I had planned to make notes while in the waiting room - I even took along a little notebook... then I met Forrest Gump. He seemed completely convinced of everything he said, but quite why such a wealthy man would be treated at a NHS hospital; it seemed incongruous. True or not, I enjoyed the conversation, which was sparked by my enquiring where I could grab a coffee, and his subsequent musing about the viability of the NHS providing curved drinking straws, with a small integral electric pump, to facilitate easier drinking of water from polystyrene cups. The most striking part of our conversation was at the end, when he was talking about saving the lives of Chinese interpreters, and how grateful families were when he got them out of China - his physical stature transformed from a weak and very ill looking, and very old wheelchair-bound gentleman, to that of a powerful company boss... he sat back straight and seemed twice as tall; then he shrank again when a nurse approached, giving me me a little wave as he was wheeled away, to face whatever fate awaited him at the hands (or jaws) of the Consultant. He got a skinny Chinese senior Consultant, who exhibited native Chinese mannerisms.