Trump is not going to win this time, unless Biden catches Covid too.
I hope you are right and if Biden was up against anyone else but someone like Trump then I am sure you would be right. Trump will do anything to win, and I mean anything, it does not matter if that means something illegal, or un constitutional or something that endangers others he just does not care. My guess is that he and his people around him have probably broken many laws and the only way this will stay hidden and him and his mates stay out of prison is to win the next election, so they will do everything they can to do just that.
A pollster was talking on Bloomberg today saying that Biden had a substantial lead over Trump when it came to people who intended to vote by post, but the numbers were reversed when it came to people who intended to vote in person.
So I can see a scenario that Trump will be a fair bit ahead the day after the election when most of the in person votes have been counted. He can then stir up some trouble by alleging postal voter fraud (he has already suggested to some of his supporters to try and create this type of fraud) to discredit the system.
If after all the votes have been counted and Biden wins, then Trump goes to court complaining about the postal votes being rigged. The case will eventually end up in the Supreme Court where he will by then have a 6 to 3 majority. They will rule in his favour and he gets another 4 years.
I think the best chance Biden has got of winning is if he gets a really big majority if he wins by just getting over the line, Trump will kick up such a fuss, it ends up in court and the world suffers Trump for another 4 years.