it gives to this country a chance for renewal.
Not for the first time, I don't understand the point you make. Renewal of what?
The best future option for the UK, an acronym that Trump doesn't understand as he seems to confuse it frequently with the expression 'Great Britain', is to continue our membership of the EU which has more to offer the British people than any other airy-fairy trade deals mooted so far by the incompetent clowns supposedly negotiating our exit from the EU.
It strikes me from your repeated promotion of selected sets of economic figures and other indicators that you really have no concept of what the European Union is all about. Perhaps that is because you buy and sell and have particular vested interests in some kind of future arrangement not governed or controlled by EU rules and regulations; I don't know?
What I do know is that for hundreds of millions of people across Europe, the EU is hugely important for their future survival and prosperity. Not only has it been the saviour of several little countries whose economic future was decidedly uncertain, it has also proved immensely valuable to the UK when this country was going down the pan following the short-lived, post-WW2 economic boom which brought about the birth of the NHS and nationalisation of the major industries and utilities.
By the early seventies, the UK was desperate to join the common market although those countries which formed the initial group were not very keen at all to admit us. As those countries knew, British arrogance meant that the UK was unlikely to demonstrate any desire to be a team player and so it was proved much later when we objected to the cost of membership, with which we had happily agreed at the outset.
Eventually, we bullied our way into securing a rebate but that was never enough for the British elite which has always disliked the fact that we are not in charge, as if the common market/EEC/EU had become the new British empire. After all, did we not come to the rescue and not for the first time, of all those foreign Johnnies who seem incapable of living in harmony like the English, Welsh and Scots?!
To arrogantly determine that we are walking away from the EU, while begging for a deal which amounts to pretty well all the benefits we currently enjoy, but for free, is frankly ridiculous. There is so much more to the EU than plain figures on a balance sheet and many member states realise that. If one looks, for example, at Poland, it is a very industrious nation although suppressed behind the iron curtain for many years. The UK was very glad of their airmen and those from Canada, the USA and various other countries in WW2, as our RAF was struggling to contain the threat from the Luftwaffe and we were losing both aircraft and pilots at an alarming rate.
Today, Poland is becoming a thriving country within the EU and many Poles who came to the UK under freedom of movement, have since returned now that employment prospects in their own country have improved considerably.
Sadly, Poles, like so many other economic migrants from other EU countries who have made their home in the relatively affluent, northern European countries, have been viciously attacked by the right-wing extremists, no less in the UK than in France and Germany for example. Those immigrants have paid their way in the UK and haven't simply been a burden on the state or the NHS as Farage and his ilk have portrayed them.
Now, we read stories of huge numbers of migrants leaving the UK in pursuit of safer, assured domiciles in other EU states. That places the NHS in a similar situation to that of the RAF in 1939-40, pre- Battle of Britain. The difference this time is that there is no-one coming to the aid of the NHS!
I'm afraid, 'Woosh', almost all your posts have centred upon economic factors as you see them, with scant regard for the human and humanitarian elements of EU membership. That, of course, is typical of the British elite, the tory party and their fascist supporters and of course the billionaire-owned major media churning out the propaganda message. Time and again this particular tory administration has demonstrated its disregard for the ordinary people both in this country and from other countries, as their attitude to refugees from war zones has made perfectly clear.
This little film clip demonstrates how a proud people can happily exist as a sovereign EU state with a proud history, never losing sight of the struggles it had to overcome along the way: