Having just been to a shop, some people seem utterly unable to even vaguely estimate two metres. Had two or three people "pushing" through when they should have waited. Others were being excessively cautious.Do you all think we could lower the 2m distancing rule? The WHO, Hong Kong, Singapore, France and China all say 1m is enough. Australia, Germany and the Netherlands recommend 1.5m and South Korea has 1.4m.
No matter what the distance is I doubt I will be sitting in a cafe for a long time, but I am sure many cafes would not be viable with a 2m rule but might be with 1.5 or 1m rule, any thoughts?
Distancing advice in England could change to allow closer contact
Precautionary 2 metre guidance out of step with advice of other countries, which typically recommend 1 metrewww.theguardian.com
Changing seems without merit. Because many of us would carry on pretty much as we have been. I'd certainly not be saying to myself "Great, I can get 500 millimetres closer to others now!" Those who are already getting too close need no excuse for caring even less.