Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
I agree, but it's amazing how often I've heard that same story. Have farmers never heard of closing doors? Foxes can be cunning but I assure you they cannot bore through timber walls or undo bolts.

We kept the maximum permitted for private use 12 chickens right through WW2 and beyond, living in the former MIddlesex with plenty of foxes around. We never lost one chicken. By day they were in their wire netted run, at nightfall they walked up their ramp into the raised henhouse and we bolted the door, letting them out again each morning. Very simple.

My farmer brother kept chickens in huge numbers when he ran Harry Hyams' Park Farm at Chipstead, and never lost one to a fox by using adequate security.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016

French must be eating mountain bikers and occasional sun bather.

Hunting is a massive problem in France. When I lived there we never went in mountain areas Wednesdays or Saturdays,chausser days. Out hunting boar. Yes, they eat the ones they shoot and often leave young to starve or get savaged by sanglier hounds. Its just as cruel as fox hunting, far more widespread. Its a nightmare when they are out.
Flecc old dear.
Your statement the French "only hunt what they eat" is complete bo!! ox. End of.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
It has to do with the irrelevancies that you and Zlatan needlessly introduce.

Remember, I merely posted the the French hunting to eat was more sensible than our hunting that we couldn't eat, that's all.

If you or Zlatan wanted to disagree with that, fine, I'm ok with a different opinion.

But Zlatan them conflated the subject twice into all manner of other areas, with you chipping in to support him. Little wonder you both get accused of only coming into the forum to cause arguments.
I am going to introduce a sidestep here... Many decades ago, I decided to take my bike ..a trusty Raleigh Carlton model on a 10 day trip around Paris . Late September, .Ferry from Rosslare to Le Havre and then down towards Paris. Incidentally the Liner the France had entered Le Havre just ahead..That can date it.
. Anyway on a Sunday, and I being the good Catholic I found a church ,in I think a town called Mantes La Jolie ,in Normandy. . Things were standard and conventional until at a certain stage a parade of extremely well dressed Red jacketed , jodhpur clad .. basically full hunt gear gentle men .. took up places and played their brass horns at the Te Deum and other appropriate sections.. The sound nearly lifted the roof off the church a certain remove it was excelerating . I surmised it was the official start of the hunting season .. I doubt if it were for a drag hunt.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
I don't think farmers are very fond of foxes and view them as vermin. I used to get my free range eggs at a local farm ( £1.80 ) dozen. Then one day when I went there were no eggs. Afox had got in and killed every hen. Obviously didn't kill to eat, but that's natural behaviour for foxes. I think most farmers would shoot them on sight
You are right. A farmer will shoot a fox or get someone in for a bit of shooting on the land.

What a farmer won’t do is get on a horse and charge around the country side in a state of sexually arousal, wearing a scarlet dress and leather boots, looking for foxes to torture. That pass time is the preserve of the Tory filth. It’s probably a symptom of being abused by the Master at boarding school.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
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Oct 25, 2006
Flecc old dear.
Your statement the French "only hunt what they eat" is complete bo!! ox. End of.
No, your talking bo!!ox, the French don't hunt cyclists, though on rare occasions one might get accidentally killed.

It seems your mind is incapable of recognising the difference so I feel sorry for you. I'd hate to have such a poor understanding of simple language.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
No, your talking bo!!ox, the French don't hunt cyclists, though on rare occasions one might get accidentally killed.

It seems your mind is incapable of recognising the difference so I feel sorry for you. I'd hate to have such a poor understanding of simple language.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
A Werewolf in London from early 80s should have been ample warning on the potential dangers of letting furry folk in uninvited...
And I have only just found out the Slaughtered Lamb and the moors are in Wales. Brian Glover just makes you assume somewhere else...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
You really are incredibly ignorant of this subject, didn't I just post twice that I see foxes day and night coming though my estate? Didn't I just post a photo of that fox in daylight? The one that entered my lounge was in broad daylight. Below I've posted another photo of one eating the bird it had hunted and killed in front of me in daylight.

I've also watched them in my next door reserve hunting and killing pigeons and rabbits and I don't have night vision. Foxes are opportunists which hunt at any and all times whenever hungry.

View attachment 31139

And here's a closeup of another out hunting in daylight:

Funnily enough, I've seen more foxes in daylight than dark nights.

Might have something to do with my eyes... but fundamentally I agree that they are opportunist.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
And I have only just found out the Slaughtered Lamb and the moors are in Wales. Brian Glover just makes you assume somewhere else...

English people would not have let them out that night.

It was obvious they were Welsh.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
It’s an opinion. Please feel free to disregard any of my statements. Nothing of significance will be changed either way.
there are some opinions that we can have and some we can't. If you had said that about other groups in society you would likely be facing serious questions. This to me shows the ridiculous state we are in regarding freedom of speech, and thought.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Not sure about that OG. Our front door is always closed and locked, but back garden is secure, so back door is often left open... Think we are fairly typical. What happened to that family could happen to many infact probably most at some time or another. Yappy dog would solve it, but could bite infant..????
Our back door is wide open as we speak.. Do you still put black out curtains up too?
Personally no, but my wife insists that daylight keeps her awake, and in the early morning wakes her up,so the bedroom curtains are closed every night.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Let’s get it right snowflecc.

You said the French only Hunt to eat and eat everything they kill.

Completely wrong. But Zlatan doesn’t need me fighting his corner.

You are just wrong. It’s like Gerald. If I can be arsed I can prove you wrong. Tbf it does take longer with you and is more boring. But it’s easily done.

You can’t cry foul and accuse someone of merely coming on to argue when what you say is incorrect.

Just admit it move on and we can carry on.
Come on fingers, the single time you proved me wrong I owned up to the error, subsequently you made TWO similar mistakes, but you wouldn't admit it,
Fingers, the man who thinks seven is eight and the BXP did well.

Lets see now
Your version :
I know maths isn't your best subject but to be ahead or level in 4 out 8 polls is not losing is it?

The reality:
Labour are ahead in FIVE,
one win for the Conservatives
and the BXP drew in one with the conservatives

And there are only 7 polls in the list not eight!

You really are silly aren't you? yet expect to be treated seriously
The only person you excel at proving wrong is yourself, and there are least you are consistent
Just admit it move on and we can carry on. :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Yet more things falling out from brexit. Known but unhandled:

Brexit could jeopardise £5bn 'lifeline' of EU cash, councils warn
Funds for regional projects dry up at the end of 2020 but Treasury yet to offer alternative
Brexit is putting at risk a £5bn “lifeline” of EU regional cash for important social, employment and infrastructure funds because the government has yet to come up with a plan for replacement money, local council leaders have warned.

They said that with national funding being depleted councils in England have become “increasingly reliant on EU money”, with local leaders desperate to get a decision on whether or not there will be replacement funding when the current round of finance runs out at the end of 2020.

The government announced a year ago that it intended to consult on the design of the domestic replacement fund by the end of 2018.

“This still has not happened,” said the Local Government Association (LGA) which called it a “huge concern”.

I assume similar situation for Wales, Scotland and NI.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
In the Express
Even the Brexit faithful are showing signs of fear,and well they might
Brexit Secretary's WARNING to Tory leader hopefuls - No deal plans MUST be 'turbo-charged'
EXCLUSIVE: BRITAIN’s next prime minister must “turbo-charge” preparations for a no deal Brexit, the Cabinet minister in charge of planning the UK’s departure from the EU has told the Daily Express.

There will be disruption and we don't know how much he said.

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