Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
it's the same way DNA is forensically collected, under microscope from the lungs' membrane of the deceased.
The samples are purified, sequenced and its genome uploaded into several databases.
There are about 50,000 complete genomes of SARS-COV2 in the database.
The one of concern to us is named ‘VUI – 202012/01’
I think you need to aim lower with that explanation Woosh
MUCH lower :D


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
In many ways I agree.

But what is really bad is that they have not properly explained ahead of time what was going to happen. Some of the official documents say VAT will be collected on ordering, but completely fail to explain what will happen re overseas sellers. E.g. Aliexpress.
The only change is the £15 gift waiver, that has now gone. Royal Mail, ParcelForce, DHL etc will now collect VAT.
There is no additional work from the customers, prices go up because taxes are automatically collected.
Again, that should have been done long time ago.

VAT and overseas goods sold directly to customers in the UK - GOV.UK (


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The word rapidly is the key. We have long been in the game of prolonging life and in conseqence prolonging the suffering. Ergo, all in the name of medical advance and achievement we all too often do wrong. I saw this at first hand with both my parents, dying at 78 and 88 respectively. There's no point in doing that since there is no gain.

See my above post.
advances in medicine give us a choice. I reckon the majority still want to hang on in there.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
BTW OG I do sort of agree UnHerd is biased. Point I was making is that many articles in it aren't.. (They have 30 plus contributors) The general concensus is that post Covid UK will recover faster than EU.. (OECD saying same). Because UnHerd reported it, with an explanation, doesn't mean the message is any less feasible.
I don't think even you would argue OECD is bias...? Suppose it depends what they are saying..?
No, simply looking at some of the articles and pedigree of the contributors.
Why should we recover faster from Covid than the EU? by what magic is it to be achieved?
With the Government and parties we have, recovery is simply accidental rather than by the application of logical policies
And this year even the luck that caused the wind to change and scatter the Spanish Armada too far to the North resulting in them getting too far to the North and unable to get back against the wind to invade is decidedly running ragged.
That was my entire point against Brexit
We have as many intelligent people as any other country
The snag is they stay well clear of politics, which is completely dominated as we have seen by incompetents with the intelligence to match the average Gnat, and the strategic vision of Lemmings.

Had we a government of visionary, honest and capable politicians, Brexit might have the ghost of a chance.
With what is actually available we have to rely on Lady Luck
And she seems to have skipped the country
If I was a young man, so would I
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
True, and I leave them to their foolishness since they invariably suffer for it.
Where would we be without foolishness?
It's got us where we are today.
Shades of
"What have the Romans done for us?"
Just avoid mentioning Brexit....
And I wouldn't want to miss the finale of that!!:cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Lies, Damned lies , and this creature

There really has to be a new law that restricts lying like this


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
No, simply looking at some of the articles and pedigree of the contributors.
Why should we recover faster from Covid than the EU?
I, d guess OECD are more qualified tham me (and you) to answer that. Have a read of earlier linked article, rather writing it off before reading it. But it could also be fact OECD are predicting our country will be affected by covid more initially.??
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I, d guess OECD are more qualified tham me (and you) to answer that. Have a read of earlier linked article, rather writing it off before reading it. But it could also be fact OECD are predicting our country will be affected by covid more initially.??
I they are more qualified, why do they come to so obviously wrong a conclusion?

Because there is profit to be made
They are as shown here owned by the Businesses that pay them

"Whatever your role as innovator, investor, policy maker or entrepreneur, we encourage you to undertake this exercise as well and ask yourself: how will I and my organisation uphold our new societal contract to build forward better after COVID-19? The Johnson & Johnson Center for Health Worker Innovation is dedicated to contributing to this collective journey to transform the trajectory of health for humanity. We hope to collaborate across stakeholder groups on this important journey.
Yet another Business orientated group with a profit agenda

Sorry but not impressed they are not a Humanitarian organisation despite pretending to be


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I'm posting on behalf of those afflicted !
Too late! and anyway why ruin your new found street credibility?:D
I remember an old joke about a woman called to the police station when she was informed her 84 year old father had been arrested on a charge of rape.
The conversation went like this as she spoke to him through the bars.
"But Dad, you couldn't possibly have done that at your age, you did plead guilty of course?"
She was astonished when he shook his head and cried
"What? you didn't?"
So father explained
"They pulled me in to take part in an identity parade, and this gorgeous young woman pointed me out and said that's the man!"
"But it isn't true surely?" asked his daughter
"No," he sighed, "But I was too proud to deny it!" :cool:
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  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Well let's hope this is more than a political prediction..

But we had been led to believe millions of doses were sat waiting approval. We were told manufacture had gone ahead in hope of Mhra approval. Now they are saying we, ll make them...,???
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Well let's hope this is more than a political prediction..

But we had been led to believe millions of doses were sat waiting approval. We were told manufacture had gone ahead in hope of Mhra approval. Now they are saying we, ll make them...,???
Was it Churchill who said
"Give us the job
and we'll finish the tools?"

I wonder if they want the bottles back for a refill? otherwise they will appear on EBAY most likely filled with something that isn't too toxic hopefully
