Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
He doesn't need to. They have both ample support and unfortunately diminishing opposition.
Folk have not woken up to the fact that, Labour have not only destroyed themselves they have undermined the entire system in doing so. Between Corbyn, Unite, McClusky and St armer Labour opposition has completely gone.
Its the first time in British politics we only have the choice of one party. In the past the demise of a second party has led to a resurrecting of the third. This has not happened. We have a one party system. Democracy is dead. Blame Labour and not the tories for taking advantage of their demise.
Crazy thing is OG comes on here and blames Boris for perhaps making allowances for his extreme right rebels. Fact is the Tory party should need to be opposing the 2nd party, with not having one, he is fighting his own rebels. They are providing the opposition, Boris ironically is playing the part socialists should be doing.
Because he knows history is not going to see him as Churchill, but as Chamberlain and his fear is enough to counter the cash rewards offered.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You know full well neither of thos can be compared with UK.
Japan has a population willing and wanting to follow every single instruction. We have one wanting to do the opposite.
New, Zealand is isolated, has a relatively tiny population generally living miles apart. Look at what happens around Dover when the port is closed for 48 hours. Its an infantile silly comparison. Yes, we are an island but with millions of folk coming in and out from every corner of globe daily. What would you have done last March OG..? Closed everyborder, stopped exporting, stopped importing and let us all starve... For a while Germany appeared to be coping... Examine their health service now. As for death rates, nobody will know full extent for any countries for years. Yes, we, ve suffered. As as most the world almost irrespective of approach taken. Shame UK couldn't do what Isle of Man did. Think in their own way they have done better than New Zealand. But the UK is not the Isle of Man, neither is it New Zealand. Very simplistic argument at best OG.
Putting it in perspective OG, NZ is 10% larger than UK in area but has 60 million fewer people. (They have around 5 million,)
You'll be telling us Japan and New Zealand are different because they are islands next

The truth is the first lockdown was much better respected than the second, and it will get worse, had Boris done the right thing we would be in the same place as New Zealand and Japan
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I must disagree. The UK was in the best position in Europe in February. It could legally have shut borders and airports was out of the EU. They could have stopped all tourism in and out, a fumigated lorries at the ports . I did refer back to that at the time. Trade would have been hurt a little . What really really does annoy me is that certain boneheads in NI took a slavish attitude to BJs posturing and refused to action things which would have saved lives here.
That is at best very unrealistic. Country hardly accepted lockdown as it was. Without all those deaths BBC were so happy to relay to us with hourly updates you really think Boris (or anybody) could have imposed anything approaching what you mention. Let's face it Boris had all on getting last upgrades to Tier system past his money oriented rebels.
Yes, it's easy to sit here and say what should have happened with 2020 hindsight... Doing it in our democracy is a different matter entirely. Can't remember who said it but getting on a year ago, somebody with far more insight and knowledge than us lot said "covid would be a massive test for democracy".
Any country with our level of freedom and insistence on individual choice was never going to accept such dictaks you suggest. Agreed, Korea did as did Vietnam and China. We needed convincing, unfortunately with innocents dying, and even then many remain unconvinced.
We are only country in the world where 5g masts have been burnt down in attempts to halt spread of Covid. That really says something about either our outright stupidity or ability to believe the rubbish on YouTube /twitter. I expect the guardian readers amongst us will blame Boris for that too.
We shouldn't need a government to ban our attendance at Cheltenham at the start of a pandemic. Wonder how many lives that cost because at start of all this, businesses wanted the trade and fools wanted to watch horses, throw money away and drink beer,but no doubt Boris's fault . Seem to remember around that time Corbyn refusing to social distance.???Boris's dad saying he, d be going to pub and countless folk saying "it's just flu". Not really a place that would have accepted complete shutdown and total isolation.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
That is at best very unrealistic. Country hardly accepted lockdown as it was. Without all those deaths BBC were so happy to relay to us with hourly updates you really think Boris (or anybody) could have imposed anything approaching what you mention. Let's face it Boris had all on getting last upgrades to Tier system past his money oriented rebels.
Yes, it's easy to sit here and say what should have happened with 2020 hindsight... Doing it in our democracy is a different matter entirely. Can't remember who said it but getting on a year ago, somebody with far more insight and knowledge than us lot said "covid would be a massive test for democracy".
Any country with our level of freedom and insistence on individual choice was never going to accept such dictaks you suggest. Agreed, Korea did as did Vietnam and China. We needed convincing, unfortunately with innocents dying, and even then many remain unconvinced.
We are only country in the world where 5g masts have been burnt down in attempts to halt spread of Covid. That really says something about either our outright stupidity or ability to believe the rubbish on YouTube /twitter. I expect the guardian readers amongst us will blame Boris for that too.
We shouldn't need a government to ban our attendance at Cheltenham at the start of a pandemic. Wonder how many lives that cost because at start of all this, businesses wanted the trade and fools wanted to watch horses, throw money away and drink beer,but no doubt Boris's fault . Seem to remember around that time Corbyn refusing to social distance.???Boris's dad saying he, d be going to pub and countless folk saying "it's just flu". Not really a place that would have accepted complete shutdown and total isolation.
I really do disagree. The Irish are a lot more independently minded than the British . We had essentially a lot less going for us .. a government which was a totally minority one , and had been booted out of power, but because the other parties could not agree on the coalition were still in power. BJ. had a healthy parliamentary majority. We accepted the lock down constraints , and we would have had a very low death count except for one literally fatal error. ... We accepted we could not visit our aged parents in care homes, expecting that they were safe, but they were being cared for by the less academically able husbands of the fully trained Filipino nurses, who were in the acute hospitals. when the nurses got ill, their husbands did also, and that brought the illness into the most vulnerable in the country.
Our government did level with the people and did lead by example . Perhaps it is because Ireland has an agricultural background, that people were aware of communicable diseases . Cheltenham happened, because borders were not closed, but the Government banned the Italy Rugby game
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Any changes to food prices after Brexit are likely to be "very modest indeed" under the deal struck between the UK and the EU, the chairman of Tesco has said.

Good news.
Wouldn't that be nice?
"Prices will drop when we leave the EU"
But then that was a lie to get votes wasn't it?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The readers of the Mail and Excess are far less on board with this latest debacle (The Trade deal with the EU)
than I expected, the only real enthusiasts are on the Telegraph and even there it's not as popular as I assumed it would be
How odd.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
the deal on fish may be not as BJ suggested, 'Britain can catch all the fish it wants in 5 years time'.
the EU will negotiate again to keep the present system.

The fish have to be there in order to be caught.

If, by some miracle, UK waters are chock full of fish, we just might get what we need/want.

The best way to move in that direction is to preserve stocks and protect spawning and growing regions. Which somehow don't appear to line up with UK/EU borders.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Makes a fella proud to be British:

Hundreds of British holidaymakers ‘flee Swiss ski resort’ despite being told to self-isolate

Many left ‘under cover of darkness’ said a local official
Hundreds of British holidaymakers who were meant to be self-isolating at a Swiss ski resort have reportedly broken quarantine and their whereabouts are unclear.

Switzerland barred Britons from entering the country following the emergence in the UK of a new strain of coronavirus thought to be highly infectious.

But those who arrived before the ban, or after 14 December, were told to self-isolate for 10 days in order to limit the potential spread of the new strain in the Alpine country.
According to local media, about 200 out of more than 400 British tourists at Verbier left overnight between Saturday and Sunday.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Here is something to think about
From the new European
Officials have been accused of copying and pasting chunks of text into the Brexit deal agreement.
Experts have spotted buried within page 921 of the UK-EU trade document references to dated computer software in the agreement which are decades old.

Referencing encryption technology, it mentions Netscape Communicator as a "modern e-mail software package" - last updated in 2002.
it also recommends the use of SHA-1 as a "hash algorithm" despite the fact it was depreciated in 2011.

The references have led experts to believe key texts have been copied and pasted from old documentation due to the lack of time to secure a deal."

I'm looking to see if anything from the "Magna Carta" has been sneaked in too!:cool:


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
One of the costs of getting some free trade, exactly as we remainers predicted even before the referendum.
I am always for paying some fee to trade. It's cheaper than not trading.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
A Brexit Bonus!

The Times@thetimes

British citizens arrested overseas through no fault of their own have no right to the government’s assistance or protection, even if they are tortured or held as diplomatic leverage against their country, the Foreign Office has said


Good job that under the EU Consular Protection Directive, where no representation exists, EU citizens can benefit from consular protection from other member states in cases of serious illness, victims of crime or arrest while abroad...oh hang on!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
