I see the tory media has leapt to headline an improvement in the value of sterling as if it were down to some shrewd strategic plan from the British pro-'Brexit' camp. More likely, it is the case that the € and the $ have dipped a little due to matters other than the British intention but clutching at straws has always played a big part in their propaganda programme.
Those who are familiar with the work of Michael Rosen will know he's quite a clever chap who has produced lots of good written material over a number of years. He has expressed his opinion on the situation with regard to much of the Westminster 'politicking' which attracted some people to vote for 'Brexit', not understanding that the EU didn't create the mess Britain is in.
These are Rosen's words:
"Concerns about immigration"? Where does that come from?
The media keep saying:
"People are expressing concerns about immigration
People are expressing concerns about immigration
People are expressing concerns about immigration"
If you are registered as non-dom you can run a business
in the UK but pay no tax. This costs us billions.
"People are expressing concerns about immigration."
If the government cuts public services, they increase
pressure on public services.
"People are expressing concerns about immigration."
Since 1980, wealth has shifted from labour to capital.
In other words those that 'have', have more; those that
have the least, have less. Those that have the least
have given wealth to those that have more.
"People are expressing concerns about immigration"
The government regularly announces that it freezes
the wages of public service workers. This means that
people can afford less. Their living standards decline.
"People are expressing concerns about immigration"
The government has repeatedly brought in policies
which have helped to increase the price of houses.
The proportion of people's income required to rent or buy
has steadily risen. Flats and houses cost more to live in.
There is less space per pound of people's income.
"People are expressing concerns about immigration"
Some people do not know that the main reasons for their
standard of living to go down are nothing to do with immigration.
Instead, they keep hearing:
"People are expressing concerns about immigration."
You know what happens next?
some people express some concern about immigration.
After all, people can only think what they think
based on available information.
The media supply the available information.
They keep saying:
'People are expressing concerns about immigration."
The government laughs quietly to itself:
"People do not blame us for their living standards going down,
they blame immigration."