Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
The problem is that most of those 258, 000 came in through the EU. They cross into Greece and Spain, then, without significant obstacles to stop them, they work their way to UK. We need our own independent border controls to stop them.
There's never been anything stopping us controlling our borders. It's solely our incompetence that's been letting so many in.

The same incompetence that will make Brexit a failure.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
There's never been anything stopping us controlling our borders. It's solely our incompetence that's been letting so many in.

The same incompetence that will make Brexit a failure.
the vast majority are totally legal immigrants.
Ordinary people may not want more immigrants but businesses do, and government simply reacts to it by issuing more visas.
The trend is 11% more visas a year!
How are you going to square that circle?


Oct 25, 2006
the vast majority are totally legal immigrants.
That was the component when I mentioned incompetence. We've never really tried to prevent anyone sneaking in, passing the control buck to France, having wholly inadequate checking here, running down our coastal protections which have always been inadequate anyway, turning a blind eye to the employment of illegals when it was convenient.

Ordinary people may not want more immigrants but businesses do, and government simply reacts to it by issuing more visas.
The trend is 11% more visas a year!
How are you going to square that circle?
I wouldn't, it doesn't need squaring if the illegal immigration is controlled since the numbers then would be much smaller.

And if our government hadn't set Brexit in motion, we wouldn't have lost EU workers, necessitating immigrants from elsewhere. i.e. Caused by more incompetence.

Almost the entire problem is self inflicted, the EU playing virtually no part.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Remember the presumption of innocence. Guardian has this story...

EU fraud watchdog considering Nigel Farage investigation
Olaf agency is carrying out an assessment of payments made by Arron Banks
The same Guardian that reported that Carl Benjamin was under investigation by the police for a Twitter Tweet. I'll translate what it means for you. Someone, who doesn't like Nigel Farage, sent a slanderous letter to the EU fraud watchdog. The watchdog read the letter (that's their investigation complete) and chucked it in the bin. Nobody can therefore argue that The Guardian is lying. Idiots read something from the story that isn't there, get outraged and spread the story. That's how fake news works.

I can do the same. Oyster, the well known member of the Pedelecs forum is currently under investigation for setting off a nail bomb in Nice that injured many people. That story is completely true because VRF400 sees the news about the nail bomb and looks at the photo to see whether any Pedelecs forum members are hanging around in the background, so yes. Oyster along with all other Pedelecs members were under investigation for about 10 seconds. If I had sent an email to the counter terrorism squad because "I thought I heard from an undisclosed source" that you had planned to do something like that, I could have changed the story to Oyster is under investigation by the counter terrorism squad for being involved in the nail bomb attack.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
The same Guardian that reported that Carl Benjamin was under investigation by the police for a Twitter Tweet. I'll translate what it means for you. Someone, who doesn't like Nigel Farage, sent a slanderous letter to the EU fraud watchdog. The watchdog read the letter (that's their investigation complete) and chucked it in the bin. Nobody can therefore argue that The Guardian is lying. Idiots read something from the story that isn't there, get outraged and spread the story. That's how fake news works.

I can do the same. Oyster, the well known member of the Pedelecs forum is currently under investigation for setting off a nail bomb in Nice that injured many people. That story is completely true because VRF400 sees the news about the nail bomb and looks at the photo to see whether any Pedelecs forum members are hanging around in the background, so yes. Oyster along with all other Pedelecs members were under investigation for about 10 seconds. If I had sent an email to the counter terrorism squad because "I thought I heard from an undisclosed source" that you had planned to do something like that, I could have changed the story to Oyster is under investigation by the counter terrorism squad for being involved in the nail bomb attack.
There was considerably more presumption of innocence in both the Guardian story and my post than you display in your response.


Oct 25, 2006
That's how fake news works.
Very true, cynicism is an essential tool in receiving news.

Back in the days of South African apartheid I demonstrated this on a few occasions, getting people to turn off the television sound when viewing film from there so they couldn't hear the anti-apartheid propaganda of the commentary.

While apartheid was undoubtedly bad in many ways; as I showed on those occasions, the South African blacks were visually very obviously the best dressed and best fed in the whole of Africa at the time. Now, free of apartheid, they are very often in rags and reduced to crime or other desperate acts to get enough food.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
are you saying that our border control is not our own?
You aren't expecting sense from him are you? talk about optimism, somehow he will manage blame the EU for everything including the weather
We have full control of our borders but can't afford to keep the people we need out, and that isn't going to change, is it?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
I watched Rory Stewart this morning on BBC News.
He didn't answer a couple of times to the question 'what would you do differently?' His reply was 'I will talk to Labour and I have no red lines'.
He will benefit from clarity, but I am afraid no red lines is sensible in debates, not enough to win elections.
No chance. The man has no chance. Well 16/1 if you want to throw your money away.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
When the call comes from the Queen I shall ask you all to form my unelected cabinet, even and including the one I keep locked in the broom cupboard.
And as a bonus you can pick your own ministries, what could be more democratic than that?
Think of the expense saved by not having all that elections nonsense, and we shall operate on the same system of Freebies as the house of Lords
I suggest we call our selves
The Dunvotin Party using the Democratic principle exemplified by Lord Nigel in the EU elections
One man one vote (Him being the man and having the one vote)
Are you with me?
I want to be Minister responsible for 'not-getting-pointlessly-sucked-into-arguments'. Is that post still available?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
We'll need Tory MPs to scupper Boris early on in the leadership process to prevent any chance of him getting the backing of wider Tory party ballot.

Rory Stewart seems sanest of a bad bunch but May's 'Deal' despite tinkering is divisive and has repeatedly been rejected.
It's Boris's to lose. He just needs to get in the top two - then when its over to the voting Tory party members (eg me) - then Boris is our man.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
Personal view (as if I ever state any other right?) - Farage is not interested in power - not actual PM power - he just wants Brexit. Look at his latest Tweet:

"Theresa May has been the worst prime minister in Britain’s history. Her successor will fare no better unless they vow to take the UK out of the EU by 31 October."

It's clear to me he will disband the Brexit party if whoever takes over gets the job done.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
The problem is that most of those 258, 000 came in through the EU. They cross into Greece and Spain, then, without significant obstacles to stop them, they work their way to UK. We need our own independent border controls to stop them.
We can and always have had the power to control non-EU migration. Non-EU migration is not linked to our membership of the EU. Politicians encourage you to think it is an EU related problem because it gets them off the hook and they can pass the blame. The fact is, our governments have been, and still are useless at border control. Even if we come out of the EU, migration will stay the same or increase.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Personal view (as if I ever state any other right?) - Farage is not interested in power - not actual PM power - he just wants Brexit. Look at his latest Tweet:

"Theresa May has been the worst prime minister in Britain’s history. Her successor will fare no better unless they vow to take the UK out of the EU by 31 October."

It's clear to me he will disband the Brexit party if whoever takes over gets the job done.
he'll sell his company (which owns the BXP) in an IPO to the brexiteers.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Politicians like you to think it is an EU related problem because it gets them off the hook and they can pass the blame.
You call VFR a politician?
No, he is here to wind you up.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Personal view (as if I ever state any other right?) - Farage is not interested in power - not actual PM power - he just wants Brexit. Look at his latest Tweet:

"Theresa May has been the worst prime minister in Britain’s history. Her successor will fare no better unless they vow to take the UK out of the EU by 31 October."

It's clear to me he will disband the Brexit party if whoever takes over gets the job done.
It is clear to me that he will disband the Brexit Party. The end.

This is what he does, it's his M.O. He pops up, goes on the rampage with popular soundbites, has no clue whatsoever how to implement what he campaigns for and has no plan or vision. He then disappears again and lays in wait for the next band waggon. A real ass-hole.


Oct 25, 2006
He got re-elected second time around - in a strong Labour City.
Mainly because what he did in the first term was carry on with Ken Livingstone's Labour projects like the bike hire scheme for example.

It was only in the second term that the high costs of the changes he made to those, plus the costs and failures of his own newer projects in the second term, like the catastrophic new Routemaster bus, Garden Bridge and cable lift came to light that the truth of his utter incompetence was revealed for all to see.

He didn't stand a chance then, which is why he ran away, his usual tactic.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I want to be Minister responsible for 'not-getting-pointlessly-sucked-into-arguments'. Is that post still available?
Already taken, but there is a post for "Minister in charge of Creating pointless arguments" with just one competitor temporarily on ignore
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