Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Anyway,he is intending to have an American coast to coast speeching tour,should earn him lots of bucks,whilst he is a mate of Trump.
You have to wonder about Americans needing to go listen to an Englishman telling them how to Make America White Again? :confused:

Pardon? What do you mean I made a mistake in the above sentence? :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
IFS Pro Remain.

IFS Partly funded by the EU.

IFS I don't believe them.

IFS Has no more legitimacy than any other commentator.
OK, so who do you believe, tillson. and what exactly have they promised is going to happen?
Don't be shy, come on.let's hear what has been guaranteed to happen, nd by whom?
Or is it just a BET?
Are you risking the future of the nation on nothing more than a "hunch"?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Just noticed that Nigel Farage has cancelled his upcoming London march,he blames that it was likely to be hijacked by far right groups.
But aren't the BNP and EDL part of UKIP?
More likely he saw that the recent budget day pro Brexit march attracted only 100 out of an expected 15000, Farage stated that he anticipated 100,000 to turn up,embarrassing if only a few dozen arrived.
Anyway,he is intending to have an American coast to coast speeching tour,should earn him lots of bucks,whilst he is a mate of Trump.
"When the going get's tough
Nigel Farage goes missing.":D:D:D:D
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Nov 23, 2016
You are forgetting the fact that if it does come off more than 40 million people are liable to be even less pleased, make no mistake about that!
Your "Referendum" isn't going to be very popular if things turn out badly is it?
And remember it was not legally binding and the majority in favour, in the very words of both Davis and Farage too small to make it anything more than "Unfinished Business" they were prepared to demand that only a 2 to 1 vote in favour of remaining in the EU would finish the matter, and had the vote swung the other way by the amount it actually did demand another referendum.
I think your totally wrong on lots of accounts but us arguing on a forum won't chance the fact leave won and we're going to leave.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I think your totally wrong on lots of accounts but us arguing on a forum won't chance the fact leave won and we're going to leave.
Are we?
Personally if you have been paying attention you might have noticed I actually want us to, did you miss that, like all the other things, you seem not to have noticed?
I will be terribly disappointed if we don't leave, as I think it is the only way that Brexit voters will actually have to live with the truth and want to correct their error.
Won't that be nice? :D
Power to the people! (but wear rubber boots)
Brexit is effectively a second Dunkirk, but as Churchill observed at the time.
Wars are not won by Evacuations.
We will be back in time into the EU, and hopefully learn to be good children this time.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
5,048 may have missed that there is a change in the political mood re Brexit,try Googling 'Brexit' today and be surprised how much anti Brexit media and comments is evident and expanding.
Also Hammond and May are positioning themselves for a Brexit which will either be a 'No Brexit' or 'super soft Brexit'....look at Merkels recent comments stating the German economy cannot afford a UK hard Brexit.
The bottom line is after Hammonds budget we cannot afford Brexit.
We are not Lemmings we won't be led over a cliff to political and financial disaster by die hard Brexiters and there are some pretty heavy guns to stop that happening.
Don't forget that Theresa May's husband is in charge of a hedge fund who's business,like Gina Miller,would be destroyed without passporting access into the EU .
The referendum had no legal mandate and whilst May would not currently U turn ,I can see her exploring opportunities to Have such a soft Brexit that it will be indistinguishable from what we currently enjoy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Gollum (Gove) Fails yet again!
Brexit: Michael Gove's attack on OBR forecast for 'missing £200m-a-week dividend' dismissed by watchdog
The independent Office for Budget Responsibility hit back - pointing out that, in its gloomy economic calculations, the so-called ‘Brexit dividend’ had already been spent
The position is confirmed by page 158 of the OBR report, which reads: “For this forecast, we have made the fiscally neutral assumption that any reduction in these transfers to the EU would be recycled fully into extra domestic spending.”

The Labour MP Chuka Umunna said: “It's hard to believe someone with such a dodgy grasp of basic maths ever managed to become Education Secretary.

“We know what Michael Gove needs for Christmas - a calculator. And he ought to apologise for still peddling misleading figures and trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the British people.”
Needless to say the Express trumpeted the lie as another "Brexit Dividend" a "Glorious argument in favour of Brexit"
Which they will never retract, will they?

One reader commented
"The best Gove quote was his wish that all schools should be above average. Of course he doesn't do numbers."
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Brexit makes strange Bedfellows indeed!
Labour urged by British businesses to make Theresa May guarantee EU citizens future in UK
The Confederation of British Industry and the British Chamber of Commerce have urged Labour to put pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May
The UK’s biggest business lobbies are seeking the help of the opposition Labour Party to make a positive case for immigration as Britain prepares to pull out of the European Union.

The Confederation of British Industry and the British Chamber of Commerce have urged Labour to put pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May to guarantee that EU citizens can remain after Brexit, according to two party officials with knowledge of the discussions..

My Gast is truly Flabbered!o_O
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Now this I CAN believe!
Bosses pay: Business tells May to water down reform plans in new report
The latest missive from the Purposeful Pay Group opposes binding annual votes on executive pay and a proposal to force companies to publish pay ratios showing gap between the CEO and the rest

Phew! business as usual, steady as you go.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Smile of the day from the Independent
Everything Theresa May thinks she's doing for workers is only making their situation worse
The projection that earnings will be almost £1,000 a year lower than predicted in March means that any light at the end of a 10 year tunnel can only be an oncoming train.

Doesn't it just SING?:cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Moses actually had 11 tablets..the last one read
" Free markets between nations must have free movement of its peoples"
The Egyptians we so pissed off with this it was obliterated...The Romans or the Greeks or infact any great trading nation has ever insisted on it..untill now..Its a massive social political experiment..will it work ? Nobody knows...and if Tony Blair / Campbell support it...thats good enough reason for me not to..

Ps. Actually the Romans encouraged free movement across borders...they just limited folk a bit thereafter.. In chains, on Galleys , in armies ,in amphitheatres and ultimately on crosses.. We just pay folk poverty wages...nearly has same affect I suppose.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Moses actually had 11 tablets..the last one read
" Free markets between nations must have free movement of its peoples"
The Egyptians we so pissed off with this it was obliterated...The Romans or the Greeks or infact any great trading nation has ever insisted on it..untill now..Its a massive social political experiment..will it work ? Nobody knows...and if Tony Blair / Campbell support it...thats good enough reason for me not to..

Ps. Actually the Romans encouraged free movement across borders...they just limited folk a bit thereafter.. In chains, on Galleys , in armies ,in amphitheatres and ultimately on crosses.. We just pay folk poverty wages...nearly has same affect I suppose.
Oddly between the American states and within China, Russia, etc, it seems to work without great problems.
Ever wondered why?
Or in fact between Mercia , Northumbria and the other Saxon Kingdoms on this island it did too, and this continues to today.
It depends how strong the blinkers people insist on wearing as to whether it works or not, and lets face it most of the problems with movement of people in this country were caused by voting for Governments who wanted them for profit purposes.
In answer to your question "Will it work?"
Who is asking makes a difference, the public says emphatically NO, Business says emphatically YES!
Do you really believe the Public will prevail in even the short term?
The Elephant in the room is that the present Government and indeed the opposition are firmly wedded to the idea that migrants are the means of making the economy work.
Since the consensus of losing the EU Market advantage will damage the economy, the remedy of choice is obvious, and will without doubt mean both a lowering of wages to local workers and heavier reliance on cheap immigrant labour that comes without the overhead costs of extensive training,
so voting for Brexit will achieve what level of change?
EVEN MORE COMING HERE, and lower wages for local workers.
Smart Move.....
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Daily Mail reader? Regardless of where you receive your news, I don't know if any of you have ever read the works of Robert Tressell, an Irish chap who only lived to the age of 40 but he was another who showed great understanding of politics and how the class system operates, as in this piece:


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
When you cut to the chase the question that remains over Brexit is really very simple.
What are the odds against any Parliament of any group of the inept politicians that we have,of achieving what their predecessors failed for signally to do back in the 1960's?
Especially when the odds against them are stacked so heavily,
bearing in mind the far greater weakness of our industrial sector now, and the incompetence of British Management and Financiers, of achieving what their predecessors failed for signally to do back in the 1960's
There appear to be three possible outcomes.
  1. The Government Drops the whole thing as impractical
  2. We leave the EU and things go so badly wrong that the public clamour to get back in.
  3. A miracle takes Place
We suddenly get a Government of competent politicians who care about the people not the Elite, eliminating poverty as it's weapon of choice.
The press suddenly decides to print nothing but the truth.
Investors thrust billions into the economy starting a second industrial revolution so advanced that there is enough money to go round that people are paid not to work eliminating the need for immigrants.
The city of London reforms itself overnight to be such a paragon of virtue that it remains at the very centre of world finance, overshadowing anything the EU can do within it's borders

In fact all we need is as they might well print in the Daily Mail "Gott Mit Uns!"
It is certainly beyond the attainment level we can expect from Parliament, industry, commerce. and Finance.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
All due respect ..being a new member etc etc...I,ve just agreed to abide by Forum rules. Perhaps rule 3 should be scrapped? Certainly not starting to row , justify or repeat...its not why I joined forum. ???
