You are forgetting the Windscale nuclear bonfire aren't you? were the communists responsible for that too?, and don't get too enthusiastic about poverty either, our record is pretty poor there as well.socialism /communism doesn't work.Russia for example still has mass poverty, still has people in positions of privilege in control of the purse strings and very few rights for the ordinary people. Why on earth anyone would think that we would be better off under that is not facing the truth. Don't know how much of the recent drama about Chernobyl was based on fact, but if it was accurate, we should not want to go anywhere near it with it's casual disregard for the citizens and danger it was putting the world in
It only needs alteration of a single word to make this comment in your post apply equally here
"The UK for example still has mass poverty, still has people in positions of privilege in control of the purse strings"