tillson looks forward to "The goodness will flow" after Brexit, forgetting that there is first of all nothing to indicate that will happen, but plenty to worry about if and more likely when it doesn't happen.
Brexit wasn't a vote against the EU, for how could it be when ignorance about it and what we derive from membership was rife, and still is in many quarters right up to the present time.
Brexit was a vote for change for the better, a sign of public unhappiness with the way the country is being run, sadly directed against the wrong target.
When things do not change for the better, and let's face it the public expectation goes well beyond a slight improvement.There will be trouble, not helped at all by a press campaign to vilify one side of the debate against the other and harden attitudes.
A deep rift in the population has been artificially created that didn't exist before, but is well and truly there now!
So far no promises have been kept and there is no likelihood they will in future.
It would be nice to think that a change of Government through an election will follow, reversing the decision, but the opposition party that was allegedly in opposition isn't, is it?
And we don't even know whether the EU will have is back do we?
Either the Lib Dems will be resurrected (or the Greens) or more likely there will be trouble beyond the ability of the right wing press to paper over the cracks.
Will the public smile and say, "Never mind, it was a great effort?" or will they find some hothead like Farage who incites dissent to follow?
It's no good blaming the terms the EU imposed, as the Public reaction will simply be something like this.
"Well why did you all (meaning the Westminster Cabal) not see this decision to leave the EU was wrong and vote to prevent this mistake happening?"
And the Brexit voters will have a bad case of memory loss when the trouble erupts, something along the lines (if they admit they did vote to leave)
"Well I thought it was just a protest vote, I didn't expect it to happen"
and after a moment's thought they will add "Well everyone knows it was advisory only"
For all his bluster tillson himelf doubted that leave would win the vote or it would be allowed to happen.
Only one person on here did...guess who?
Funny thing is the Human memory