Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
He should get a length of rope
I can't agree, mainly because a death sentence can be an opt-out of punishment for many. I for one if faced with 30 years in a prison at the age of 52 would much prefer the kindness of a quick end.

Life has to have value to be enjoyed, and in prison it has no value.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
prison is a easy life these days tho i cant blame him if he was found fit for work sanctioned no rent getting paid and soon to be homeless whats there to loose?

he had a gun and could of shot him self tells you something.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I'm sure most keen observers will have spotted this somewhere today on the interweb thingy but here it is for those who haven't seen it:
View attachment 14410

prison is a easy life these days tho i cant blame him if he was found fit for work sanctioned no rent getting paid and soon to be homeless whats there to loose?

he had a gun and could of shot him self tells you something.
I think prisons are violent places where bullying and crime is rife. I can think of no harsher punishment than knowing that you are going to see out your days living in constant fear of violence. The rope would be a more lenient sentence.

From what I heard on the six pm news on Radio 4, he sounds like a complete nut job, possibly a schizophrenic. He seems to have a benevolent and helpful side to his personality contrasted with a hate filled murderous desire on the other.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What a lovely story, and very impressed with your knowledge of this species, the Brexit. Trouble is it is complete balderdash, (boll Ocks in olde English)
Not sure whether you are a frustrated creative (nice photo)' or just like talking boll ocks to us olde English, but what precisely this has to do with the referendum is quite beyond me, but then I'm only a Brexit
And living in cloud cuckoo land along with the rest I see, but what is interesting is that your attention span isn't long enough to get to the bit where I predict a Brexit win, is it? or do you believe that too is in your own words
"complete balderdash"?
As you admit, you're only a Brexit, and unless you are over 72 years of age hardly qualify as olde English, as I do, do you?
Tell me, do you really know why you are supporting the Brexit cause? what's in it for you that differs from the points I made?
Do you for instance think there is a realistic plan?
Trust the word of the Farages, Goves, Boris etc., that they will reform overnight? and give a tinkers cuss for anything other than themselves and the elite they serve?
Or that they have either the means or intent of creating the cosy little "English" society you desire and keep out the immigrants that make them so much profit?
That you won't suffer financially or lose some of your rights?
And are you satisfied with the performance of our Westminster Government?
My aren't you the trusting one if you can confirm that you do.
And you have seen my comments as "Complete balderdash"
Very Amusing!
BrendanJ, please don't shatter my illusion that oldgroaner is a witty pastiche -- a meticulously observed archetype somewhere between Basil Fawlty and Alan Partridge -- I simply couldn't bear it.

Glad you find , as so many do that rather than answer the points I made it is easier to react in a predictably defensive way to points of view that are inconvenient to your own.
Too close to the truth for comfort undoubtedly.
This is to be expected when there are so few facts to support the case for Brexit, which is simply an appeal to the senses and has no substance whatever.
Love the description "a meticulously observed archetype somewhere between Basil Fawlty and Alan Partridge --"
But is that really the best riposte you can come up with to the argument?
Why are you comparing me to Boris and Gove?
Do have a nice day.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
This mornings Daily Excess (Sorry Express) headline is amusing.
Former military chief switches to Leave campaign over 'DISASTROUS EU army' fears"
Lets examine that.
There is indeed a proposal to create a "rapid reaction EU force" to deal with disasters such as Tsunamis and earthquakes, and not to create a military force greater than that.
And surely a General that is forced to change sides when faced by a non existent (even if one was ever planned) army, that should it ever come into existence would be so powerful that we would be too weak to resist it.
Is worth ten divisions to any potential enemy?
Such is the quality and value of his support!
Ah well I'm sure Boris and Gove will promise huge increases in the Armed Forces etc, etc, Though you have to wonder why they were previously enthusiastic supporters of Government cuts to them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Daily Mail this morning (Where else can you find such Gems)

"PETER OBORNE: This is NOT the time for ugly political opportunism "
So my posted remark in response was naturally

But you are prepared to make an exception in your own case?
As he had continued with great literary skill, and no sense of irony whatever:

Quote"That is why, in this period of self-imposed political purdah, it is very disappointing that so many in the Remain campaign, especially those on the Left, have sought to exploit Jo Cox’s death for their advantage."

Daily Mail: the home of the best "Truth" money can buy.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
Farage seems to be proven correct in predicting last month that if voting does not achieve anything then violence on the streets is the next step.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
The 'Leave' supporters are probably too steeped in their misguided belief to recognise that the people fronting their campaign have an agenda which has nothing whatsoever to do with the politics of Europe or even the economics of the UK.

I guess because of their entrenched views, they will dismiss the latest Farage promotional media release, appalling though it is to decent people, as just a coincidence. I believe it was entirely deliberate and reveals more about Farage and all who share his opinions than many would wish.

This monster is a 21st century version of Oswald Mosley and if you don't know who he was, you have no right to be allowed a vote in my humble opinion.

Everyone should have seen this disgraceful piece of campaigning by now but this is such an important issue that it does no harm to repeat it in the hope that maybe just a few will come to understand what the real agenda is for Farage and the far-right.\



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
Leave started on the backfoot, I guess it's a case of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. My question is: can Leave ever win without the far right (UKIP, BNP. EDL)?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 6, 2016
Leave started on the backfoot, I guess it's a case of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. My question is: can Leave ever win without the far right (UKIP, BNP. EDL)?
And the answer is simples, YES, unless you believe over 50% of the population belong to the far right. This idea that Brexit and far right fascists are one and the same is just another convenient untruth that you are peddling
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Tom isn't saying that, but you are as is usual with the brexit faction trying to distort his words, which merely assert that the right wing have been an incendiary element inflaming public opinion, or are you denying that?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 6, 2016
Tom isn't saying that, but you are as is usual with the brexit faction trying to distort his words, which merely assert that the right wing have been an incendiary element inflaming public opinion, or are you denying that?

Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk
Yes, frankly the only words I ever hear about the far right are from you lot, who are blatantly using the fear of the far right to try and influence the vote.
Your logic seems to go along the lines of
Link Brexit vote to far right
Demonise far right and thus also legitimate and moderate objectors to Europe
Frighten the **** out of swing voters, without need to recourse to persuasive arguments
I am no lover of far right views but this tarring all brexiteers with same brush is deception and lies at its very worst. Most brexiteers subscribe to the views of self governance only not radicle far right extremism, although you will no doubt then insult all of them as stupid and being mislead
You are as bad as those you seek to vilify


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Leave started on the backfoot, I guess it's a case of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. My question is: can Leave ever win without the far right (UKIP, BNP. EDL)?
Did you intentionally leave Satan of that list, or was it just an oversight?

It's a well known fact amongst the remain camp that all BREXIT campaigners pray at the alter of lucifer.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
if leave distance themselves now from the far right and accept that they are willing to pay the economic cost in higher taxes then the choice will come down to between self governance and being EU citizens.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 6, 2016
You all miss one point in all of this fear mongering about the far right.
This is a referendum on Europe, not an Election.
The same government will be in power the day after, with the same political make up as the day before
But with a clear mandate from the British people on the policy it wishes us to implement
In case of Brexit the only absolute fact will be to take us out of Europe and how that is done and what details associated with it will be the subject of normal debate and government
The far right in so much as they are not part of the government will have limited say,
so will the far left protest movement
But I believe that the majority of parliament members will recognise their duty to implement diligently and with integrity the will of the people, or face rejection at the next election which is our democratic right for which we must always preserve
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
what do you call this poster if not far right?

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