I'm very disappointed with Corbyn, unless he knows something we don't and is playing a clever game.
Like you 'tillson', I am disappointed by Corbyn's position on this issue. A lack of clarity about the direction of this 'Brexit' foolhardiness is not the mark of political party leader. Don't get me wrong; I love the chap's principles and his desire to transform British society into a more equitable place for all citizens but this Labour Party shambles in regard to 'Brexit' presents the government with an opportunity to railroad a deal, any deal, through parliament without any real checks and balances.
As Dave Elderfield has described, to allow the UK negotiators to simply retire from the 'Brexit' negotiations on completion, (or prematurely!) without permitting a parliamentary vote on the outcome is simply madness and subverts democracy in the most dictatorial way.
It is one thing to watch the leader of the opposition acquiesce with the PM's determination to invoke A50, even though she has to all intents and purposes proclaimed that 'Brexit' is a fait accompli, whatever the result. It is quite another, having taken the line that the democratic will of the people is being followed, to refuse to challenge the government in order that the people's democratic representatives can enact that democratic principle at the most crucial stage.
If any deal will do, even a bad deal or no deal at all, why bother with the charade of sitting down to negotiate? Of course, if that is an over-simplication and we are not prepared to just accept anything and will not agree to anything that smacks of a punishment from the EU, then I would contend that there has to be a free vote in parliament on whatever the PM believes to be the way forward.
My real difficulty, should this go as badly as I believe it will long-term, is that all the racists, all the fascist groups and all the thickos who voted 'out' will never have a 'road to Damascus' conversion until it is too late but they will have one! Those people, as has been stated many times, did not vote to make themselves and their families poorer. Neither did they vote for 'taking back control' which will not prevent foreigners coming to the UK. They already know if they voted on account of the NHS being funded from our EU membership savings that that is never going to happen. When carmaking ceases in the UK and those laid off discover that there is no other work, there will be riots not from the 'pro-remain' lobby, but from the nouveau-poor, created as a direct consequence of 'Brexit'.
Of course, it could be that those groups will be perfectly happy as any price is worth paying just to get our sovereignty back.......that sovereignty that we never lost, you remember the one! Somehow though, I don't think they will be happy and neither will anyone else outside of the rich elite, a very small percentage of the population.