I wonder how many Brexiters will agree £60 billion divorce bill,seems a large sum when we can't pay £2 billion more into our NHS or pay for our own social care.
A friend of mine in Greece pointed out to me a big problem that nobody has discussed yet. My friend has lived in Greece many years,sadly he is not well now and needs frequent treatment at the local health clinic,which is covered under the E111 deal.
There are 3.2 million UK expats in EU countries,these are mostly retired older people. Unless the E111 agreement continues,which is unlikely, these people will have to take private medical insurance,which because they are old will be prohibitively expensive or they will have to return to the UK ,putting more pressure on our NHS.
Ok ,the same applies to the 1.2 million EU people settled in the UK,but these people are mainly young and less likely to need medical help.
It may be that we will have to pick up the bill for our citizens abroad but this is 3 million paid for by one country. The 1.2 million could be supported and spread between 27 countries.
We have to be careful what we agree to in these UK v EU negotiations.