The same Guardian that reported that Carl Benjamin was under investigation by the police for a Twitter Tweet. I'll translate what it means for you. Someone, who doesn't like Nigel Farage, sent a slanderous letter to the EU fraud watchdog. The watchdog read the letter (that's their investigation complete) and chucked it in the bin. Nobody can therefore argue that The Guardian is lying. Idiots read something from the story that isn't there, get outraged and spread the story. That's how fake news works.
I can do the same. Oyster, the well known member of the Pedelecs forum is currently under investigation for setting off a nail bomb in Nice that injured many people. That story is completely true because VRF400 sees the news about the nail bomb and looks at the photo to see whether any Pedelecs forum members are hanging around in the background, so yes. Oyster along with all other Pedelecs members were under investigation for about 10 seconds. If I had sent an email to the counter terrorism squad because "I thought I heard from an undisclosed source" that you had planned to do something like that, I could have changed the story to Oyster is under investigation by the counter terrorism squad for being involved in the nail bomb attack.