Lifted from Galvin report !
"European Parliament Politicians
A British MEP will get a salary of £63,291 a year (£316,455 over 5 years). However, in our calculations we have assumed MEPs will spend all this £316,455 on their and their families’ living costs and so have not included MEPs’ salaries in our estimates of how MEPs can become millionaires in just 5 years.
Summary of how much an MEP can save / claim (excluding salary):
Possible beneffits over 5 years
1 Subsistence Allowance €117,000
2 Assistants’ Allowance €489,840
3 Office Expenses €243,120
4 Travel Expenses €60,000
Total €909,960
( plus salary)
Value of accrued pension £350,000
Total savings in one 5-year term £1,077,968
If you are the EU candidate for one of the main political parties, you have a one in three chance of scoring your EU millions – all in all, much better odds than winning the EuroMillions lottery or else correctly answering all the questions on Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Even when MEPs lose their seats in the European parliament, they don’t have to bid goodbye to the financial benefits immediately. Once they leave office MEPs continue to enjoy a ‘transitional allowance’ (basically their parliamentary salaries) for anything from six months to two years, depending on their length of service. So for just 5 years at the Parliament, this would be worth a minum of over £30,000 to a British MEP. MEPs can also keep on using the parliament's subsidised restaurants and cafeterias, libraries and telephone facilities in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. Moreover, once they start
drawing their EU pensions, these are subject to special, low EU tax rates and not the, usually much higher, tax rates in whichever country they may retire"
Compare all this with how UK fire service personnel have been treated.