s straight. It’s the millionaire barristers, privileged background career politicians and left wing lunatics masquerading as “of the people “ that troubles me.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It’s not so much Corbyn that I don’t trust. Even though I disagree with many things he says, I think he’s straight. It’s the millionaire barristers, privileged background career politicians and left wing lunatics masquerading as “of the people “ that troubles me.
The remnants of the New Labour years?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
brexit farce:

if TM comes back with a Chequers deal, 50 tory ERG MPs are going to vote against it.
If TM comes back with a Canada deal, 40 tory remainers are going to vote against it (Amber Rudd just said it).
if TM comes back without a deal, it will be total chaos.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
brexit farce:

if TM comes back with a Chequers deal, 50 tory ERG MPs are going to vote against it.
If TM comes back with a Canada deal, 40 tory remainers are going to vote against it (Amber Rudd just said it).
if TM comes back without a deal, it will be total chaos.
If I were her I, d be calling on JC, he can get a deal with Barnier that suits everyone. Said so in manifesto.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
brexit farce:

if TM comes back with a Chequers deal, 50 tory ERG MPs are going to vote against it.
If TM comes back with a Canada deal, 40 tory remainers are going to vote against it (Amber Rudd just said it).
if TM comes back without a deal, it will be total chaos.
So no worries, 'eh? :cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
The general concensus is a 2nd ref would produce a remain result.
Labour leaders do not want to remain.
Tory elements including May do not want to remain. JRM and buddies do not want to remain. Those are the very people deciding on a 2nd ref so does anybody actually think we, ll get one. If the polls said it would be 80% one way or the other, we'll of course we, d get one. But when it's 50/50 nobody dare...
Corbyn dare not commit to remain, fearing it might not be a vote winner.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Corbyn dare not commit to remain, fearing it might not be a vote winner.
when asked by the BBC how he feels about brexit before the vote: 7 out of 10 to remain. If he had to vote again, I reckon it will be the same, 7 out of 10 for remain.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
when asked by the BBC how he feels about brexit before the vote: 7 out of 10 to remain. If he had to vote again, I reckon it will be the same, 7 out of 10 for remain.
If the politicians thought the same I don't think they would be supporting leave, they would perform a U turn, put remain at heart of any manifesto and campaign for a GE... (both sides)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
So the obvious answer is to scrap Brexit and remain in the EU.
So why isn't Corbyn adopting that stance ?
And don't give me the same old rubbish about playing long game, not after his last outbursts.


Oct 25, 2006
So why isn't Corbyn adopting that stance ?
I've told you, repeatedly. A very large number of labour voters are also Brexiters and he doesn't want to lose their votes. So instead he talks about the things they like, nationalising rail and water, cracking down on the rich, more money for the NHS, the usual populist stuff.

Anything they don't like he's probably avoiding until the last minute, in the hope that by then enough people will hate the tories to tip the GE result his way.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Back from my 'nothing has changed',except it now seems more divided than before. I was surprised to read that 2/3 rds of Labour voters would vote Remain,in a second ref. Its surprising that Corbyn isnt going more strongly for a second ref,he isnt going to get a GE..
I thought JRM put up a good case for a Canada deal until May pointed out that would involve a customs border in the middle of the Irish Sea and NI really becoming detached from the union.
Its all a mess,that bloke Cameron was like the guy who caused the punch up at the drunken disco and stood outside to watch the melee.
PS...we are running out of stock of e-bikes at pre anti-dumping tax prices and I have no intention of buying any more....if we crash out in March then EU tariffs could be void and prices come back down again....who can do business in this roller coaster environment.???
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