Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
they are obsessed with being part of history nevermind the cost to 64 non-millionaires of this country.
I know about me, but who are the other 63?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Mail this morning
MI6 snub for Boris Johnson and David Davis: Intelligence services are 'wary' of giving information about Brexit to the Cabinet members
  • Whitehall sources say information is being kept from Davis and Johnson
  • It is the latest indication of splits in the Government over Brexit
  • But spokesmen for Davis and Johnson denied the claims from Whitehall
Er, hang on a minute, aren't the three stooges supposed to be all in it together and does that mean they only trust the other clown?
I wonder when May told MI6 to do this?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Something odd to appear in the Daily Mail
The great Brexit cuppa calamity: UK boss of Typhoo Tea warns of the 'disastrous' impact of Leave vote - as the price of imports leaps by a scalding 50%
  • UK boss of Typhoo Tea says cost of imports has gone up and blames Brexit
  • Mr Somnath Saha warns company 'is suffering' and 'it is not sustainable'
  • The firm employs 300 and produces 125million tea bags a week in Wigan

"Mr Saha said the cost of importing an 80 kilo bag of tea had soared by 50 per cent – from £100 up to £150 since the beginning of the year – with much of the increase being blamed on the recent fall in the value of sterling."

Change of tack by the Mail?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
I know about me, but who are the other 63?

The number of millionaires in Britain has soared by 41 per cent in the past five years, mainly due to booming house prices and a steady stock market (until a few days ago, that is!). Research from Barclays has found that there are now 715,000 millionaire living in the UK, compared with 508,000 in 2010
the remaining 64,401,143 people in the UK are obviously not millionaires.


Esteemed Pedelecer
With interest rates so low, I'm surprised UK PLC hasn't taken out a mortgage to fund the projects we are told are essential to the nation's future prosperity.

HS2/3/4, airport expansion and anything else our bought politicians tell us we need could be underway within a few months if the cash was made available.

Where would we go to for a loan though and what do we have to offer as collateral in the event of default? Actually, that last part troubles me as I don't think we own very much of value these days, most of our 'family silver' long gone to foreigners. So, I'm not sure who we might make application to......'Dear IMF'.....or 'Dear ECB/Dear USA/Dear UAE'? I suspect in the case of one or two of those, it would be a re-mortgage rather than a mortgage anyway!

I remember some people criticising the Greeks for the state of their economy and further criticising the EU for bailing them out. Somehow, I think that is a major hypocrisy when the UK, through its own profligacy, has effectively devalued its currency by an historically enormous amount, without actually formally declaring a devaluation.

Spare five quid for a cuppa Guv?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
With interest rates so low, I'm surprised UK PLC hasn't taken out a mortgage to fund the projects we are told are essential to the nation's future prosperity.

HS2/3/4, airport expansion and anything else our bought politicians tell us we need could be underway within a few months if the cash was made available.

Where would we go to for a loan though and what do we have to offer as collateral in the event of default? Actually, that last part troubles me as I don't think we own very much of value these days, most of our 'family silver' long gone to foreigners. So, I'm not sure who we might make application to......'Dear IMF'.....or 'Dear ECB/Dear USA/Dear UAE'? I suspect in the case of one or two of those, it would be a re-mortgage rather than a mortgage anyway!

I remember some people criticising the Greeks for the state of their economy and further criticising the EU for bailing them out. Somehow, I think that is a major hypocrisy when the UK, through its own profligacy, has effectively devalued its currency by an historically enormous amount, without actually formally declaring a devaluation.

Spare five quid for a cuppa Guv?

Or a Euro? :eek:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Something to cause a smile: in a Poll in the Express this morning 96% of the readers voted that Farage deserves either a peerage or a knighthood.
Really you know we really must go for a "Hard Brexit" to have any hope of reaching these Brexit voters, they are beyond any other form of communication, and even then that might not work!
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Greg Clark on the Andrew Marr show let us know more about the Nissan deal,more than I expected he would reveal,Kier Starmer said on Preston that he learnt more about the deal from the show than was open to parliament....that is wholly wrong.
However,Clark gave 4 points including giving a generous research aid,training aid,infrastructure support etc but I am sure he said that Nissan were guaranteed no tariffs in either direction between the UK and the EU,this is critical to all UK businesses and the question/answer that government including May has avoided giving a straight answer.
It appears that staying in the single market is the priority in Brexit negotiations,in front of control of immigration ,this is the opposite that Davis and May have suggested to the media.
Did Clark make a mistake revealing this or can we now definitely say that there will be no tariffs? How can May be sure of that?
She has to be sure of no tariffs otherwise Nissan will be very angry,so can we now assume that all industries will have no tariffs or trading obstacles with the EU?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Greg Clark on the Andrew Marr show let us know more about the Nissan deal,more than I expected he would reveal,Kier Starmer said on Preston that he learnt more about the deal from the show than was open to parliament....that is wholly wrong.
However,Clark gave 4 points including giving a generous research aid,training aid,infrastructure support etc but I am sure he said that Nissan were guaranteed no tariffs in either direction between the UK and the EU,this is critical to all UK businesses and the question/answer that government including May has avoided giving a straight answer.
It appears that staying in the single market is the priority in Brexit negotiations,in front of control of immigration ,this is the opposite that Davis and May have suggested to the media.
Did Clark make a mistake revealing this or can we now definitely say that there will be no tariffs? How can May be sure of that?
She has to be sure of no tariffs otherwise Nissan will be very angry,so can we now assume that all industries will have no tariffs or trading obstacles with the EU?
If Nissan ship and deal through Switzerland, surely they won't pay tariffs anyway?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
Mrs May leaves the door ajar for a customs union, like the Turkey model. Mr Fox will not have a proper job.
For the banks, the solution is less favourable, a deal to let them do business with the EU at some additional cost.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Only days ago,the Scottish Secretary,David Mundell,said that the UK would be leaving the single market....don't these people talk to each other?
If we cannot agree primary priorities amongst our own government how the hell are we going to achieve 'the best possible deal' when we start negotiating to the 27 euro states.
Looks like Clark is due for a spanking!!!!!
What will happen if May triggers Article 50,with Parliament agreement,then she cannot get an agreement on retaining access to the single market,which she has pretty much promised Nissan?....the EU have made it clear,if she wants to control free movement of people she can't have the single market?.....Could we leave without a deal,or do we have to forget about control of immigration?
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Oct 25, 2006
Something to cause a smile: in a Poll in the Express this morning 96% of the readers voted that Farage deserves either a peerage or a knighthood.
Depends what it's for. If it's for his services to the breweries industry, richly deserved.


Oct 25, 2006
Well he is in line for a "Hero of The Russian Federation" medal already, surely that should be enough?
Possibly not. After all his work in Europe maybe the French could award him a Légion d'Honneur, though maybe at the lowest level of Knight. ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
The Business Secretary, Greg Clark, (no, I couldn't have named the incumbent of that post either), has stated that Carney, the BofE Governor, has done a tremendous job. He didn't say exactly how and I'm at a loss to understand.o_O

Perhaps one of our august contributors here can add the extra dimension to Clark's comment so that I am enlightened?

I'm quite intrigued by this matter and I'd love to know what would constitute a really bad job, especially as every warning and prediction Carney has made during his time in office has been wrong, completely wrong!

Now, if Carney had been a football manager in the Premiership......!

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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
It will be interesting if the currency markets pick up on the news that May is prioritising access to the single market over control of immigration.
If I voted Leave I would be angry as hell about what is left after the vote...
Boris's £350 million to the NHS has evaporated.
Control of movement of people is now not the priority.
Tariff free trade now the priority
It doesn't leave much....sovereignty over our laws,didn't Cameron achieve that anyway.
Why didn't May tell us what the Nissan deal was the day it was agreed?
PMQ's will be interesting tomorrow.
Brexit not yet dead but fatally wounded???


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Business Secretary, Greg Clark, (no, I couldn't have named the incumbent of that post either), has stated that Carney, the BofE Governor, has done a tremendous job. He didn't say exactly how and I'm at a loss to understand.o_O

Perhaps one of our august contributors here can add the extra dimension to Clark's comment so that I am enlightened?

I'm quite intrigued by this matter and I'd love to know what would constitute a really bad job, especially as every warning and prediction Carney has made during his time in office has been wrong, completely wrong!

Now, if Carney had been a football manager in the Premiership......!

I can answer that he drew the flak.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
It will be interesting if the currency markets pick up on the news that May is prioritising access to the single market over control of immigration.
she probably won't do that.
Customs union lets her keep control on immigration.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Trex may have answered this in the foregoing posting. What is the difference between member of the customs union and member of the single market.
I read that in the customs union all movement of goods between member states will be tariff free and all members accept a common tariff for goods bought in outside the union,that seems the same as current. Whatever the differences it seems to make Liam Fox's department redundant.
