Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Here is a fairly current example of the disgraceful treatment of British citizens by the EU's unelected, faceless, free-movement loving bunch of anti-British cronies in Brussels:

Oh, wait a minute! I meant to say 'by the tory party'................yes, that's it; it's the tory party through its elected parliamentary MPs which is treating ordinary British people disgracefully. Goodness, what a terrible mistake for me to make, thinking that the EU's democratically elected MPs and appointed officials would treat any European citizens in the way described in the article by the Daily Mail......whoops! I've done it again - I meant to say, 'described in the article by Vox Political'.......yes, that's the one. How could I have been so silly as to imagine that a true story about such a disgusting episode came from the fascist rag belonging to the Rothermere family with their connections?

I know - I should be ashamed!



Esteemed Pedelecer


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Here is a fairly current example of the disgraceful treatment of British citizens by the EU's unelected, faceless, free-movement loving bunch of anti-British cronies in Brussels:

Oh, wait a minute! I meant to say 'by the tory party'................yes, that's it; it's the tory party through its elected parliamentary MPs which is treating ordinary British people disgracefully. Goodness, what a terrible mistake for me to make, thinking that the EU's democratically elected MPs and appointed officials would treat any European citizens in the way described in the article by the Daily Mail......whoops! I've done it again - I meant to say, 'described in the article by Vox Political'.......yes, that's the one. How could I have been so silly as to imagine that a true story about such a disgusting episode came from the fascist rag belonging to the Rothermere family with their connections?

I know - I should be ashamed!

Nothing wrong with that is there? Remember this is the UK where stupidity is regarded as quite normal as here
Wardens give car two parking tickets while man sits dead in driver's seat
Mamadou Barry is said to have died of natural causes, but questions are being asked of traffic wardens who failed to see his body.
And no doubt legal action will follow if it goes to court and he doesn't turn up!

Contrast that with the EU's treatment of Lord Nigel's appalling attendance record to mandatory meetings,
He wasn't the worst of the 645 MEPS on attendance as he narrowly beat one Irish MEP, who was paralysed from the waist down and had spent over six months in Hospital,
Yet instead of ejecting the idiot the first time he opened his mouth, they let him continue, draw expenses and use EU money to further his political party against the law.
But the punch line is on the strength of this Stellar dereliction of duty the Brexit faction want to make him a Lord!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I don't think the tory media arm published this story but if they did, it was probably buried somewhere so that it wouldn't be noticed:

Gotta say thanks once more to a non-mainstream publication for allowing us to see the stuff that the tory propaganda machine doesn't want us to see

And her remark was a classic
"Just a reminder what I stand for.
I concentrate on LOCAL issues, because I'm running as a Councillor, I read the job description ;-)"
Halleluyah! but it will never catch on mainstream, will it?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Dont worry Tom..Mother Theresa will close house of Lords if they try and stop Brexit..

You couldn't write this BS...a remain Tory Priminister threatening to close house of Lords if they try and stop country leaving.
British politics is in a dire mess no matter what your stance on Brexit.

The only one of lot of them with any conviction to their principles ( Corbyn) has made himself he might just win next GE..who knows. Reckon me OG and Tom could do a better job.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Dont worry Tom..Mother Theresa will close house of Lords if they try and stop Brexit..

You couldn't write this BS...a remain Tory Priminister threatening to close house of Lords if they try and stop country leaving.
British politics is in a dire mess no matter what your stance on Brexit.

The only one of lot of them with any conviction to their principles ( Corbyn) has made himself he might just win next GE..who knows. Reckon me OG and Tom could do a better job.
You are so right, especially when our campaign song hits the charts...

"It doesn't matter what they say, 'cause I'm against it anyway, whatever it is I'm against it!"
What a team eh? :cool:
Just a question of who gets to be Che, with the beard and Beret with the single star?

As to our Manifesto, here's a thought or three....

On further consideration,Taking over the Government by Fiat isn't on, as this would just be doing "A Nigel" so alternatively to be democratic, we should organise a national raffle where those with one of a limited number of losing tickets become Mp's, their names are put forward into a second raffle to allot Ministerial Titles, and thence a final raffle to elect the Chief Culprit.
Chancellor of the Exchequer to be selected on the principle of an organised race to the exits at the sound of a bell. last one to the door gets the job.
No experience necessary for Government, it is after all undemocratic to exclude the normal people rather than select from the aristocracy/idiot fringe as now.
Now here is "The clever bit" that will make this system really work for the people.
After a full year, all participants have to return home to face the music and can never be re elected again, during the raffle that elects the succeeding administration.
Retiring Politicians will have enjoyed for a full year the same renumeration as for jury service, a bus and or rail free travel pass, canteen vouchers while in office, and be paid at the same rate as those on Welfare Benefits, as indeed this is what an Mp's salary is if you think about it.
It will not affect their statutory State pension rights (if such a thing still exist.)
Free accommodation will be provided in the flats created when the House of Lords is abolished and a hand Klaxon will alert the MP's each morning to rise for Breakfast and take their places for the days work in the House of Commons, to ensure no Farage like attendance issues.
How's that folks?
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Theresa May is threatening both the commons and the lords that they are not democratic if they hinder or stop her Brexit Bill.
She is threatening the Lords with abolition if they vote against her,how democratic is that.
May has not been elected and the strength of anti Brexit in the UK is considerable,Richmond Park endorsed that.
May has reached out to the far left and far right but has ignored the centre ground. Nigel Farage said that if the referendum vote is not upheld then there will be a seismic upheaval. I say that if Theresa May carries on with her dictatorial style of pushing Brexit through the houses,she will be out and good riddance to her.
Richmond Park sent a warning to Labour,they had such a low vote they lost their deposit....Corbyn has changed his official stance on May's attempt to rush her A50 bill through the commons,he now says that Labour will amend the bill to force labour laws and retaining the single market.....the Lords will also feel after Richmond Park that there is a public demand that whilst we are leaving the EU this should not give a blank cheque to May's government and that parliament will 'guide' May as to the type of Brexit she can negotiate.
Dictator May won't like it,but I say deal with it or get out.
After Richmond she daren't call a general election,there are 48 million (maybe more now) who will vote against her,Liberal seems to be the only party that are anti Hard Brexit.
The Liberals won't win a GE but they will hold the balance of power and with the SNP and Tory rebels will be able to control May,The EU will explore this weakness to make Brexit unattractive.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You are so right, especially when our campaign song hits the charts...

"It doesn't matter what they say, 'cause I'm against it anyway, whatever it is I'm against it!"
What a team eh? :cool:
Just a question of who gets to be Che, with the beard and Beret with the single star?

As to our Manifesto, here's a thought or three....

On further consideration,Taking over the Government by Fiat isn't on, as this would just be doing "A Nigel" so alternatively to be democratic, we should organise a national raffle where those with one of a limited number of losing tickets become Mp's, their names are put forward into a second raffle to allot Ministerial Titles, and thence a final raffle to elect the Chief Culprit.
Chancellor of the Exchequer to be selected on the principle of an organised race to the exits at the sound of a bell. last one to the door gets the job.
No experience necessary for Government, it is after all undemocratic to exclude the normal people rather than select from the aristocracy/idiot fringe as now.
Now here is "The clever bit" that will make this system really work for the people.
After a full year, all participants have to return home to face the music and can never be re elected again, during the raffle that elects the succeeding administration.
Retiring Politicians will have enjoyed for a full year the same renumeration as for jury service, a bus and or rail free travel pass, canteen vouchers while in office, and be paid at the same rate as those on Welfare Benefits, as indeed this is what an Mp's salary is if you think about it.
It will not affect their statutory State pension rights (if such a thing still exist.)
Free accommodation will be provided in the flats created when the House of Lords is abolished and a hand Klaxon will alert the MP's each morning to rise for Breakfast and take their places for the days work in the House of Commons, to ensure no Farage like attendance issues.
How's that folks?
Never mind laughing Zlatan, does it meet with your approval so we can announce it to the press? or have you anything to add under the
"Whatever it is I'm against it" operational code?
For instance do you prefer the more inclusive "We're against it to make us seem more popular?
This ploy was employed successfully by Michael Gove when defending Lord Nigel of the 4 million votes, despite the fact he only had 16128 really.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Theresa May is threatening both the commons and the lords that they are not democratic if they hinder or stop her Brexit Bill.
She is threatening the Lords with abolition if they vote against her,how democratic is that.
May has not been elected and the strength of anti Brexit in the UK is considerable,Richmond Park endorsed that.
May has reached out to the far left and far right but has ignored the centre ground. Nigel Farage said that if the referendum vote is not upheld then there will be a seismic upheaval. I say that if Theresa May carries on with her dictatorial style of pushing Brexit through the houses,she will be out and good riddance to her.
Richmond Park sent a warning to Labour,they had such a low vote they lost their deposit....Corbyn has changed his official stance on May's attempt to rush her A50 bill through the commons,he now says that Labour will amend the bill to force labour laws and retaining the single market.....the Lords will also feel after Richmond Park that there is a public demand that whilst we are leaving the EU this should not give a blank cheque to May's government and that parliament will 'guide' May as to the type of Brexit she can negotiate.
Dictator May won't like it,but I say deal with it or get out.
After Richmond she daren't call a general election,there are 48 million (maybe more now) who will vote against her,Liberal seems to be the only party that are anti Hard Brexit.
The Liberals won't win a GE but they will hold the balance of power and with the SNP and Tory rebels will be able to control May,The EU will explore this weakness to make Brexit unattractive.
Never mind that, can her exit be backdated?


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Even the markets no longer believe that May and the 3 Brexidiots have the political will nor mandate to trigger A50 without amendment,such that this government will soon throw in the towel.
The £ v dollar hit 1.27 today,I am told by my currency advisor that Hammond appears to the market as anti-Brexit and pro business,May is considered lightweight, an irrelevance,hence the strength of the pound.
Also Carney will no longer be manipulated by May and will see inflation returning as a reason to increase interest rates,that will make the £ more attractive.
When the £ hits 1.30 that is a sign that normality has returned ,the markets have assumed that Brexit will either be no Brexit or very very soft Brexit. The 11 judges of the Supreme Court,it has already been assumed that May will lose that case and also will have to accept amendments to her A50 Bill,such that Brexit will be in reality a non event,a slight change in our trading stance with the EU.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
the Pound seems to recover at the moment, let's keep fingers crossed. We had to pay for a lot of stock last month before Richmond Park when the Pound was at 1.22-1.23.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
the Pound seems to recover at the moment, let's keep fingers crossed. We had to pay for a lot of stock last month before Richmond Park when the Pound was at 1.22-1.23.
I have a RADICAL suggestion, in fact two that may help.
First backdate all stock purchases to the dates when sterling was at it's highest against the Dollar, but no cheating mind, 1914 is a bit obvious.

I can obtain for a suitable renumeration unused office order form documentation from bankrupt stock that will add credibility to these backdated documents that are best delivered by having a Rep visit the firm you wish to purchase from.
His or her Remit is to protest that the goods have been long outstanding, backing up the claim by profferring carbon copies and when no one is looking, slipping the Front copies either behind a radiator or into a handy office Drawer.

Then a simple Telephone call to remind them of the outstanding delivery will get them galvanised to sort the problem out almost inevitably, and search diligently for the orders, as after Brexit, any order (even if only a loss leader will be greeted with delight)

You will gather from this I once worked on an American Multi National's Claims and Credit section and have suitably arcane skills related to this essential business technique, as my job at that time was to catch the Blighters who were trying to fleece us, by doing this very thing.

Option two is simply to have a "Gap year" or perhaps "Decade" on the Continent combining business with pleasure until the temporary business difficulties are solved by the soon to arrive act of God that will miraculously solve the problem.

My Business Consultancy fees are very reasonable by the way.
A self made Man as I couldn't afford a Contractor.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
You are correct....Richmond Park was 70% remain and so it was to be expected that if Remainers are still active there would be a protest vote anti Brexit,it is clear that Remainers are still Remainers,but the shift was 31% from Tory to Lib-dem.
This is just a wild guess, but could that be because the Conservative party didn't have a candidate?

I'm sorry Kudos, to say that there was a shift of 31% from Tory to Lib Dem when the Tory party didn't have a candidate is nonsense.

The recent Witney by-election,was Cameron's safe seat,but the Tory majority was reduced from 25000 to 5000,a 21% shift from Tory to Liberal.
Now that is more credible and could be an indicator. I'll accept that there may be something stirring based on that evidence.

It would be very interesting if a strong pro Brexit area experienced a similar shift,there is a by-election in Sleaford and North Hykeham, next week,The seat was a strong Tory seat(56%)and strong leave,most consider the by-election will be fought mainly on immigration,the Liberals(5.7%) if they advanced this would be a surprise and would indicate a sea change against Brexit. It could be that UKIP do well in protest against the slow progress of this government.
Agree, this will be interesting and IF there is a shift here away from UKIP and Conservative, it could prove to be a weather vane indicating which way the BREXIT breeze is blowing.

Many of the post vote disasters were overdone but wait awhile,they are coming through the system,many people are very stretched it would not take much to really hurt,some of the price rises and revenue drops are ugly,hope redundancies are kept to a minimum.
They were overdone, and because of that people's initial scepticism of these "experts" has now, quite rightly, turned into contempt. The forecasts for the next 5 years which, were published only a few days ago, were seized upon by an army of anti-BREXIT campaigners. These were only forecasts and forecasts are very often wrong and that is a fact. The anti-BREXIT lobby just couldn't wait to fast-forward to 2021. It was pathetic, they were talking as though the forecasts had actually happened, such was their malevolence.

Anyway, back to Richmond Park. A non-event won by an opportunist non-entity. As I said earlier, move along, nothing to see here.

Sleaford - Hykeham will give us more of a clue, because I foresee that being all about BREXIT with all sides represented. We might be able to pick something out of that one.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Faceless, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have decreed that £7.6 million should be spent on renovations to Wentworth Woodhouse, the stately home and ancestral pile of Helena de Chair who is probably wealthier than most of the 'new money' celebs who appear on the Sunday Times Rich List which has no access to bank accounts.

Who is Helena de Chair you may ask? Well, she's only the breeding machine married to Jacob Rees-Mogg, also one not exactly strapped for cash. So far, they have produced 5 little monsters whose names will not appear on the pupil list of any state comprehensive school or even academy any time soon, trust me!

Actually, this story isn't true; I just made up the bit about unelected, faceless politicians in Brussels - there aren't any!.......Oh, and the £7.6 million of tax money paid by those on the PAYE system is being put to this purpose on the say-so of Phillip Hammond, our inexperienced Chancellor of the Exchequer, whose personal wealth in 2009 was estimated to be about £9 million though we don't know how much tax he paid!

For those interested, there is quite a bit of history attached to Wentworth Woodhouse and apparently, it has over 300 rooms, none of which will be utilised to house Britain's homeless, or refugees fleeing what remains of the middle-east after our repeated bombings in combined military operations, essential for peacekeeping purposes and ensuring democracy prevails.

£7.6 million for just one house.......there is a trust which I am sure will spend that money wisely and I'm sure it will pay for itself many times over as someone suggested....never!


Apart from his valuable contribution to democracy and the pursuit of a fair and equitable society through his day job, Mr Rees-Mogg still manages to fit in some extra-curricular work for Somerset Capital Management, 30 days per annum at a salary of around £10,000 per month.

When asked for a comment on austerity, he allegedly replied, 'Austerity....what austerity?'

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I'm sorry, but no matter what happens this Social experiment is going to end up to the advantage of the few at the top and making the plight of the rest much worse, as the only way forward that will be chosen of necessity is quite clearly to reduce the cost of employing people, reducing their rights, protection and well being to pursue profit, and to hell with the environment.

Even worse the "leaders" and Financial systems available couldn't run a Whelk stall at the seaside to make a profit.
Even with Government and Management having upper hand over a public reduced to subservient acceptance of their lot, the nation will spiral downwards to a point where once again it will end up on IMF loans and begging to re enter the EU.

History repeats itself as the one thing you can be sure of is

The only thing Humans learn from Experience is that they Don't.

The most remarkable thing is that the average person imagines that the likes of Boris, Fox, Davis, Farage,May and Murdoch are not simply preying on them.

To imagine that any of them have the best interests of the public at heart sails past stupidity and heads at Flank Speed into the Impossibly Bizarre.



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Contrast that with the EU's treatment of Lord Nigel's appalling attendance record to mandatory meetings,
He wasn't the worst of the 645 MEPS on attendance as he narrowly beat one Irish MEP, who was paralysed from the waist down and had spent over six months in Hospital,
Yet instead of ejecting the idiot the first time he opened his mouth, they let him continue, draw expenses and use EU money to further his political party against the law.
But the punch line is on the strength of this Stellar dereliction of duty the Brexit faction want to make him a Lord!
Just a small point of etiquette, of which I am sure you are well aware. It will be Lord Farage, not Lord Nigel. Sir Nigel, as in Sir Nigel Farage is acceptable.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Faceless, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have decreed that £7.6 million should be spent on renovations to Wentworth Woodhouse, the stately home and ancestral pile of Helena de Chair who is probably wealthier than most of the 'new money' celebs who appear on the Sunday Time Rich List which has no access to bank accounts.

Who is Helena de Chair you may ask? Well, she's only the breeding machine married to Jacob Rees-Mogg, also one not exactly strapped for cash. So far, they have produced 5 little monsters whose names will not appear on the pupil list of any state comprehensive school or even academy any time soon, trust me!

Actually, this story isn't true; I just made up the bit about unelected, faceless politicians in Brussels - there aren't any!.......Oh, and the £7.6 million of tax money paid by those on the PAYE system is being put to this purpose on the say-so of Phillip Hammond, our inexperienced Chancellor of the Exchequer, whose personal wealth in 2009 was estimated to be about £9 million though we don't know how much tax he paid!

For those interested, there is quite a bit of history attached to Wentworth Woodhouse and apparently, it has over 300 rooms, none of which will be utilised to house Britain's homeless, or refugees fleeing what remains of the middle-east after our repeated bombings in combined military operations, essential for peacekeeping purposes and ensuring democracy prevails.

£7.6 million for just one house.......there is a trust which I am sure will spend that money wisely and I'm sure it will pay for itself many times over as someone suggested....never!

View attachment 16632

Apart from his valuable contribution to democracy and the pursuit of a fair and equitable society through his day job, Mr Rees-Mogg still manages to fit in some extra- curricular work for Somerset Capital Management, 30 days per annum at a salary of around £10,000 per month.

When asked for a comment on austerity, he allegedly replied, 'Austerity....what austerity?'

At least he doesn't send his children to a private school whilst simultaneously campaigning to prevent others from doing likewise. A certain barrage balloon shaped Labour MP does exactly this, but the name escapes me at the moment.

Wentworth Woodhouse has been sold, the sale partly funded by the National Heritage Memorial Fund. This is a magnificent property which is open to the public to enjoy the house and grounds. I'm all for the preservation of this fine English estates.

I fully support what is happening here.

I also like Jacob Rees-Mogg, he's a good communicator, has a good sense of humour and talks a lot of common sense. I particularly like the idea of him campaigning in a depressed area of the North whilst driving a Bentley / Mercedes and assisted by his childhood nanny. That is funny.
