A lot of video production engineers still swear by these:id not pay more than £300 for headphones and the 650s i have are now £430
think i paid about 250 for mine but was over ten years ago now and still the same drivers so built to last not like most of the cheap crap these days.
Yes, that looks fiddly, but at least spares available for every part.does not look like you can change the cable easy tho so id watch out for that rolling round![]()
Getting the refoaming wrong can ruin them, why not sell them on and get these with the sub unit and room sampling, which people keeping raving to me aboutcant see any reason to change them as still work fine tho i still cant find a bloody refoam kit for my mid range drivers![]()
What about that guy in France who said he could 3D print foam surrounds for you? Might be the only way? Haibike holiday @35mph, chewing a baguette, wearing a ring of onions etc. while it gets printeddont want puny things like that lol but they got a few more years in them yet i have a kit that will fit but they wont fit back in the wave guides and i have dip switches on the back with way more adjustability.
@0.5m these things can do 122db non stop with 400w rms 15inc bass drivers![]()
Looks to me, like it has it's own behind-driver air suspension, as opposed to (or as well as) using a cavity in the cabinet... get it wrong, and it won't be of studio use imho - flat response will be gone.cant print foam but said he would get in touch if they was coming to the uk again as needs to measure them as it is the only way to get it right and have a mold made but not heard anything since.
i can get a recone kit but there £300 each plus vat but wont give me the the manual on how to do it.
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never seen any driver made like that but it is still a round peg in a round hole but the recone kit has its own basket that is screwed in to the bottom basket and if it has been glued could be a right pita if you need a tool to remove it.
ilkka-rissanen, modified 8 Years ago.
Re: Refoaming 1037b midrange driver
Yoda Posts: 2564 Join Date: 3/23/09 Recent Posts
Hi Harry,
Unfortunately we do not sell new foam surrounds. In fact we don't replace the foam surround but the whole cone assembly or in some cases the whole driver. And this has do be done by a qualified service technician because the procedure is difficult.
Have a look at the monitoring equipment list at Peter Gabriel's Real World Studios.should of got some atc as there only 20 mins up the road but never seen a pro pair for sale and if doing stuff like dnb you need a sub.
but once you hear decent 3 way monitors there is no going back.
you can demo stuff in funky junk but there in london and where i got my genelcs from when town house studio went bust.
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Thatcher was out in 1990; Major & Blair perhaps more Starmers than Truss & Chunt (who wanted to privatize the NHS and want to reduce corporation tax more than truss long term). It's not a simple comparison: Truss, Kwarteng, even Chunt now are logical conclusion of Brexit; Thatcher of deregulation of financial services, both very destructive conservative policies, but brexit in its conclusion, now, more immediately damaging, deranged.Exactly.
All that happened in the late 1980s and beginning of the '90s, but still they kept the Tories in power until 1997.
And then who did the great British public choose? An obvious pseudo Tory, wealthy barrister Tony Blair.
strictly FWIW (and id say not much) - i have theseAbout 300 is all I'd pay too - it isn't time to ditch the Senns just yet, but nonetheless I might grab a pair of these. Beyers at that price point do sound very good... you always see these whenever BBC Click feature any segment involving sound. Not as easy to repair, but at least Beyer haven't fscking sold out to a German hearing aid company and ceased making spare parts!
There will be a hearing loss epidemic among youngsters, well before their time. I stopped using buds some years ago because of hearing loss worries. The ear lobes have also evolved to soften sound, before it hits the eardrums. Over-ear headphones are healthiest imho. With good quality over-ear cans, it's possible to hear dialogue and notes clearly, even when the mids and highs are turned down... which is how I listen to most things, most of the time. And at a low volume, good quality cans will still excel at providing clarity.strictly FWIW (and id say not much) - i have these
everyone say theyre great - but theyre frankly not good enough for work phone calls for me, and barely OK for watching TV while running in a gym - and not nearly as good as this
A mate and his band have paid a guy with a Neve desk and various voodoos 20k to produce their rock album - his production sounds ok, but he's no Butch Vig.that's why studios use Yamaha ns10s and most ppl think there used for mixing on but there as a **** monitor just to check the mix on.
at the collage they always kept blowing the tweeters as there book shelf speakers and not giant bass bins but the bass driver never blew.
these are ok if you have a amp to run them just dont pay to much.
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Deadmaus's Masterclass set features him using that system - if you haven't already, you should check it out, well worth it. That and Ableton.tho you could start to build one as some modules are not that expensive so you can build it up over time.
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they have some stuff left but he has retired now so when its gone thats it stock wise.