Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
There are usually other factors involved. For example we produced a little over 18,000 Spitfires for WW2 but only 13,600 Hurricanes, but the Hurricanes shot down far, far more enemy aircraft than the Spitfires, contrary to popular belief. The four main reasons for that are well understood, but obviously not by the general public who mistakenly believe the Spitfire was a marvellous fighter plane. Glamorous yes, marvellous no.

You can check all the facts and figures online with either the Air Ministry or the RAF, they both have the same.

I don't know about 20% of the workforce being responsible for 80% of the profit of the company, but with the last company I worked for I was responsible for 100% of the profit! That was because it was going broke when I joined and I turned it round into substantial profitability, to do that being the reason they engaged me. It was that or I'd be out on my ear like the previous three!
There is of course the point that the Hurricanes were tasked to attack the easier targets, slow moving bombers, and the spits the ME109's because of their greater speed and better turning circle.
The Hurricane scored on being a more stable gun platform undisputably. And tougher too.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
This man is a living legend!
"Only Chris Grayling could lose a rigged election" says politics expert

I love it :D :D :D :D :D :D

Nothing it seems is beyond his talent to fail, definitely World Beating
There are times I really appreciate the speed of Wiki:

Failure to become Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee
Boris Johnson reportedly planned to appoint Grayling to the Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee.[127][128][129] Although the Prime Minister appoints the Committee's members in consultation with the Leader of the Opposition, he has no power to appoint its chair as, by law, the chair is elected by the members from their own ranks.[130] Shadow Defence Secretary, Nia Griffith (Labour Party), said appointing Grayling would "make a mockery" of the committee.[127][129] Acting Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey, claimed the appointment of Grayling would be a "power grab" by Johnson and Dominic Cummings designed to avoid accountibility.[127] Some Conservative MPs have also criticised the possible appointment.[128] On 15 July 2020, committee members instead elected Julian Lewis as Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee[131].


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
There are times I really appreciate the speed of Wiki:

Failure to become Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee
Boris Johnson reportedly planned to appoint Grayling to the Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee.[127][128][129] Although the Prime Minister appoints the Committee's members in consultation with the Leader of the Opposition, he has no power to appoint its chair as, by law, the chair is elected by the members from their own ranks.[130] Shadow Defence Secretary, Nia Griffith (Labour Party), said appointing Grayling would "make a mockery" of the committee.[127][129] Acting Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey, claimed the appointment of Grayling would be a "power grab" by Johnson and Dominic Cummings designed to avoid accountibility.[127] Some Conservative MPs have also criticised the possible appointment.[128] On 15 July 2020, committee members instead elected Julian Lewis as Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee[131].
I suspect we would have been better off with Grayling than this individual, who appears to be another right wing nut job with a high opinion of himself
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Sir Philip Pulman made this interesting observation
“I’m sorry to be a pessimist about that, I wish I could be an optimist, but I fear we’re stuck with it and eventually we shall just sink giggling into the sea.

“We’re done for really as a nation”.

Well I'm not going to sink giggling into the sea, I intend to do it with hysterical maniacal laughter :cool:

And what could be more "British" than that?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
My question, for now, is whether that includes me and partner?

Seems to be a given that 100,000 will appear quite soon. And I can't see it suddenly stopping there.
There is increasing evidence that herd immunity is a mirage. Evidence of people getting CV19 twice has surfaced and certified
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Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
There is increasing evidence that herd immunity is a mirage. Evidence of people getting CV19 twice has surfaced and certified
The only evidence I can find is that of Ireland giving Apple a tax backhander so that they would locate their business there. CORRUPTION ALERT.

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
I see that lump of resin has been removed by Bristol Council. It’s a shame because it was a great monument to the consequences of delusion, fantasy, lawlessness, and pack like tribal behaviour. I hope they put it back.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Actually, there isn’t much I can argue with there.
Oh I don't know about that. Take grayling. Like a comic villain who wont die, he keeps on popping up to punch yet another hole in the hms torytannic. Which, despite looking like a colander, remains buoyant in an ocean of historic levels of electoral stupidity. I think the man deserves a DSO. And a 250 foot high statue (to replace Nelson's collumn)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Remember the holes on the SS Torrey Tory Canyon? Before and after the bombing.
Fascinating. I didn't know about it. Dropping barrels of kerosene and incendiary on an environmental disaster seem such a good analogy for what's happening at present.
Edit - 1500 kg of napalm and 44500kg of kerosene before they gave up. It must have been one of graylings ancestors.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I know there were several reported cases but have not seen anything recently. Have you got any sources?
Can you get infected with COVID-19 twice? Experts say possibility is 'certainly real'
John Bacon USA TODAY
Published 5:11 AM EDT Jul 16, 2020
Hopes are dimming that "herd immunity" can help stamp out the tenacious global pandemic amid growing concerns that people can be reinfected with COVID-19.
Experts agree that claims of recurring infections require more study since we are only months into the health crisis and evidence has been anecdotal. But if it's proved that recovered patients can "catch" the virus a second time, it would affect their own immunity while also complicating efforts to obtain the Holy Grail of current medical research – effective vaccines.
Recovery from the disease provides antibodies to fight off the infection. The shelf life of those antibodies, however, may be insufficient to protect a patient for very long or promote long-term immunity across populations.
"The possibility of reinfection is certainly real," Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told USA TODAY. "And one that I am seeing repeatedly on the front lines."
Glatter says he has cared for a "number of patients" who suffer only mild initial infections, get better and actually test negative for the virus before experiencing a recurrence of symptoms. The intensity can be worse the second time, he says.
"These patients develop difficulty breathing, leading to hypoxia, aches, chest pain, with recurrent and unrelenting fevers and chills," he said, adding that they then test positive again.
Experts caution that it's only been a few months since the first surge of cases in China and around the world. The frequency and severity of reinfections won't be known until cases rise in the areas where there were a significant number of infections last winter, said Dr. Daniel Griffin, chief of infectious diseases at ProHEALTH Care in New York.
"We are months away from knowing for certain if reinfections are possible or a significant issue," Griffin told USA TODAY.
