For what its worth on here and for you to completely ignore and probably answer something not said...This shows how distorted your view is. I've hardly been in here for some while and my posting frequency in this thread for some while doesn't begin to compare with OG's.
In fact I've been posting extensively in the pedelecs cycling forums for some while now, not that you'd notice the 10 times today and 17 times yesterday for examples.
Socialism in our country is dead. Socialism is supposed to reflect views and beliefs of the society it represents. In the 1920s when socialism was in its infancy here, the bulk of society were oppressed workers, working in mines, steel mills, car plants, cotton mills and industry in general. All those industries have gone, along with the workers they exploited. Yes, ofcourse we still have workers being taken advantage of but we also have nearly everyone owning their own homes. Hargreaves Lansdowne have over a million investors with them alone. Times have changed, society has moved but our Labour have gone not with them but back to the 1920's. Banning and expelling those members with different views. (Campbell, Champion, Blair just for example)
Corbyn/RLB/McDonnel /Unite/Momentum's idea of socialism is a set of rules based on dogma and ideology and not those of our current SOCIETY. In this way it becomes an elitist form of socialism for the chosen telling the rest of us we arent up to standard. Telling us we are racist, Royalist or Tories. Rubbish. What right has Corbyn got to call himself a socialist on the one hand but shut down dialogue from Champion, Campbell etc etc on the other. Its either his, or your, idea of socialism or nobodies. Socialism isnt about that. Its about society. Listening to all, trying to cater for all and debating about the future with decisions voted on by all, not just those deemed to be fit and in either Momentum or Unite. You cant regulate to force socialism, when you do it becomes Marxism at best and Communism at worst. Corbyn's vision of Labour made no attempt to represent our current society. Quite the reverse, he tries to regulate us with his vision of utopia. Boris on the other hand, head of a group steeped in doctrine managed to change and gain support of those sick of being told what socialism is by a group of elitist champagne socialists exploiting the system. Socialism comes from society, not the other way around. When such as you, and those steering Labour realise this we might see the Labour party back in power. Until then we have the Tories.
So stop telling me what is and isnt socialism. I know perfectly well. Its you and our current Labour who do not.
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